How Do I Count the Years? by John Cali

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John Cali

My son John and I have a close bond, and I feel we’re soul mates. We’re both single and somewhat “footloose and fancy-free.” Since we live near each other, we get together regularly.

He was over for dinner the other night. As usual, our conversation occasionally drifted to reminiscences of our rather colorful Sicilian immigrant family.

After John left I got to thinking about my mother’s side of this fascinating family. Including her, there were eight brothers and sisters, plus uncountable children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.… Read more

How To Help a Loved One in Pain by John Cali

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John Cali

One of our readers sent us this question in response to our newsletter article on perfect health:

Dear John and Spirit,

I am a Registered Nurse and an appreciator of Abraham and Spirit for several years.

I am beginning to truly understand, and attempting to practice, much of what I have been reading for the past few years.

However, in relation to what Spirit said (in the newsletter):

“You may not notice an immediate change, but rest assured change is inevitable if you keep your focus on feeling good.Read more

Is Perfect Health Your Natural State? Follow-up by John Cali

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John Cali

One of the responses we received to last week’s newsletter was especially interesting and inspiring. It was from my friend who’d sent us the questions we addressed in that newsletter. With her permission, I’m quoting part of her response.

“Hi John!

“It was so cool to see my own special question in the newsletter today. Of course, I read it again! I have made yet another shift in my life, especially where my health is concerned. I am happy to report that my (condition) has subsided quite a bit and I know it will be totally gone in a month’s time.… Read more

Is Perfect Health Your Natural State? by John Cali

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John Cali

I recently received a long letter from a good friend. She was experiencing some health challenges, and had a few questions for Spirit and me.

In her letter, Sarah (not her real name) said she had in the past “cured myself” of the particular condition she was now experiencing again. In fact, her healing was almost instantaneous.

We often hear of such “miraculous” healings. Are the really real? Are they truly miracles? Or are they, as Spirit once said, just the most ordinary of events?… Read more