Good People

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 4

In today’s cruel and crazy world, it’s tempting to believe humanity is lost. If you spend much time following the mainstream news media, you probably wonder if there’s any hope at all for world peace. Many say they want it, but few do much to promote it.

Are there any good people left in this old world of ours? Yes, there are, more than we know. Here’s a powerfully uplifting story of one such person.

This is a true story. It happened November 25, 1854 on the shores of Lake Erie, one of the five Great Lakes on the US-Canadian border.Read more

Kindness and Caring

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration, kindness | 4

In today’s world, it’s often tempting to believe humanity has gone to hell in a big way. But there is much kindness and caring out there that never makes it into the mainstream news media.


Your world is so obsessed with the illusion of separation. And it’s making you feel more separate than you could ever be.

In face, you’re not separate at all, except in your minds. And your minds have been brainwashed into seeing what is not there.Read more

Are We Making War or Making Peace? by John Cali

Copyright © 2013 John Cali

I realize that image is a strange one for a spiritual newsletter. The gun, a replica of an 1873 Colt Firearms revolver, was called The Peacemaker. Ironic name for something intended to kill and destroy.

We’re all aware of the devastating conflicts going on right now in the Middle East, plus other places around the globe. James Twyman, aptly called the Peace Troubadour, was on a peace mission this past week to Syria and Egypt.

James gathered together tens of thousands of people around the world to send their healing prayers of peace to all those individuals and countries being ravaged by war.Read more

We Are All One by John Cali

Many spiritual teachers, including my own spirit guides, have said we are all one. But what does that really mean?

Here are some of Spirit’s thoughts:

  • You all decided, before you came to this lifetime, that you wanted to connect again, in the physical, with your soul family.
  • You wanted this lifetime to be fun and joyful—but you also wanted to expand your awareness of your connectedness to all that is.
  • We define God as all that is. You are connected to God.

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