Is the Flu Season a Myth?

Everyone has a doctor in him or her. We just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. ~ Hippocrates


The holiday season is upon us. And so too is the flu season—or so the news media (and probably the drug companies) would have us believe. But I know many of you reading this do not buy into that propaganda.

I quit believing in flu season long ago.Read more

The Power of the Present Moment

As we look deeply within, we understand our perfect balance. There is no fear of the cycle of birth, life and death. For when you stand in the present moment, you are timeless. ~ Rodney Yee, American yoga teacher

Barbara Maslow

Copyright © 2016 by Barbara Clark


A while back one of our readers sent us this letter:

Hi John,

I understand that I create my reality and that my thoughts and vibration matter. A few days ago I was shopping with my daughter and a friend visiting a fun shop in Sedona.Read more

5 Vital Lessons Every Empath Must Learn by Barbara Clark

Empathy is really the opposite of spiritual meanness. It’s the capacity to understand that every war is both won and lost. And that someone else’s pain is as meaningful as your own. ~ Barbara Kingsolver, American novelist and poet

be an empath

We’ve all been there, desperate to help someone we love who is in pain. And I’m willing to bet that most of us have also burned ourselves out at some point. Here are a few tips I’ve learned over the years which help you find peace, nurture and look after yourself.Read more

The Final Journey of the Physicality by Barbara Clark and The Magdaleine Group

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Spiritual Illuminations from The Magdaleine Group by Barbara ClarkIntroduction

As many of you know, our dear friend Barbara Clark published a book last week, Brighter Horizons: Spiritual Illumination from The Magdaleine Group.

The Magdaleine Group are a powerful gathering of non-physical spirit guides whose greatest passion is teaching us we are all connected, and we can communicate with each other in the blink of an eye. We just have to quiet our minds, get into the right vibration, listen and trust.

Here is an excerpt from Chapter 23 of Barbara’s book.Read more

A Pearl Beyond Price by Barbara Clark and The Magdaleine Group

Abalone_blister_pearlPearl Image
Copyright © 2011 by Worldexplorer82

The wisdom of your soul is a pearl beyond any price. Every single learning and growth that you have experienced in every lifetime and between every lifetime has contributed to the brilliance, to the luminescence and beauty of the energy of your soul. It is hard if not impossible for human beings to even imagine a fraction of the brilliance of their soul and of who they truly are. And that has been part of the journey for humanity.Read more

Do You Want To Be Healthy, Happy and Slim? by Barbara Clark



Where is your focus? Are your negative beliefs being activated?  What is your vibration around being healthy, happy and slim?

Try this simple exercise, say aloud “I am healthy, happy and slim”.  Pay close attention to how you feel when you say the words. How true do they feel?  Do you feel a “stuckness”, resistance, tightness?

Now try, “Why am I so healthy, happy and slim?”. How does that feel? Is there a difference?

This exercise will help you feel  where your vibration is in relation to health, happiness and having a slender body.… Read more

The Only Thing That Matters Is Love by John Cali

Here are a few of the most common questions we get in personal readings:

  • I want to work for myself, but how can I do it?
  • How can I find work I love to do?
  • How can I live my dreams?
  • How can I do what I love and still make money?

It’s obvious the old ways, the old energy no longer satisfy many folks wanting to grow spiritually—and wanting to find work that satisfies them and supports them financially.Read more

The Magical Critters of Wyoming by John Cali, Barbara Clark, and Spirit

Wyoming deerWyoming Deer

Today Barbara Clark and one of my spirit guides talk about her experiences with the wild creatures of Wyoming.

If you’ve been with us a while, you know my spirit guides are fond of talking about animals—particularly about what great teachers and healers they are for us humans.

Barbara was here in Wyoming in summer 2012. In this video discussion, recorded after she returned to Scotland, she talks to my guide to get his perspective on the magical critters of Wyoming.Read more

Heal Your Relationship with Money by John Cali

One of the most common topics we talk about with folks in personal readings is money. How do I get it? How do I keep it? How do I get more of it?

In my experience of working with Spirit over the years, I’ve seen money as one of the most daunting challenges so many people face.

Barbara Clark has just released a powerful money program that is so simple and yet so effective. I think anyone wanting more money, or a healthier relationship with money, will love what Barbara is offering.Read more

What Is Your Relationship with Animals? by John Cali


I’ve loved animals all my life. When I was growing up in a rural area of New York State we were surrounded by animals—wild creatures, farm animals, household pets. Although we loved our pets, we saw wild and farm animals differently, more as resources to serve us. They were not part of the family, as pets were.

A friend, Barbara Clark from Scotland, visited me in Wyoming this past summer. She’s also an animal lover and a talented animal communicator.Read more

Are You Burying Your Head in the Sand? by Barbara Clark

Image is under Creative Commons License

My spirit guides and I often tell folks to focus on what they want, not on what they do not want. So is it wrong to ignore what you don’t want, even if it’s right there in your face? Is that burying your head in the sand?

Barbara Clark shares her perspective and wisdom with us today.

Spirit often tells people that their bodies can heal themselves if they get themselves out of their bodies’ way.… Read more

The Far Side of The Rainbow Bridge by John Cali & Barbara Clark

We recently wrote an article, Farewell to Rosie, about the death of Barbara Clark’s dog, Rosie on May 2. After she died Barbara and I were talking on the phone that same day. Rosie suddenly appeared to me.

She gave me a short, clear message she wanted me to convey to Barbara. She said “I love you, Mom. Thank you for everything.”

For about a week after she died Rosie continued giving me short messages for Barbara, usually when Barbara and I were talking on the phone.… Read more