March 2016 Prayers for Peace

posted in: Blog, channeling, peace on earth | 8


Mahatma Gandhi’s Prayer for Peace

During 2016, we will occasionally feature the peace prayers of the 12 classical world religions, and several other prominent peace prayers. Today’s post is the third of this series.


In 2016 I believe we will see peace on earth, or at least more meaningful movement toward it. But when we look at our world, especially as reflected in the mainstream news media, peace on earth might seem like an impossible dream.

I’ve chased impossible dreams all my life.Read more

Is Peace on Earth An Impossible Dream? Followup John Cali

We received a variety of insightful comments in response to our newsletter article earlier this week, Is Peace on Earth an Impossible Dream?

So, as a followup, I’d like to share with you a few additional thoughts. (This post is longer than our usual short ones, which I know you and I prefer. But I think the subject merits it today.)

First, here’s a brief message I received from my spirit guides:

There will never be the peace on earth many of you envision.Read more