Re-framing the Resurrection

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 14

Either all things die, or else they live and cannot die. No compromise is possible.

                                                                                                                  A Course in Miracles

As most of you know, Christian churches celebrated Easter last Sunday. This was always a big celebration in my Italian immigrant family. But you don’t have to be Christian to celebrate the resurrection, the miracle of Easter. For me, the lesson and miracle of Easter is we never die—life is eternal.


Some of your spiritual traditions celebrate Easter as a time of resurrection, rebirth.Read more

All Is Well Revisited

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

One of Spirit’s favorite phrases is All is well. In today’s world, we need more reminders that all truly is well, despite appearances.


A Course in Miracles tells you in Lesson 292, A happy outcome to all things is sure. We realize that’s a tough one for many of you to wrap your minds around.

Perhaps one quick glance at your daily news convinces you your world is really going to hell. How then, you might ask, can there be a happy outcome to all things?Read more

Lost and Broken

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 0

It’s a tough time to be a human on Planet Earth today. So many are feeling lost and broken. Perhaps you’re one of them.


You’ve likely heard that tired old cliche, “No one promised you a rose garden.” Many interpret that to mean what one of Johnny’s old friends used to say—“Life’s a bitch, then you die.”

That’s a pretty sad, depressing outlook on life. But it’s the experience of many who feel lost and broken.

So is life on earth meant to be a joyless, tragic, and sad experience?Read more

Your Body

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 2

One of our favorite quotes from A Course In Miracles  is in Lesson 204: I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.

Do you believe those words are literally true? Or are they just a “figure of speech?”


Your bodies are what you might call a “mixed blessing.” The importance you, as humans, place on your bodies is often inappropriate, to put it mildly.

Why do we say this?Read more

You Are Not Your Physical Body

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 4

Lesson 212 of A Course in Miracles tells us “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.”

But do we really believe that? After all, so much of the Western world, defines (and limits) everything as if we were only a physical body. Obviously, we all have a physical body. But we are not that body. Nevertheless, we have a duty to care for our bodies as we would a beloved family member.Read more

The New Year

posted in: Blog, channeling | 4

In 1977, Mother Teresa visited the four founders of the Foundation for Inner Peace. (As you may know, the foundation is the publisher of A Course in Miracles.)

In their conversation, the group talked about all the sadness and suffering in our modern world. Mother Teresa said, “…it is actually a disease….” The others asked her if there was any cure. She replied, “Yes. The cure is called love, and thank God it is contagious.”

What a great reply!Read more

Daylight Saving Time

As you probably know, so-called daylight saving time has begun in most of the United States. It began a bit later in Europe.

I have never been a fan of the twice-yearly time switch. I know the arguments for and against it. But it never made much sense to me. In fact, I love these words from a wise old Native American:

Only a white man would believe you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket.Read more

Sickness and Healing: Follow-Up

Several people questioned our statement in the Sickness and Healing post a couple weeks ago. The statement:

“…as spirit embodied physically, you live in the illusion of linear time…. healing can appear to take time. But rest assured, the moment you ask, in that moment, you are permanently healed.

Those ideas did not originate with us. You will find them, and related ideas, at least several times in A Course In Miracles. Here are a few examples.Read more

Sickness and Healing

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 14

A Course in Miracles, in The Manual for Teachers, says this:

“The acceptance of sickness as a decision of the mind, for a purpose for which it would use the body, is the basis of healing….Who is the physician? Only the mind of the patient….What is the single requisite for this shift in perception?….the recognition that sickness is of the mind, and has nothing to do with the body.”

Those are pretty radical statements, don’t you think? But in them is the key to all healing, no matter the disease or disorder.Read more

You Are Miracle Workers

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 4

With the pandemic and all the other stresses of today’s world, many folks are facing more physical problems than usual.

There’s a wonderful reminder in A Course in Miracles that I really love:
“Miracles enable you to heal the sick and raise the dead because you made sickness and death yourself, and can therefore abolish both.”


That quotation above from A Course in Miracles may sound like a trip to the edge of sanity. Can you really heal the sick and raise the dead?Read more

The Flow of Life

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 6

Various statistical reports show Americans, and others living in the United States, suffering from an unprecedented degree of mental stress and distress.

These certainly are unprecedented times.

My mother, then barely a teenager, lived through the 1918 flu epidemic, also called the Spanish flu. She survived the flu herself.

Ever the eternal optimist till the moment she left us many years later, she always said “God will take care of us.” And S/He did.

Mom knew how to go with the flow of life.Read more

Dreams of Home

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 6

A few nights ago, I had a strange dream.

I was wandering around a town in Northern Virginia, a town I lived in many years ago. The town was built around a man-made lake called Lake Anne. I was searching for the lake as I aimlessly wandered about.

Several times, I stopped to ask people if they knew where Lake Anne was. No one did.

Finally, I came across a beautiful young woman sitting on a rock. I asked her if she knew where Lake Anne was.Read more

Mind Power Revisited

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 4

One of our favorite book series is Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spalding.

Among the many, miraculous deeds of the Masters are their abilities to live hundreds of years without aging, transport their physical bodies to any location they wish (teleportation), instantly heal others and themselves as Jesus did (and still does), and so on.

In this skeptical, close-minded era we’re in now, all this seems like nonsense to many. Yet it’s closer to the truth of who we are than most imagine.Read more

Your Body: Friend or Foe?

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 2

In the workbook for A Course In Miracles, one of our favorite lessons is “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.”


While your true identity is not your physical body, that does not give you an excuse to misuse or abuse it. But that’s what many humans are doing today, for various reasons.

Your physical body is the “vehicle” you have chosen to help you accomplish the mission you’ve chosen for this lifetime.Read more

Coronavirus Follow-up


This week, Spirit has a few more words about last week’s coronavirus post.


When the coronavirus is over, you will enter into that golden age you have long dreamt of. It will be a time when you cherish and love one another more deeply than ever before. And  you will cherish and love yourselves more deeply than ever before.

There is nothing to fear

Your bond and love with the God within grants you immunity like nothing else can.Read more

The Doors of Perception

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 6

perception dominates

Every day you look out at the world around you through the doors of your perception. How real is that perception? What if you’re making it all up?

You may have heard the story about a wise old guru who always had the perfect answer for every question.

One day, someone told the guru he was moving to Chicago, and wanted to know what the city was like. The old guru asked, “What is the city where you live now like?”Read more

Victory Over Death

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 6


(Death) is a condition that we have brought upon ourselves so that we may pass into a greater condition with greater possibilities. ~ Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East

Our title today, Victory Over Death, may sound ridiculous to some folks. After all, isn’t death the ultimate victor, the winner in this game of life? Don’t all things end in death?

And, as A Course in Miracles says, “Where there is death, peace is impossible.”Read more

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

Angry God

Forgiveness is God’s command. ~ Martin Luther

I grew up in an oppressive religious environment, as I know many of you did. I can think of stronger words. But “oppressive” will do for now.

One of my church’s most prominent teachings painted an image of God as a fierce and vengeful old white man. If you didn’t do as he said (really, what the church said he said), you were headed for hell and eternal damnation.

Sound familiar?



You have undoubtedly heard much about forgiveness, especially if you travel in spiritual circles.Read more

The Master Within

posted in: Blog, spiritual power | 2

Many of us grew up being taught to always seek help and wisdom outside ourselves. Growing up in a Roman Catholic family, that was certainly my experience. And maybe yours too.


  • All of you are masters. The only differences that exist among you are the various levels of awareness of your mastershjp.
  • We know many of you have spent much time reading books, attending classes, consulting spiritual teachers, and so on. There’s nothing wrong with any of that.
  • But there must come a time when you let all that go, and consult the master within.

Read more

The Breathtaking Power Within

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.
Norman Vincent Peale

Some time ago, I watched an interview with a man who was obviously on a conscious path of spiritual growth. I don’t recall his name. But I’ve never forgotten his words.

He told about the time he was sitting in a cafeteria by himself. Suddenly, a stranger walked up to him, and stared at him for a moment.Read more

A Little-Known Fact about Reality

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 4

Perception is a mirror, not a fact. ~ Lesson 304, A Course in Miracles

welcome to reality

This morning, I came across what some would consider a revolutionary article. It suggested reality is not objective. The article was based on a new quantum physics experiment, reported in MIT Technology Review.

Among other things, the article said, “…under the right conditions, two people can observe the same event, see two different things happen, and both be correct. (Emphasis is mine.)

What many might consider revolutionary is the idea both people can be correct.Read more

The Unforgettable Street Sweeper

posted in: Blog, channeling, kindness | 5

Your angels often come to you well-disguised. ~ John Cali & Spirit


In my younger days, one of our family’s neighbors was a street sweeper—a pretty humble vocation. Like my family and most of our neighbors, Giuseppe and his family were Italian immigrants.

We lived in a small farm town, where almost everyone was friendly. With one exception.

The “Americans,” as they called themselves, harshly discriminated against the Italians. Even in our little Roman Catholic parish, the pastor required segregated seating.Read more

What Is Perception or Can You Trust What You See?

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 6

It is impossible not to believe what you see. But it is equally impossible to see what you do NOT believe. ~ A Course in Miracles

A few days ago, I got an interesting lesson is how deceiving our perception can be. I was at my desk getting ready to open some mail. Looking around for my letter opener, I could not find it.

After searching my entire desk unsuccessfully, I was about to give up. At that moment, I looked down and there was my letter opener — right there in plain sight, directly in front of me.Read more

Thoughts On Life and Death

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 12

There is no death because what God created shares His life. There is no death because an opposite to God does not exist. ~ A Course in Miracles


As some of you may know, I just returned to Wyoming from a family funeral in New York. I don’t mean to sound irreverent, but we had fun and laughed a lot.

It reminded me of another family funeral long ago, for my cousin Giuseppe. Giuseppe died at a relatively young age. As a typical Italian immigrant family, we were all very close.Read more

Are You Hiding Your Light?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 3

I am the light of the world ~ A Course in Miracles

Many of us grew up believing we did not have much to contribute to the world or our fellow humans. I certainly believed that. How about you?

If you grew up Catholic, as I did, your sense of self-worth was pretty miserable. The admission “I am not worthy” was enshrined as part of the ceremonial liturgy.

It took me many years to get beyond that nonsense. Some never get that far.Read more