Why I’m a Whole Lot Richer Than Donald Trump by Pam Grout

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Molecules obey your thoughts, you know. ~ Carlos Santana

Forbes MagazineForbes

I didn’t make the Forbes’ list of billionaires this year. Doubtful I’ll make it next year either. But I do know a secret that makes me deserving of the list.

I know with complete certainty that the world is limitless, abundant and strangely accommodating. I also know that anything I could ever need or want is as easy to manifest as plugging in the toaster.

This Thursday, for example, I’m flying to Florida to hang out with Anita Moorjani, Bruce Lipton, Nick Ortner, Mike Dooley and lots of other inspiring peeps.Read more

Dead People Want To Talk To You by John Cali and Spirit

There is no death because what God created shares His Life. There is no death because an opposite to God does not exist. ~ A Course in Miracles

Logie_kirk_-_geograph.org.uk_-_1421852Image Copyright © 2006 by Marc Curran

Since Halloween (aka All Saints’ Eve) is two days from now, I thought this would be a good time to talk about dead people.

When my son was growing up, one of his and my favorite pastimes was visiting graveyards on gloomy days or at night.… Read more