The End of Life

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 2

Over the years Spirit has talked about death many times.

Unfortunately, it’s a subject most humans prefer to avoid. It instills dread and fear in the hearts of many.

Having grown up in the United States and now living in the Netherlands, it’s struck me how vast a difference there is between the Dutch and American views of death.

A couple of weeks ago, Dries van Agt, a Roman Catholic and former Dutch prime minister, and his wife Eugenie, died hand-in-hand by euthanasia.Read more

Compassion and Life’s Other Side

posted in: Blog, channeling, compassion | 0

In a recent post we talked about a neighbor who died by euthanasia.

Berna and I ran into her widower the other day. He was, understandably, sad and sorely missing his wife. They’d been together 63 years. And their son had died many years ago when he was just 7 years old.

Berna, a deeply compassionate woman, spoke with him for a few minutes. He did not speak English. So he and Berna spoke in Dutch. I didn’t understand their conversation, but she told me about it later.Read more

Life, Death, and Suicide

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 4

A recent news article talked about a 51-year-old woman who was planning to kill herself last weekend. She has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. As a Roman Catholic, she knows her church condemns suicide.

ALS is a progressive neurological ailment, nearly always fatal. One of our family members died from ALS years ago. It was, as you might imagine, difficult to watch him struggle and finally die years later.

Here are some of our random thoughts and words, over the years, about life, death, suicide, and euthanasia.Read more

The Faces of Death

We realize some of you reading this will find the subject “distasteful”, in Spirit’s words. Or worse. So, without further ado, let’s proceed.


Today we’re talking about death, a subject many find distasteful at minimum. Specifically, abortion.

When you have an unborn fetus, a baby still in its mother’s womb, there is always a soul or spirit willing to occupy it. That spirit is fully aware of the what is going on with the potential mother, the woman who carries the fetus.Read more

Euthanasia For Animals

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 4

After our Death and Euthanasia post a few weeks ago, several of our readers asked us to talk about euthanasia as related to animals.


One of our readers commented, “Please talk about euthanizing pets. Most of us can’t tell what the animal would want.”

Another added “Please do address thJ8Fcx4Mfd32ssnev@x9G7ske topic when pets/animals go through physical suffering and how we can be of better assistance to them. Thanks again for doing such a great service for all of us!”Read more

Death and Euthanasia

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 10

We realize death and euthanasia are are grim-sounding title. But Spirit’s words today are uplifting and joyful, despite the subject.

Someone Berna and I know died recently. He’d been sick a long time, and was in terrible pain. Voluntary euthanasia is legal where he lived. He chose to end his life.

We have long been advocates for euthanasia. That’s alienated some of my family—and perhaps also some of our readers.

Spirit has talked about death, dying, and euthanasia many times over the years.Read more

Euthanasia: Blessing or Bloodbath?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 6

old age-dementia-euthanasia

I know the image above is grim, and perhaps offensive to some folks. But a fact of physical life, regardless of our spiritual or religious beliefs (or lack of them), is death is inevitable.

A Euthanasia Story

Not long ago, a dear lifelong friend told me her brother had been diagnosed with a painful, fatal ailment. He didn’t have long to live.

They live in an area where euthanasia is legal and socially acceptable. So the brother, who was mentally competent almost to the end, chose euthanasia.Read more

How Long Do You Want To Live and How Do You Want To Die? by John Cali and Spirit

Life_of_George_Washington,_DeathbedDeathbed of George Washington
Image by Junius Brutus Stearns

I recently read an article about the death of a 21-month-old baby girl in Texas. She’d fallen into her family’s swimming pool, was revived and rushed to the hospital.

The doctors, after many weeks of various medical procedures, decided she could not survive. She’d gone without oxygen too long, and her organs had shut down. Yet she was still alive.

Her parents begged the “authorities” to end her suffering. They refused. The family decided to remove her feeding tube because, in Texas, that was their only legal alternative.… Read more

Doctor Death by John Cali

As many of you have probably heard, Jack Kevorkian died today. Known as “Doctor Death,” Kevorkian was a medical doctor who helped over 130 terminally ill patients commit suicide.

Criticized by many, supported by some, Dr. Kevorkian spent his entire professional career raising public awareness about euthanasia for terminally ill people.… Read more