Dementia: Curse or Blessing?

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 6

Berna and I have been discussing dementia lately. We have folks among our family and friends with dementia.

It’s so common today, and I’m sure many of you know someone affected by it.


As Johnny said, dementia is a common condition in your current world. It was not always that way.

The reasons it is common today are varied. But one of the main reasons is so many humans expect it to be. And many also expect it to happen to them, and not always in that period of life you call “old age.”Read more

Old Age

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 9

old age alzheimers dementia “…that condition we know as old age….does not exist in actual form in the scheme of this universe.” ~ Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East

As a society, we have a deep dread of old age. But is that justified? Or is it even real?

Our scientists tell us all the cells in our bodies are renewed every 7 years. That means the oldest we can be is 7 years.

But, for most humans, that is not their experience.Read more

10 Quick Tips About Aging Gracefully by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 2

There is no old age. There is, as there always was, just you. ~ Carol Matthau, wife of actor Walter Matthau.

smiling, happy aging woman Happy Aging Woman

Do you dread aging? Our society places physical youth and beauty on a pedestal, and does all it can to deny the passing years.

Is it possible to grow older, and still be happy and have fun? I think so.

Here are some of Spirit’s thoughts:

  1. Your physical bodies do not have fall apart as you grow older.

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Playing at Growing Older by John Cali

Most of the folks I know, especially in my age group, dread growing older. And for many, when they reach a certain point, the process truly is dreadful.

But that is not the way it has to be. Nor, do I believe, is it the way it’s supposed to be.

Here’s a magnificent man who proves growing older can be joyful and fun.

And here’s Spirit


As we’ve said many times over the years, life is supposed to be fun.… Read more

The Myth of Deterioration by John Cali

Almost two months ago we published a blog post called Destined To Deteriorate. I was reminded of that post a few days ago as I was reading an article about aging.

One of the folks interviewed for the article, a medical doctor, said it was virtually inevitable, if we live long enough, we will all fall apart mentally and physically. As he put it, eventually we end up as the patients of some medical practitioner or other.

I was turned off by the good doctor’s comments.… Read more