All Roads Lead Home by John Cali

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Spirit raised more than a few eyebrows in last week’s newsletter with these comments:

“As bizarre as it may sound, we believe addictions are a good thing. Because they temporarily take you away from your pain and help you feel good. You will — you must — ultimately come to the point where you know you don’t need anything or anyone outside yourselves to feel good.

“But, in the meanwhile, any light is better than the darkness.”

John Cali

Spirit is not the first to say something like that, but it still provoked some interesting feedback.Read more

Feeling Good by John Cali

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As you may know, the American entertainer and television game show host, Merv Griffin, died August 12, 2007. He’d lived a good, long life. Like all of us, he had his challenges. But he always saw his life and his work as one and the same — a big game. He radiated that wonderful energy of always having fun and feeling good.

John Cali

I read an interesting recent article on addiction in the Washington Post a month or so ago.Read more

The Simple Life by John Cali

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I recently saw an interview with Warren Buffet, reportedly the second richest man in the world (after Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft).

John Cali

It was a fascinating look into the private side of this amazing man. Here are some interesting facts about him.

He still lives in the same small, simple three-bedroom home in Omaha, Nebraska he bought when he first married fifty years ago. He says it’s all he needs.

He doesn’t have a driver or security people — he drives himself everywhere.… Read more

Opinions: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly by John Cali

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In last week’s newsletter, Spirit said we’d talk about a couple of comments John and one of our readers, Barbara Webster, had made in that newsletter on the opinions of other people.


Here are those comments, first Barbara’s, followed by my response to her.

Barbara: . . . when I seek different audiences to give me validation and sympathy, there are too many human opinions that cloud the reality of the true situation. It’s just a way of putting off dealing with the truth and moving forward.Read more