How Do You Feel When Someone Criticizes You? by John Cali

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I had a chance—two chances, in fact—to answer that question recently. The answer in both cases was “Not very good.”

I generally respond to criticism kindly, even if the critic is not being kind. Within this past month two people have harshly criticized my spiritual work, and me personally.

The first I had never met and did not know. In fact, she obviously knew nothing about my work. Except one thing—she didn’t like it.

The other was a formerly close friend who’d enthusiastically supported my work for many years.Read more

Do You Know How Wise and Powerful You Are? by John Cali

The Hand of God

In a recent private reading one of our clients said something that really struck me—she said she felt she was speaking to herself through my spirit guides.

I had to think about her words only a moment to realize what a profound insight she had. It’s one of the clearest ways I’ve ever heard of expressing what channeling is all about. When we talk to the spirit guides (either directly or through a channel) we access that part of ourselves that is, literally, God.Read more

Reliving the Battle of Gettysburg by John Cali

Battle of Gettysburg, Currier and Ives

This past week—on July 1, 2, and 3—the United States commemorated the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, fought during the American Civil War. The war pitted the South’s Confederate Army against the North’s Union Army. According to many historians it was the pivotal point of the war, which ended with the defeat of the Confederate Army nearly two years later.

As happens every year, there are Civil War battle reenactments, including the one at Gettysburg this past week.Read more

Do You Dread Growing Older? by John Cali

I never thought much about growing older—that is, until it started happening to me.

But you know what? This is the best time of my life. I’m having more fun, am happy and healthy, and doing only what I love. I’ve learned every moment is precious.

The best part is I’ve found that inner peace and joy that seemed to elude me in my younger years.

I would say—and this is a totally unscientific conclusion, based only on my personal observations—most folks are not having fun as they grow older.Read more

What Is Your Soul? by John Cali

Image by Robin Hutton

One of our readers wrote us a couple days ago about last week’s newsletter article, How Do We Reconcile Reincarnation and Simultaneous Time?
Here’s what she wrote, which I’ve slightly edited:

I’ve often pondered on this concept. How does the non-linear time concept fit in with physical structures currently on Earth, i.e. the pyramids which were obviously created at a past time and endure now?

Perhaps (you could do) a blog on the soul—what it is, what it looks like, how big it is, what it does, what its relationship is to the incarnated personality and its relationship to Source energy.… Read more

Spirit Talks About Romantic Love by John Cali

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Today, June 20, my beloved partner, Barbara Clark, and I are celebrating our anniversary. As a gift to ourselves, and hopefully to others also, Barbara had a conversation with my spirit guides about romantic love.

Since the very word, “romance,” is sometimes misunderstood and misused, Barbara and I prefer the term, “spiritual partnership.” We believe it’s a more accurate description of the relationships many of us on a spiritual path have today.

Relationships, romantic or not, are always opportunities to grow and evolve—and to gain greater understanding of who we really are and our connection to Spirit.Read more

How Do We Reconcile Reincarnation and Simultaneous Time? by John Cali

Image by Paul McIlroy

Many spiritual teachers and spirit guides, including my own guides, talk about reincarnation—one lifetime after another, often spanning many centuries. They also talk about simultaneous time—where past, present, and future all exist in the present moment.

How do we reconcile these two seemingly contradictory concepts?


Linear time does not exist in the realms of spirit—there is only eternal time.

Being fully in each moment will make you, as you say, “lose track of time.” Time as you know it literally expands (or contracts).Read more

Did Your Family Give You Bad Genes? by John Cali

When I was growing up there was a belief among most of my family that certain illnesses were genetic. I bought into that belief for many years—until I realized it simply wasn’t true.

Our large Italian family had many folks with heart problems. Most of them, including my father, eventually died from heart disorders. Was that genetic? I don’t think so.

I had a dear cousin who was convinced he would die from a heart attack at the age of 55—the same age his father had died of a heart attack.Read more

Nurture Yourself with a Spiritual Retreat by John Cali

Church in Sicily

This past weekend, I was unexpectedly without internet access or my computer. So I had all this time on my hands with no work to do.

Every now and then my spirit guides urge me to take some time off from work to nurture myself—sort of a “spiritual retreat.” In other words, they say, turn off my computer and phone, don’t answer the doorbell, etc. Preferably get out of town and away from my usual work routine.

Last weekend I didn’t know what to do with myself.Read more

Why Do We Need Forgiveness? by John Cali

Michelangelo’s The Last Judgement (Sistine Chapel)

When I was growing up in the Catholic Church, we were constantly reminded we needed forgiveness for all our sins, great and small. There was no way we were going to make it to heaven unless we constantly begged God to forgive us.

There was even a part of the Sunday Mass service where we were required to say “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you. Only say the word and I shall be healed.”Read more

How Effective Are the Protests Against Monsanto? by John Cali

Mother Teresa

When asked if she’d participate in an anti-war rally, Mother Teresa said she would not. But, she said, she would participate in a peace rally.

One of our readers asked us if the protests against Monsanto are helping or hurting the efforts to remove genetically modified organisms from our food supply. Unless you’ve been meditating on a mountaintop the past few years, you know about this bitter controversy.

Here’s is the reader’s email:

Hi John,

I so enjoy reading your blog.Read more

Where Is Your Home? by John Cali

Image © Barbara Clark, 2012

When I was much younger the only place I considered home was the little farm town on the shores of Lake Erie where I grew up. When I was away from there I was always homesick.

Way back when I started this work with my spirit guides I began to get a different sense of what home really is—not just for myself, but for all of us.

Here’s Spirit.


You miss so much joy and peace by always looking for your happiness, your “home” in every place except where you are right now.Read more

Relationships – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly by John Cali

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One of the most challenging and yet rewarding parts of our human lives is relationships. None of us need reminders of that—it’s all too obvious.

But what is the true purpose of relationships? In my opinion, relationships are marvelous opportunities to express who we truly are—they are always, with no exceptions, great vehicles for personal and spiritual growth.

Here are some of Spirit’s thoughts:

  • All relationships have at least two different perspectives because you are all unique.
  • One key to successful relationships is allowing the differences without being threatened by them.

Read more

Where Do My Pets Go When They Die? by John Cali

One of our clients asked us that question a while back. It’s a great question.

While I realize many people do not believe animals have souls or spirits, I know they do. My spirit guides have convinced me of that, beyond any shadow of doubt.


Those who love you, whether they were human or animal in their physical form, never leave you. They often have a desire, beyond the grave, to help you and to continue loving you. That is often why you see, or feel, or hear what you might call “ghosts.”Read more

Messages from Your Spirit Guides by John Cali

How can we communicate with our spirit guides? That’s a question we get asked often. It’s also the focus of a new mobile application we’ve just finished, Messages from Spirit.

Many of you have our previous application, Spirit Oracle Cards, which came out last year. It’s been very popular and we’re pleased with its success.

I think you’ll also love our new application. It contains hundreds of messages given to us by my spirit guides over the years.Read more

Stuart Wilde: 1946—2013 by John Cali

One of my all-time favorite spiritual teachers is Stuart Wilde. Stuart died May 1, three weeks ago yesterday. He became a legend in his own lifetime.

So I wanted to publish this short post as a tribute to a man who gave so much of himself and his wisdom to the world. He will not be soon forgotten.

This first video is Stuart talking about silent power.


This next video is a tribute to Stuart called Stuart Wilde: A Remarkable Life.Read more

What’s Wrong with Me? by John Cali

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An old friend (she’s not old, but we’ve been friends many years) wrote me an email recently. With her permission, here it is:

Hi John,

It’s been a while, I know, hope this email finds you well. Am still enjoying your newsletters and blogs muchly…

There is something I’ve pondered for a while now regarding Law Of Attraction, whenever you have the time I would really appreciate your insight. Feeling major failure here….been on this path for quite a few years and still not manifesting my “deepest desires”….Read more

To Predict or Not To Predict? by John Cali

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As you may know, legendary psychic Sylvia Browne was harshly criticized this past week for a wrong prediction she made. Her prediction had to do with the kidnapping ten years ago of three women in Cleveland, Ohio (in the United States). One of the women was Amanda Berry. A year after the kidnapping Sylvia told Amanda’s mother her daughter had died and was “on the other side.”

My spirit guides prefer not to make predictions. Their reason? They say we have yet to write our future — or what we call the future.Read more

The Only Thing That Matters Is Love by John Cali

Here are a few of the most common questions we get in personal readings:

  • I want to work for myself, but how can I do it?
  • How can I find work I love to do?
  • How can I live my dreams?
  • How can I do what I love and still make money?

It’s obvious the old ways, the old energy no longer satisfy many folks wanting to grow spiritually—and wanting to find work that satisfies them and supports them financially.Read more

What Exactly Do Spirit Guides Do? by John Cali

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After giving private readings for many years, I’ve come to realize many folks don’t understand exactly what spirit guides do. Before I started channelling I did not understand either.

One common misconception is our guides will tell us what to do, what we should or should not do, etc. Remember, they are spirit guides, not spirit instructors.

Spirit guides will not make our decisions for us, accurately predict our future, or in any other way take away our power.Read more

15 Surefire Keys To Happiness by John Cali

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 12

God’s will for you is perfect happiness. ~ A Course in Miracles

our purpose is happinessBe Happy

Happiness, ironically, can be a controversial subject. Many folks believe it is not our destiny to be happy in this lifetime—in this “world of woe,” as some say.

I never accepted that as an adult, although I did when I was a youngster. Happiness is not the impossible dream many believe it to be.

Certainly, continuous happiness is not most people’s experience. That does not mean we cannot be happy most of the time.Read more

You Can Grow Older Gracefully and Still Have Fun Along the Way by John Cali


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We live in a society today obsessed with youth and physical beauty. And, in my opinion, a society with too little regard for the wisdom and experience of older folks.

Society considers growing older a curse none of us can escape—unless we die young. We’re driven desperately to find something—anything—that will keep us young. The list is virtually endless—plastic surgery, injections, drugs, etc.

It never occurs to most of us that growing older can actually be fun. It doesn’t have to be a drag.Read more

Does It Matter What Other People Say or Think About You? by John Cali


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On the internet I occasionally see harshly critical opinions of me and my work with Spirit. I still sometimes get hate mail.

Years ago that sort of thing bothered me—a lot. Today I’ve learned it doesn’t matter what people say or think about me. That’s a very freeing feeling.

All that matters, for all of us, is that we follow the path that is right and good for us.

When you do that—another lesson I’ve learned over the years—you will touch more lives, and more powerfully, than if you took the path of caution, dreading what someone may say or think of you.Read more

How Can Anyone Be Happy In This Confusing, Chaotic World? by John Cali

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Many of us measure happiness by external criteria—how much money we have, what kind of house we live in, how many friends we have, etc. But those things can, and will, change. Then we’re unhappy.

The money, the house, the friends—those are the “reasons” we use to be happy. But they are never the cause of our happiness. So what is the real cause of happiness?

US President Abraham Lincoln said “A man is about as happy as he makes up his mind to be.”Read more

How Do You Face Your Own Mortality? by John Cali


That’s a tough question for many of us.

Two weeks ago a member of our family died. Two days ago another one died.

The deaths got me to thinking about, well, life and death. None of us are going to get out of this life alive. At least not physically.

How do we face our own mortality? I’ve given lots of thought to that question the past two weeks.

Once again, I’m away from home for a while. So this newsletter will be brief.Read more