Legion of Light

posted in: Blog, channeling, spiritual power | 4


This is a true story. You might call it a Christmas story. But we’ve changed the names, identities, and other details to protect the privacy of the people involved.

One winter morning long ago, Ann sent a strange email to her close friend Joan. Joan’s Uncle Joe, who’d passed over years earlier, had visited Ann the night before.

Joan’s brother Tony was on a work assignment in a war zone on the other side of the world. Recently, there had been a surge in the violence and bloodshed there.Read more

Are You Shackled To The Past Without Even Knowing It? by John Cali

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A couple nights ago I had one of the most vivid dreams I can ever remember.

The dream included only two people—a friend from this lifetime and me. The setting seemed to be around the mid-1800s in a house I know very well in this lifetime. We were having a disagreement about our relationship, and the dream ended without us settling our differences—even though we both said we loved the other.

When I woke up I knew exactly the message the dream was giving me.Read more