Graveyards Revisited

Three weeks ago, we did a post called Graveyards. It generated some interesting thoughts and comments, on and off our website. So this week, we’re revisiting the subject.


A few nights ago, Johnny had a vivid dream. When morning came, he recalled it in detail.

In the dream, he was speaking with a young woman he knew who had died a few days earlier.

Linda (not her real name) felt lost and alone. So Johnny was helping her get adjusted to her new life beyond the physical world.Read more


When my son was growing up, he and I loved to visit graveyards. Through the years, we visited many. They ranged from the United States Civil War battlefields, to those of the American Old West, and those of our Italian immigrant family.

As we strolled among the gravestones, reading them as we walked, we often felt a deep sense of peace. It may seem ironic, but these scenes of death brought us feelings of healing and comfort.


What you feel when you visit graveyards is a piercing of the veil between life and death, between the physical and the spiritual.Read more


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The Mirriam-Webster Dictionary defines “guilt” as “feelings of deserving blame, especially for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy.” (Emphasis added)

Over the years, Spirit has spoken rarely about guilt. Berna thought it might be a good subject for today’s discussion. I agreed. After all, guilt is the proverbial “albatross” around the necks of many humans.


Guilt is the most useless, unnatural experience you can have as a human being. While it is not harmful to your ultimate spiritual growth and remembering, it can certainly significantly slow down your progress.Read more

Death and Life

One of the most discussed (and most dreaded) topics, especially in today’s world, is death. Berna and I actually enjoy talking about it. If we understand what death really is, there’s nothing to fear.


As Johnny and Berna said, death is nothing to fear. Most humans do not see that. The conventional view is, first, there is life. And then second, inevitably, there is death.

We’ve said this many times over many years. But we’ll say it again: There is no death.Read more

Free Will

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Recently, Berna and I were discussing free will. She mentioned that, in fact, we have been given free will to discover that we are doing God’s will.


We’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: Your will and God’s will are one, they are the same.

“How can that be?” you might ask. “After all, look at all the awful deeds humans have committed over the centuries.”

Great question. How indeed could a good and gracious God ever allow those awful deeds to be heaped upon the heads of his children?Read more

The Magic of Meditation

In my personal life, I’ve found meditation a most powerful tool. I’ve meditated every day over 40 years, cannot imagine life without it. It can work magic in your life.


The benefits of meditation are many. It will help and heal you in all areas of your life—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

There are many ways to meditate. Our purpose here today is not to teach you meditation methods. There is plenty of good information on that available today.

What is important is that you choose a method that appeals to you personally.Read more

Religion: Curse Or Blessing?

The essential work of religion is to help us recognize and recover the divine image in ourselves and in everything. Whatever we call it, this “image of God” is absolute and unchanging. There is nothing we can do to increase it or decrease it. ~ Reverend Richard Rohr


We have often said religion is neither desirable nor undesirable. It depends entirely upon the humans who practice any particular religion or follow any particular religious practices.

Berna and Johnny grew up in the Roman Catholic tradition.Read more

Oneness and Separation

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How can you become one again if you do not first become fully aware of the many illusions of separation you have imposed upon yourselves?

Yes, you certainly are undergoing some serious and heavy challenges on your planet today. Challenges on every level—physical, emotional, economic, spiritual.

You should rejoice you are undergoing such challenges and changes!

The physical manifestation of that new energy flow may still, for a time, appear to you as pain. But your experience of it will be much lighter—and even joyful.Read more

Coronavirus Protection

I don’t pay much attention to the mainstream news media. Therefore, when a reader sent us a question about spike proteins, I didn’t know what they were. So we researched it.

Here’s the question:
What does Spirit say about how to protect ourselves who have not been (vaccinated) from the “shedding” of spike proteins from those that have been (vaccinated)?


The simple answer to our reader’s question is you do not need protection.

You are eternally safe in the arms of your Father/Mother God.Read more

About Prana and Food

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If you take in prana (God energy) the right way, do you need food any longer?


When you bring prana, or God energy, into any substance you put into your physical bodies, the substance cannot harm you.

We don’t advise you to go without food, but you can reduce the amount you take in. It has to be a conscious activity. If you believe you must have a big breakfast. or eat three meals a day (a common mis-belief), then you do that.Read more

Sexuality and Religion

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Father James Martin is an American Jesuit priest. He’s a strong advocate for the LGBT community.

Lately, Father Martin has come under fire from conservative elements within his own Roman Catholic Church.

I graduated from a Jesuit college. The Jesuits are sometimes noted for their more liberal (humanitarian) approach to Christianity than other elements of the Roman church, including The Vatican.

Recently, Father Martin criticized his church in the new documentary, Building a Bridge, featured at the Tribeca Film Festival.Read more

Contacting Your Spirit Guides

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A while ago, a reader asked us this question:

How can I contact my spirit guides, or know when they’re there?

That’s a good question, one which many folks have.


Your spirit guides are always there. They are part of you, and can never leave you.

You’ve probably heard that all humans are one with one another. But, beyond that, they are one with Creator or God—or whatever term you prefer for divine energy.

There are limitless ways your spirit guides can connect with you.Read more

Teach Only Selfishness

Today we’re revisiting a post we wrote years ago.


How often have you heard it said “Think only of others.” – “Love others unconditionally.” – “Put others before yourself.” – “Be of service to others.” – etc. etc.?

Those are noble-sounding sentiments. But they will guarantee you a life of misery and joylessness.

Many times, you’ve heard us, and others, say you cannot serve another unless you first serve yourself, you cannot love another if you do not first love yourself.Read more

Expectations Great and Small

We’ve talked before about how powerful our expectations are. To put it simply, we get what we expect.


Most humans vastly underestimate the power of their minds. Your lives could be so much more peaceful, joyful, and loving if you honored who you all truly are.

So just who are you?

Well, you’ve heard it said you were made in the image and likeness of God/Goddess. That is literally true. That, of course, means you have all the creative powers of divinity.Read more

Sickness and Healing

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A Course in Miracles, in The Manual for Teachers, says this:

“The acceptance of sickness as a decision of the mind, for a purpose for which it would use the body, is the basis of healing….Who is the physician? Only the mind of the patient….What is the single requisite for this shift in perception?….the recognition that sickness is of the mind, and has nothing to do with the body.”

Those are pretty radical statements, don’t you think? But in them is the key to all healing, no matter the disease or disorder.Read more

Dementia: Curse or Blessing?

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Berna and I have been discussing dementia lately. We have folks among our family and friends with dementia.

It’s so common today, and I’m sure many of you know someone affected by it.


As Johnny said, dementia is a common condition in your current world. It was not always that way.

The reasons it is common today are varied. But one of the main reasons is so many humans expect it to be. And many also expect it to happen to them, and not always in that period of life you call “old age.”Read more

I Do Not Know

Sometimes the wisest way you can answer a question is simply, “I do not know.”


We agree with Johnny. Admitting you do not have all the answers is wise. After all, what do you really know?

That is the greatest answer you can give to all the questions life throws at you every day. I do not know.

If you are on a conscious and deliberate spiritual path, you are daily confronted with opportunities to grow and expand your awareness.Read more


How often have you wished someone you helped had said “Thanks,” but they never did? Or how often have you neglected to thank someone who did you a huge favor — and you didn’t even know about the favor till years later?

Over the years, we’ve often talked about the power of gratitude. And also about how often we deeply touch the lives of people we’ve known only briefly, or not at all.

Today, with our world in its current state, many folks are wondering how they can be grateful when everything seems to be going to hell.Read more

The Faces of Death

We realize some of you reading this will find the subject “distasteful”, in Spirit’s words. Or worse. So, without further ado, let’s proceed.


Today we’re talking about death, a subject many find distasteful at minimum. Specifically, abortion.

When you have an unborn fetus, a baby still in its mother’s womb, there is always a soul or spirit willing to occupy it. That spirit is fully aware of the what is going on with the potential mother, the woman who carries the fetus.Read more

You Are Miracle Workers

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With the pandemic and all the other stresses of today’s world, many folks are facing more physical problems than usual.

There’s a wonderful reminder in A Course in Miracles that I really love:
“Miracles enable you to heal the sick and raise the dead because you made sickness and death yourself, and can therefore abolish both.”


That quotation above from A Course in Miracles may sound like a trip to the edge of sanity. Can you really heal the sick and raise the dead?Read more

Mind Power Revisited

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 4

One of our favorite book series is Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spalding.

Among the many, miraculous deeds of the Masters are their abilities to live hundreds of years without aging, transport their physical bodies to any location they wish (teleportation), instantly heal others and themselves as Jesus did (and still does), and so on.

In this skeptical, close-minded era we’re in now, all this seems like nonsense to many. Yet it’s closer to the truth of who we are than most imagine.Read more

Celebrate Your Shadow

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 4


The hopeful man sees…sunshine where others see shadows and storm. ~ O.S. Marden

On a clear sunny day a few weeks ago, I was walking down the driveway to my mailbox. I was facing the rising sun. I glanced at the snow-covered ground in front of me. Seeing my shadow there, I thought nothing about it. Although it was a bit strange-looking. Then it hit me.

If I was facing the sun, my shadow should have been behind me! Not in front.Read more

Forgiveness and Love

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 4

Tenzin Gyatso 14th Dalai Lama

Learning to forgive is much more useful than merely picking up a stone and throwing it at the object of one’s anger, the more so when the provocation is extreme. For it is under the greatest adversity that there exists the greatest potential for doing good, both for oneself and others. ~ Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama

You’ve probably heard about Amber Guyger, the Dallas, Texas police officer who shot and killed Botham Jean, an unarmed black man. The officer is white.Read more

What Is Channeling?

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 6

Years ago, when I first started communicating with Spirit, I had my own definition of channeling. It was based on all I had read and experienced up till then.

Here is how our website used to define channeling:

“Channeling is simply a bridge enabling us to communicate with spirits in the higher realms. You might prefer to think of it as accessing higher consciousness—or what some call God, Great Spirit, or All That Is.

“Channeling can take various forms such as speaking, writing, painting, dancing, singing, etc.Read more

Sex and Your Soul

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sex-soul…intimacy means more than sex…. You are intimate when you are fully with another, no matter what.
Neale Donald Walsch

After reading that title, you’re probably asking yourself, “What on earth do sex and my soul have to do with each other?”

Good question.


The myth of sex

Among the greatest myths you have been taught about humans is the myth of sex.

Sex, except under very limited circumstances, is a sin. Or, at minimum, a deviation from the “right” path you’re supposed to be following.Read more