Simplicity and Silence by John Cali

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Be SilentBe Silent

Last Friday, for the first time in many years, I was without internet access the whole day and night. I don’t remember the last time that happened. Probably eons ago.

John Cali

Even though I live alone and don’t often get out among people face-to-face, I lead a very busy life. This past Friday made me realize all that “busyness” is centered around my computers.

I love technology because it lets me do this work with Spirit from almost anywhere on the planet, even this remote area of the USA’s northern Rocky Mountains.… Read more

Pain and Suffering by John Cali

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Are pain and suffering punishment for our misdeeds? If you believe they are, is it because of God — or karma — or what or who?

John Cali

A good friend sent me an article she recently wrote, Wondering Why We Suffer. Here’s a short excerpt from her article:

. . . why do we suffer? What is the point in it all if not simply to learn we do it to ourselves? . . . It really isn’t ok to suffer, truly it isn’t.… Read more

The Myth of Reincarnation by John Cali

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We’re doing something a bit unusual this week — unusual for us at least. Many of you, especially if you’ve had a personal reading with us, know Spirit does not often talk about reincarnation or past lives.

John Cali

Also, we’ve rarely discussed reincarnation publicly in these newsletters. But today we’re going to do just that.

We’re also doing something else slightly different today. Spirit and I are “co-authoring” this article. Let me explain.

Many years ago, a friend asked me if, when I was in a conversation with another person, Spirit was there and “participating” in the conversation.… Read more

Dying by John Cali

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In a recent interview Spirit said, “Dying is the easiest thing you will ever do.” A startling statement for many of us.

John Cali

Startling because most of us are — pardon the pun — scared to death of dying.

In 1988 my mother died exactly the way she wanted. She always told her children she wanted to go quickly and painlessly. She prayed it would be that way. Then one day she was standing by her bed and, a split second later, she was lying on it, dead.… Read more