Salvation by John Cali and Spirit

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My salvation comes from me and only from me. ~ A Course in Miracles


I grew up in the Roman Catholic Church. Back in those days we were taught we could find salvation only through faithfully following Rome’s rigid rules and regulations. And if you screwed up (that is, “sinned”) your only hope of salvation was being forgiven by a priest in the confessional.

You were not worthy to approach God directly for forgiveness — or for anything else. There was a part of the Catholic Mass service, just before the communion, where we always said “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed.”Read more

A Note To a Friend

To the soul, there is hardly anything more healing than friendship. ~ Thomas Moore, 1779-1852

Hands_Holding2Image by Vicki Nunn

Our recent post, The Prayer of God, received some really nice comments from you, our dear readers. One of you asked if we had any more articles by the anonymous writer. Since then I’ve found several more.

We’re publishing one of those today. It’s similar in tone to The Prayer of God. I hope you’ll like it.

A Note To a Friend

Late at night, when the bottle is run dry,
the last lights welcoming the dark,
and your thoughts drifting towards sweet dreams,
I’ll be dreaming of you.… Read more