2012: The End of the World? by John Cali

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Last week my spirit guides told me “Your world could end in 2012.” Not the most uplifting news to hear.

As you probably know, for years the doomsayers have been predicting the end of our world when the Mayan calendar supposedly ends in December 2012. Hollywood even made a horror movie based on that scenario.

I’m sure there are some folks whose world really will end in 2012. Let me explain.… Read more

Is Joy an Impossible Dream? by John Cali

As you know, if you’ve been with us long enough, my spirit guides often talk about finding meaning in life through joy. In fact it’s one of their major “themes.” They often advise us to look for the joy in all our experiences, even the tough ones — especially the tough ones.

Now and then I get angry objections from some of our newsletter and blog readers. They usually go something like this: “How can I possibly find joy or meaning in this experience (death in the family, terminal illness, no home, not enough money, miserable marriage, etc.)?… Read more