Travels in America, Part 1: Arizona by Hans Brockhuis

We are the ones we have been waiting for! ~ Hopi Elders’ Prophecy

Three_Hopi_Indian_kachina_dolls,_ca.1900_(CHS-4047)Hopi Indian Kachina Dolls

Have you ever read the book by John Steinbeck about his travels with his dog Charley, in search of the true America? I did many years ago, and remembering this it somehow triggered me to one day travel to the U.S. with my wife. I was also in search of promising and overwhelming landscapes, of people, animals, and the way of living, as well as anything that would come our way.Read more

Does Your Gratitude Have Conditions Attached To It? by John Cali and Spirit

Gratitude is our most direct line to God and the angels. If we take the time, no matter how crazy and troubled we feel, we can find something to be thankful for. ~ Terry Lynn Taylor

Giving_ThanksGiving Thanks

Have you ever asked yourself that question? I never did—till recently. Here’s Spirit.


Most people find it easy to be grateful for all the “good” things in their lives. There is certainly nothing wrong with that, and we highly recommend you all give thanks every day for your blessings.… Read more

What Happens When We Return To Spirit? by John Cali and Spirit

There is no death. ~ A Course in Miracles


Heaven by Giovanni di Paolo

NOTE: This post is longer than we usually publish. But I trust you’ll find it useful.

A few weeks ago one of our readers, Christine Disano-Davenport, sent us a letter. She had recently watched a film and read some books about life after death. Though she enjoyed them, they were disturbing to her. As she put it, “…what is bothering me now is that it (the film and books) is shaking my belief about what happens after we make our transition.”

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Tuning In Now by David Thomas

David Thomas, the filmmaker of the popular Tuning In movie a few years ago, continues to move forward on his brand-new successor film, Tuning In Now.



The channeled material I have been delving into for years now is amazingly consistent: we are masters who have not quite realized it, we are powerful but limit ourselves with errant thought and action, this lifetime is more significant than most others we’ve had.

If this is the basic message, told to us again and again in different ways and voices, what really is the necessity of another “Tuning In” movie, or more channeling at all?

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Messages From Life’s Other Side by John Cali and Spirit

Those on the other side want to talk to you as much as you want to talk to them. ~ John Holland, psychic medium

© 2014 by John Cali

I had an unusual experience a few days ago with Cassie, my brother’s and sister-in-law’s cat.

I was house-sitting for them while they were out of town. Cassie is quite a character, and amazingly intelligent. I often talk to her in ordinary English (and telepathically too). She always understands.Read more

Do You Take Life Too Seriously? by John Cali and Spirit

True humor is fun—it does not put down, kid, or mock. It makes people feel wonderful, not separate, different, and cut off. True humor has beneath it the understanding that we are all in this together. ~ Hugh Prather

George Carlin: “Look busy—Jesus is coming.”
Image copyright © 2008 by Bonnie

There’s a young lady I see often—she works at one of the local businesses where I’m a regular customer. In all the time I’ve known her, I’ve never seen her smile or say something pleasant to the customers.

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Nothing Is As It Seems by John Cali and Spirit

Beware so long as you live, of judging people by appearances. ~ Jean de La Fontaine, French poet

Hobos2Hobos, United States Library of Congress

Years ago we wrote a post about a hobo in my western New York State hometown. For many years he lived in the woods by the railroad tracks, not far from town. Although people would pass by his little shack now and then, he never spoke to anyone.

We always thought he was just a sad, pitiful lost soul, with no family or support.Read more

The Land of No-Time by John Cali and Spirit

To fly as fast as thought, to anywhere that is, you must begin by knowing that you have already arrived.

~ Richard Bach, in Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Seagull_(7035761371) Seagull, Copyright © 2012 by xlibber

Many years ago I had an unforgettable experience of being completely beyond time.

I’d left my house for a destination 10 miles away. I happened to check my car’s clock at the moment I started out. I was driving at the speed limit.

When I got where I was going, I checked the car clock again.Read more

When Things Go Wrong, Let the Universe Take Over by John Cali and Spirit

Appearances often are deceiving. ~ Aesop


This past week I had an early-morning appointment. When I went out to my car, it was completely dead—no battery power at all. The battery was brand-new. At first, I started moaning, “Why me?” But I quickly caught myself and stopped that line of thinking dead in its tracks.

Why not me? I knew there was a good reason for this unpleasant surprise. I knew it was something other than what it appeared to be.Read more