Practice What You Preach by John Cali

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Spirit is always saying if you can stay in joy most of the time, everything “wrong” with your life will “right” itself. For example, if you’re having problems with your spouse or lover, if you’re having financial or health problems, etc.

Of course, I always say the same thing to people when they come to me for advice. But a couple weeks ago, I had the opportunity to practice what I preach.

John Cali

I’m in excellent physical shape, and I regularly jog, do yoga, weight-lifting, etc.… Read more

Expectations, Part 2 Reflection Questions by John Cali

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  • Can you think of a time when you literally pushed abundance away from yourself? For example, refusing a gift someone generously offered you. Or not taking time for yourself to just relax without having to “do” anything.


  • Do you believe abundance is your birthright as a child of the Universe? Or do you believe you must “work hard” because life is not easy? Whether you answered “Yes” or “No,” why?

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Expectations, Part 2 by John Cali

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I was standing in line at our little post office last week, and I couldn’t help but hear a conversation between one of the postal clerks and a customer. It was a friendly conversation between the two. But there was a dark undercurrent in their lighthearted chatter.

John Cali

Spirit and I discussed expectations in an earlier newsletter article, also titled Expectations. But the post office conversation reminded me of how pervasive and debilitating that “dark undercurrent” is.

The customer was paying cash for some stamps, and she came up a penny short.… Read more