Time and Forgetfulness Sequel by John Cali

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Back in January we did a newsletter article called Time and Forgetfulness. The article was based on a conversation between Barbara Clark (whom I did not identify in the article) and one of my spirit guides. Barbara asked the guide why she forgets their conversations when she and he talk.

Since we published that article Barbara created a video of the conversation. So we wanted to share that with you today. Here it is.

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Time and Forgetfulness by John Cali

Often, when I’m channeling my spirit guides, I lose all sense of time.

One of the people we gave a reading to recently said something similar. She asked one of my spirit guides why she forgets their conversations when she and he talk.

Here’s their conversation (with her permission):


Why do I forget when we talk? I don’t forget when I talk to physical human beings. Why do I almost instantly forget what you’ve told me?

Spirit guide:

It’s very common and the reason is that we are speaking to you from a place where linear time does not exist.Read more