You May Never Know by John Cali

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Do you ever wonder if your life matters to others, even to those you love? Do you ever think you could be making a real, positive difference in their lives?

John Cali

I have a dear friend I’ve known about 30 years. We don’t see each other much, as she lives in the eastern United States and I’m in Wyoming. But we stay in touch.

She’s been ill with a rare, potentially fatal, disease for some years now. She recently came through her eighth surgery.Read more

A Quiet Mind by John Cali

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Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your own thoughts? As if your mind was controlling you instead of the other way around?

John Cali

It often amazes me how much we can learn by simply observing ourselves. Especially when we do it deliberately and as objectively as possible.

I’ve been doing that with myself this past month or so. As much as I pride myself on being on a conscious, deliberate path of personal and spiritual growth, it surprises me how easily I can stray from the path.Read more

Following Your Heart by John Cali

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Since today is Valentine’s Day we’re going to talk about matters of the heart. When we choose to follow our hearts instead of all the outside influences shouting at us, we’re always guided perfectly. Whether we’re talking about romantic relationships or simply finding our way through our lives — or through an airport.

John Cali

The other night I had a vivid and fascinating dream lasting almost the whole night. The next morning I awoke, not feeling rested but drained, as if I’d been working all night.Read more

A Magical Place by John Cali

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In these newsletters I’ve occasionally talked about the beauty of my Wyoming home. It truly is a magical place. But there’s magic in every place, no matter where we live or travel.

John Cali

I’ve written before about the beautiful foothills above my little town where I go running almost every day.

From those hills you get a spectacular view of the town and the big valley stretching far beyond it.

The mountains surrounding the valley glisten with a golden-amber light I’ve rarely seen in other places.Read more