Feathers and Healing by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, healing | 0

Of one thing I am certain, the body is not the measure of healing — peace is the measure. ~ George Melton

buddist-healing-mandalaBuddhist Healing Mandala

In our last post, Signs from Spirit, we talked about feathers and how Spirit often uses them to send us messages. There are many ways Spirit can communicate with us. Some are obvious, others more subtle.

Our dear friend Diotima Markis sent me an email after we published that last post. Diotima is a wonderfully spiritual lady, and a spiritual teacher as well.Read more

Signs from Spirit by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, spirituality | 16

Your angels are always sending you signs of their presence and love, such as feathers, flowers, lights, numbers, and music. ~ Doreen Virtue

black feather from SpiritBlack Feather

One cold and cloudy day in September 1992, my dog Schnapsi and I were strolling through a grove of evergreen trees in Yellowstone National Park. Suddenly there was an energy, a huge presence both of us felt. It was almost overwhelming.

We stopped dead in our tracks and just stood there, wondering what was coming next.Read more

If I Had Wings by John Cali

posted in: Blog, spiritual films | 0

You fall in love with films because films help you fall in love with life. ~ Neale Donald Walsch


Preview of April 2015 Volume 4 of Spiritual Cinema Circle Films from Gaiam TV

Alive to Possibility

Explores the challenges facing three men from different social classes: a window-washer living in south central Los Angeles, an affluent conductor living in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a performing magician. Uniting them is that they have each decided that their problem is not what life has thrown at them, but is instead their own perception of their situation.Read more

Salvation by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, spirituality | 14

My salvation comes from me and only from me. ~ A Course in Miracles


I grew up in the Roman Catholic Church. Back in those days we were taught we could find salvation only through faithfully following Rome’s rigid rules and regulations. And if you screwed up (that is, “sinned”) your only hope of salvation was being forgiven by a priest in the confessional.

You were not worthy to approach God directly for forgiveness — or for anything else. There was a part of the Catholic Mass service, just before the communion, where we always said “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed.”Read more

Five Seagulls by Hans Brockhuis

Provokingly slowly the tide goes out. I am watching the slow passage of the large cargo vessels, and the diligent sailing to and fro of the pilot boats. It’s fascinating, and more than that. I’m really having a great time.


Seated on a bench on the promenade, I look out over the wide funnel-shaped estuary and for a long time I enjoy at ease the light, the air, and the water. It’s really a fantastic spectacle. The changing of many colors: green and blue, gray and white.Read more

You Are Beautiful Just As You Are by John Cali and Spirit

God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them ~ Genesis 1:27

angel-645591_640Angel Light

In our last blog post, How Do You Express the Light of God?, we talked about an elderly lady who, despite her age and infirmity, nonetheless radiated a powerful, loving energy all about her.

This week we’re talking about another person who radiated that same loving energy all his life.


You all chose the details of this and your other lifetimes.Read more

How Do You Express the Light of God? by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 20

God must become an activity in our consciousness. ~ Joel S. Goldsmith

clouds-79051__180Light from the Heavens

Last weekend, as I was walking out of the grocery store, I saw a tiny elderly lady walking toward me. She had a cane and was hobbling, struggling to just take one step at a time. Suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks, grimacing. Obviously she was in great pain.

I walked over to her and quietly asked if I could help. She hesitated a moment, then looked up as our eyes met for several seconds.Read more

A Fish Story by John Cali

posted in: Blog, spirituality | 0

You fall in love with films because films help you fall in love with life. ~ Neale Donald Walsch

scc-logo2A Fish Story…

…is a movie that will change the way you look at life. And you can receive your own copy of this film on DVD free — I’ll share how below. But first let me tell you a little more about this life-affirming film.

Nick Stern, a loving father and devoted husband is heading to the lake to put the finishing touches to his wilderness fishing cabin.Read more