Simplicity and Silence by John Cali

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Be SilentBe Silent

Last Friday, for the first time in many years, I was without internet access the whole day and night. I don’t remember the last time that happened. Probably eons ago.

John Cali

Even though I live alone and don’t often get out among people face-to-face, I lead a very busy life. This past Friday made me realize all that “busyness” is centered around my computers.

I love technology because it lets me do this work with Spirit from almost anywhere on the planet, even this remote area of the USA’s northern Rocky Mountains.… Read more

Pain and Suffering by John Cali

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Are pain and suffering punishment for our misdeeds? If you believe they are, is it because of God — or karma — or what or who?

John Cali

A good friend sent me an article she recently wrote, Wondering Why We Suffer. Here’s a short excerpt from her article:

. . . why do we suffer? What is the point in it all if not simply to learn we do it to ourselves? . . . It really isn’t ok to suffer, truly it isn’t.… Read more

The Myth of Reincarnation by John Cali

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We’re doing something a bit unusual this week — unusual for us at least. Many of you, especially if you’ve had a personal reading with us, know Spirit does not often talk about reincarnation or past lives.

John Cali

Also, we’ve rarely discussed reincarnation publicly in these newsletters. But today we’re going to do just that.

We’re also doing something else slightly different today. Spirit and I are “co-authoring” this article. Let me explain.

Many years ago, a friend asked me if, when I was in a conversation with another person, Spirit was there and “participating” in the conversation.… Read more

Dying by John Cali

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In a recent interview Spirit said, “Dying is the easiest thing you will ever do.” A startling statement for many of us.

John Cali

Startling because most of us are — pardon the pun — scared to death of dying.

In 1988 my mother died exactly the way she wanted. She always told her children she wanted to go quickly and painlessly. She prayed it would be that way. Then one day she was standing by her bed and, a split second later, she was lying on it, dead.… Read more

Running Scared by John Cali

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These past few years I’ve noticed, more and more, when people in my age bracket get together, the conversation almost inevitably turns to health issues.

John Cali

People of a certain age, say forty and over, love to discuss and compare cholesterol counts, blood pressure readings, heart rates, etc. ad nauseam — with the focus being mostly on everything that can go wrong with our physical bodies.

Almost nobody talks about how good they feel, how healthy they are, how well their lives are going.… Read more

The Greater Perspective by John Cali

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Spring weather doesn’t usually come to my part of northwestern Wyoming until late May or early June. This year was different.

John Cali

Spring came in early April. In all the years I’ve been here, that’s never happened. April and May are often wintry here in the big valley where I live. Even early June some years.

We got little snow in the valley this past winter. So I figured the coming warmer weather would usher in yet another bone-dry summer, added to our ongoing eight-year drought.… Read more

Joy by John Cali

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Spirit often talks about joy as the foundation of our lives. This week we’re responding to one of our reader’s feedback on our April 2 article, “The Gift of Joy.” If you want to see that article again, here it is.

John Cali

Here is our reader’s letter, followed by part of my response to her:

“I re-read your articles on Joy. Of course, I have read them before but as humans, we like things tough.

“I myself am currently going through a dark time.

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Dead Dogs and Life’s Other Challenges by John Cali

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We’re doing something slightly different for this newsletter. Since I’m traveling you’ll have to put up with just me this week. 😉 Spirit will be back next week or the week after.

John Cali

This past week on my way home from the post office I saw a dead dog by the side of the road. The dog was a big, beautiful creature with thick auburn fur. I sent a silent prayer of love to the dog’s spirit.

Several days later I passed the same spot.… Read more

The Gift of Joy by John Cali

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About ten days ago I was at Frank’s Barber Shop for my regular haircut. As usual, I had a fun-filled time.

We’ve written about Frank’s in two past newsletter articles, “Down at Frank’s Barber Shop” and “Frank’s Barber Shop Revisited.”

John Cali

I was Frank’s only customer that morning. Usually he has a shop full of people. So it was great just the two of us could chat. As usual, Frank was full of his funny stories and good humor. We talked about some serious stuff too.… Read more

How Do You Let Go? Follow-up by John Cali

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Last week’s newsletter article, “How Do You Let Go,” created some excellent feedback. So we’re doing a follow-up to that newsletter this week.

John Cali

Here is one of the letters we received in response to last week’s article, followed by my response.

“I don’t have time for a nice long reply this week but there is one thing I’d like to address re: CJ’s reply. I certainly agree with his ‘trying’ vs ‘doing,’ and then I’d like to go on to his ‘intending,’ as well.

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How Do You Let Go? by John Cali

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In response to our newsletter article of February 27, “Letting Go,” we received some searching, heartbroken questions from one of our readers.

John Cali

This is a longer letter than we normally publish. But I think our reader has asked some important questions, questions I know are on the minds of many people today. This letter, in my opinion, is one of the best and most intense “distillations” of those eternal questions echoing down through the ages.

Spirit’s response is far longer than typical.… Read more

Falling Apart by John Cali

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I’m not sure why this is, but I hear more interesting conversations while standing in line at my local post office. This is a small western mountain town, and almost everyone seems to know almost everyone else.

John Cali

One day at the post office last week, I overheard a conversation between two men who obviously knew each other. The first guy asked the other how he was doing. The second replied, “Well, if I wasn’t falling apart, I’d be doing fine.”… Read more

Death by John Cali


Two of our family members recently died. So I’ve been thinking about death lately. Though not in any morbid, depressing way — as strange as this may sound, I’ve almost always found funerals joyful.

John Cali

Last week I was browsing through The Washington Post. I have no interest in all the negative news, celebrity gossip, political speculation, and that sort of stuff. But I do read articles I find interesting.

So it didn’t surprise me, since I’d been thinking so much about death, to find three full-length articles on the subject in just one edition of the newspaper.Read more

Letting Go by John Cali

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As you may recall from last week’s newsletter, “Listening To Your Inner Voice,” I had technical problems getting it properly sent to all of you. In one of my emails apologizing for the mess, I described it as “a day from hell!”

John Cali

That remark unleashed a flood of emails from you. You said I was being too hard on myself. Here are some of your comments:

  • “Try not be so hard on yourself, we are fine.”
  • “Thank you for your diligent and selfless work that you and Spirit do.”

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Listening To Your Inner Voice by John Cali

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I’m pretty health-conscious. I exercise regularly and watch what I eat. But I sometimes wonder if that’s enough.

John Cali

I don’t pay much attention to the mainstream news media, but I do follow health-related news. I mostly read articles related to exercise and diet. Lately I’ve noticed an almost overwhelming amount of that information out there, some of it confusing and contradictory.

For example, one of the US government’s guidelines says you should do aerobic exercise at least three times weekly for a minimum of twenty minutes a day.… Read more

The Tennis Racket Technique by John Cali

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A dear friend sent me a beautiful and intriguing response to last week’s newsletter, “Perfect Partners and Soul Mates.”

I’ve started calling her letter “The Tennis Racket Technique.” For her, it’s obviously become a great way to clear out “past baggage” from her life. Maybe it will do the same for you.

John Cali

Here’s her letter:

“This week’s message from CJ, et al, took this long for me to mull it over and become one with it. And I think it’s because during my formative years the responses to my feeling great about myself were always negative, i.e.,

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Perfect Partners and Soul Mates by John Cali

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With Valentine’s Day coming up next week, we thought this would be a good time to talk about romance.

John Cali

Someone asked Spirit a while ago, “It seems like forever I’ve been searching for my soul mate. Sometimes I get so discouraged! Can you help me?”

I recently read a quote from one of my favorite people and teachers, Alan Cohen: “When you become your own greatest lover, you will have lots of competition for the position.”

I love that one!… Read more

Your Power Is Now by John Cali

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One of the most frequent questions Spirit and I get goes something like this: How can I be free of my past traumas and all the negative feelings accompanying those traumas? The questions are usually more specific, but you get the general idea.

John Cali

So many folks feel imprisoned, or at least restricted, by their past. And it can be the past of this lifetime or of other lifetimes. Seemingly, the past affects everything in their present — physical health, relationships, work, financial abundance, etc.… Read more

Wells Fargo by John Cali

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Many of you probably know Wells Fargo was, in the USA’s early frontier days, a stage coach company. Founded in 1852, they became part of the legend and romance of the Old West. Over the years they’ve undergone many changes, and today they’re one of the USA’s largest banks.

John Cali

Now, you might be wondering what on earth Wells Fargo has to do with this newsletter’s focus. Well, nothing, at least directly. But there was an article last week in our local newspaper, The Cody Enterprise, about one of the town’s banks being taken over by Wells Fargo.… Read more

Clutter by John Cali

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My ancient laptop computer died recently. So I bought a new one.

As I thought about all the software and data files I had to transfer, I realized it would be a daunting task. Not the transfer itself — that would be easy — but the “computer clutter” I’d accumulated over time.

John Cali

Some of that stuff I hadn’t used, or even seen, in years.

When I moved to Wyoming some years back, I decided to simplify and “de-clutter” my life.… Read more

God and Felix by John Cali

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After last week’s newsletter article, “Eve of Destruction,” I thought we’d do something lighter this week.

I grew up in a family of Sicilian immigrants in rural New York State. As you’d expect, we were all Roman Catholics. Those were the days when the Catholic Church was pretty strict and conservative. Having grown up in that era, I clearly see the positive changes in the church over the years, although I am no longer Catholic. But back then, in the church I remember, it was a pretty bleak and joyless environment.… Read more