Suffering by John Cali

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Is suffering necessary while we walk the earth? It would seem it is, given that today many people are suffering deeply, and many more have suffered down through the centuries. In our work, Spirit and I often come across folks who believe their “lot in life” is to suffer.

John Cali

This past month or so I’ve been preoccupied with family matters and also with some unexpected changes in my work. So this week we’re repeating an article, Pain and Suffering, we wrote several years ago on this daunting issue of suffering so many folks struggle with.Read more

Is Joy an Impossible Dream? by John Cali

As you know, if you’ve been with us long enough, my spirit guides often talk about finding meaning in life through joy. In fact it’s one of their major “themes.” They often advise us to look for the joy in all our experiences, even the tough ones — especially the tough ones.

Now and then I get angry objections from some of our newsletter and blog readers. They usually go something like this: “How can I possibly find joy or meaning in this experience (death in the family, terminal illness, no home, not enough money, miserable marriage, etc.)?… Read more

A Day of Peace by John Cali

posted in: Blog, channeling, spirituality | 2

Today, September 21, is the International Day of Peace, also called World Peace Day.

It all began in 1981 when the United Nations General Assembly declared its opening session, the third Tuesday in September, as International Day of Peace. Since then we’ve celebrated every September 21 as World Peace Day.

Are we any closer to world peace today, 30 years later, than we were in 1981?… Read more

A Death in the Family by John Cali

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We had a death in our family last month. Actually, several deaths. The last two were just a few days apart.

John Cali

The first death last month was a young US Army soldier, only 23 years old. He died in the widely publicized helicopter crash in Afghanistan on August 6. We wrote about this young man in a recent blog post, The Rose.

The second death, shortly after the first, was an elderly man, nearly 100 years old. He’d lived a long, happy life with a wonderfully warm, caring family.… Read more

Would You Believe You Can Be Happy in Westfield? by John Cali

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 8

I grew up in Westfield, a farming village on the shores of Lake Erie. It’s a delightful, friendly little town. I lived there happily for many years.

An old childhood friend of mine, who also grew up in Westfield, was fond of “bashing” the town after she moved far away. She would criticize those of our family and friends who chose to live out their lives in Westfield, calling them “stupid failures.” She didn’t see how they could possibly be happy there.… Read more

Why Does It Take So Long? by John Cali

One of the questions we often get about manifesting is “Why does it take so long?”

If you’re a subscriber to our weekly newsletter you probably recall the articles we recently ran, The Secret to Manifesting Your Dreams, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. We received some interesting feedback on those articles. Here are some excerpts from one reader’s comments:

“I have read all three parts of The Secret of Manifesting Your Dreams and have to say that I am doing my best to stick with ‘the manifesting program’ for I know I create everything in my life….the… Read more

September 11, 2001 by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Articles, Blog, life and death | 10

World Trade Center, September 11, 2001

World Trade Center, September 11, 2001

Today’s feature article is one we wrote 3 days after September 11, 2001, but which we never published on our website.

This is a much longer article than we normally write. I hope you’ll bear with us, and find some comfort and peace in Spirit’s words.

John Cali

Events like those of Tuesday, September 11, while certainly heart-wrenching and terribly tragic from a human standpoint, always have great potential for good. I’m sure the world will see much good coming from these circumstances in the days and years ahead.… Read more

Physical Healing, Part 2 by John Cali

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We’ve talked about healing many times over the years. But the subject keeps coming up. We all know why — our world, and each of us individually, need healing of one kind or another: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

Although we focus on physical healing in this article, that’s only one part of our full return to wholeness and wellness. The second part is to focus on our own healing before we can help others and our world to heal. And that’s the third part — helping others and the world to heal.… Read more