What Does It Feel Like To Channel Spirit? by John Cali

People often ask me, particularly when we do private readings, what it feels like to channel Spirit.

Good question.

I had never given the question much thought till recently when, for whatever reason, more folks have been asking it.

People have told me, over the years, when I’m channelling Spirit’s energy is very different from my energy. They’ve also said my voice changes. It must be only a slight change, for I’ve never been able to hear any difference.

But I do feel the dramatic shift in the energy when I channel.Read more

The Fear of Death: Sequel by John Cali


We had some great responses to our last newsletter article, The Fear of Death.

One comment Spirit made in that article is a tough one for many folks to accept. Here’s what they said:

Death does not exist. Let go of the fear of death, and then you will soar.”

At least several people were upset by what Spirit and I said in that article. Here are one person’s comments (unedited):

Just simply let go. Ah geez is that all I have to do?Read more

The Fear of Death by John Cali

Image Copyright © 2006 Nevit Dilmen

Last week one of our family died at a relatively young age. She’d been suffering from a serious illness since she was in her 40s.

I know, as my spirit guides often say, we all die at the time and in the manner we choose. Yet when someone close dies, it’s still an adjustment for us—often a difficult one.

Adding to the difficulty is the almost universal fear of death.

Here are a few thoughts from Spirit.Read more

What Do My Pets Have to Teach Me? by John Cali

posted in: Blog, channeling, healing | 12

My spirit guides have often said animals are our teachers and healers. Here are some of their thoughts:

Animals, especially dogs and cats, are often your teachers. And your healers too. They have little to learn from you. But you have much to learn from them. One difference between animals and humans is animals are uninhibited. They know who they are. All they want to do is simply be who they are. Nothing more, nothing less.

And so in their naturally uninhibited, unlimited being, they radiate an energy, love, and joy that can touch even the most hardened human hearts.Read more

Lessons From Bob the Barber

Image credits

One of the most common things my spirit guides tell folks in personal readings is how wise and powerful they are. Some do not believe it—they take the attitude that the guides must say that to lots of people. Which they do.

But what these folks fail to see is that we are all wise and powerful. We are all special.

I understand where people are coming. After all, our modern world is not always supportive, and often discourages thinking highly of ourselves.Read more

It’s All Within You by John Cali


Recently I was facing a difficult challenge, not knowing how to resolve it. It was nothing earth-shaking or life-threatening, but vexing nonetheless.

After thinking about it a few days it dawned on me I was looking for the solution in all the wrong places.

Here’s Spirit:

There’s a Sanskrit mantra John loves: “Aham Brahmasmi.”

The English translation of the mantra goes something like this: The center of my being is the ultimate reality—the source of all that is.

Think about that for a moment.Read more

The Power of Compassion by John Cali

Be Compassionate

Many folks my spirit guides and I talk with want desperately to help their loved ones in pain, whether its physical, mental, or spiritual pain. And they often feel helpless, not knowing the right thing to do.

Here are some thoughts from Spirit:

You can choose to live from the outside in, allowing the whims of the world to beat and buffet you about. Or you can choose to live from the inside out, allowing your natural state of love and joy to create the world you experience.Read more

Does Your Sexual Preference Really Matter? by John Cali

As most of you probably know, whether you live in the United States or not, gay marriage is currently a hotly divisive topic among Americans. Underlying that, of course, is the whole issue of homosexuality. For most of the United States’ history homosexuality was illegal.

Today we’re seeing more and more gay folks, including politicians and other public and private figures, “coming out of the closet” and admitting their sexual preferences.

In my personal opinion, this is a good thing. I have gay friends and family, and I love them as much as my “straight” family and friends.Read more

We Are All One by John Cali

Many spiritual teachers, including my own spirit guides, have said we are all one. But what does that really mean?

Here are some of Spirit’s thoughts:

  • You all decided, before you came to this lifetime, that you wanted to connect again, in the physical, with your soul family.
  • You wanted this lifetime to be fun and joyful—but you also wanted to expand your awareness of your connectedness to all that is.
  • We define God as all that is. You are connected to God.

Read more

What Is Life All About? by John Cali

I’m away from home all this week—so we’re doing an abbreviated newsletter.

The question I’ve used as our title is one of those “eternal” questions. Questions you’ve probably asked yourself many times, as I certainly have.

In the video below we hear some pretty good answers to those eternal questions—and from a source that might surprise you. Enjoy!




What are the eternal questions you’ve asked yourself? How do you navigate through life when nothing is certain or predictable?Read more

Are You Taking On Other People’s Stuff? by John Cali

Lately many of my lessons (or reminders) are coming from my dreams, particularly the vivid ones. Last night I had yet another vivid dream.

In the dream there was a large gathering at my house, including friends and family from my past and present. They were noisy and argumentative, talking almost nonstop about all their complaints and problems. It was utter chaos.

I was not involved in any of the conversations—I was just a passive observer. But I was feeling all the negative energy and turmoil.Read more

You Never Lose Those You Love by John Cali

I’ve taken that title from words my spirit guides have been using for years—usually when they’re talking to someone about the death of a loved one.

Here are some of their thoughts.


  • Death is not the end of you. It is only a new beginning.
  • Death is not the end of love. It is the beginning of renewed love.
  • Death is not serious. Life is not serious.
  • Life, whether you are “dead” or “alive,” is supposed to be fun.
  • Dying is the easiest thing you will ever do, as you’ve had lots of practice through countless lifetimes.

Read more

Time and Forgetfulness Sequel by John Cali

posted in: Blog, channeling, Uncategorized | 13

Back in January we did a newsletter article called Time and Forgetfulness. The article was based on a conversation between Barbara Clark (whom I did not identify in the article) and one of my spirit guides. Barbara asked the guide why she forgets their conversations when she and he talk.

Since we published that article Barbara created a video of the conversation. So we wanted to share that with you today. Here it is.

Related posts:

Inter-dimensional Traveling
Can We Travel To Other Dimensions?
Read more

How to Know When To Get the Hell Out of There by John Cali

Last week I had a long, vivid dream. When I finally awakened from it I was drenched in sweat, and feeling emotionally drained.

The details are not important, but in the dream I was in a dangerous situation where I felt vulnerable and threatened—and stuck.

Then it dawned on me I was not stuck there—I was free to end the dream. So I decided to just get the hell out of there. I woke up immediately.

I knew such an emotionally charged dream must carry an important message for me.Read more

We’re All God’s Children by John Cali

That title is taken from something an American politician recently said. It’s not something you’d expect a politician to say.

As most folks all over the world know, the United States government has become a hotbed of divisiveness, partisanship, and prejudice. Politics and government have become major sources of frustration for Americans.

The American people often see their politicians as dishonest, self-serving puppets. I have no political convictions nor much interest in politics. But I am heartened by the occasional breath of fresh air.Read more

How Do You Decide To Be a Vegetarian or a Meat-Eater? by John Cali

grilling beefsteaksGrilling Beefsteaks

In our last newsletter article, The Magical Critters of Wyoming, we had a short video tour of some of Wyoming’s wild and domestic animals.

We received quite a few comments from you, our readers, as many of you are animal lovers. Several of you mentioned vegetarianism. I know the issue of being a vegetarian versus being a meat-eater can be a contentious one.

I personally am vegetarian. But I never try to impose my views on others. As my spirit guides have said, this is an issue each of us must decide for ourselves, based on our personal beliefs and values—and we have no right to judge or criticize those different from us.Read more

The Magical Critters of Wyoming by John Cali, Barbara Clark, and Spirit

Wyoming deerWyoming Deer

Today Barbara Clark and one of my spirit guides talk about her experiences with the wild creatures of Wyoming.

If you’ve been with us a while, you know my spirit guides are fond of talking about animals—particularly about what great teachers and healers they are for us humans.

Barbara was here in Wyoming in summer 2012. In this video discussion, recorded after she returned to Scotland, she talks to my guide to get his perspective on the magical critters of Wyoming.Read more

Cold-Blooded Murder by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 66

There is never any justification for violence. There is no justification for hatred. There is no justification for murder. ~ Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts

Boot Hill Tombstone Arizona

Graves of men killed in gunfight at OK Corral
Boot Hill, Tombstone, Arizona, October 26, 1881
Copyright © 2005 by Grombo

I realize that’s a strange title for a spiritual blog and website. Let me explain.

In our small town, a week ago today, two teenage boys shot and killed three people for no reason other than to steal their car.Read more

Are You Spinning Out of Control? by John Cali

Many years ago I had a dear friend, now long gone, whose life was a near-constant struggle. He struggled with virtually everything and everyone, including himself. He once described his life to me, shortly before his untimely death, as “reeling from one crisis to another.” That was a pretty accurate description.

It’s not surprising that he lived out most his years that way, because he was one of these people who just had to be in control of everything and everyone.Read more

Do You Follow a Path of No Regrets? by John Cali

This blog post is a bit unusual—it’s a personal story I’ve never fully shared publicly. But I felt guided to share it with you today.

As most of you know, two days ago Pope Benedict XVI stepped down as leader of the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church. His February 9 resignation announcement took many by surprise, within and outside the church.

I’ve closely followed the news about Benedict since that day—that’s uncharacteristic of me, as I pay scant attention to the mainstream news.Read more

Do You Struggle With Self-Love? by John Cali

Recently someone close to me was doing her best to convince me it was impossible for her to love herself as much as she loved others.

And even if she wanted to do that, it would be morally wrong. Her spiritual beliefs had convinced her of that. In plain language, it would be a sin for her to ever put herself before others.

Unfortunately, this lady is not alone in her struggles.

This week we’re revisiting an article we wrote a while back.Read more

Heal Your Relationship with Money by John Cali

One of the most common topics we talk about with folks in personal readings is money. How do I get it? How do I keep it? How do I get more of it?

In my experience of working with Spirit over the years, I’ve seen money as one of the most daunting challenges so many people face.

Barbara Clark has just released a powerful money program that is so simple and yet so effective. I think anyone wanting more money, or a healthier relationship with money, will love what Barbara is offering.Read more

How Are Healing Miracles Possible? by John Cali

A good friend, Elsa Santos, emailed us to ask how healing miracles are possible. Elsa was responding to one of our posts, How Can We Help Others Heal?

Following are her questions. (We’ve abbreviated her email to keep this post reasonably short. We may address her other questions another time.)

Here’s Elsa’s email:

Dear John,

Thank you so much, first of all, for all the beautiful work you do with Spirit!

I´m both a healer and a translator, and I’ve had the honor and absolute privilege of translating and subtitling Tuning In in Portuguese.… Read more

The Zen of Living in Today’s World: 15 Ways to Find Peace in the Midst of Chaos by John Cali

  • Meditate. Every day if possible. It keeps you aligned with Spirit.
  • Always be good to yourself. You deserve it.
  • Look for the best in all people and all experiences. It’s always there, but you have to be willing to see it.
  • Never judge or criticize another. You see in them only a reflection of yourself.
  • Avoid those who complain constantly. Their energy is too negative for you.
  • Spend time regularly in nature. It will soothe and heal you.
  • Know the universe is abundant.

Read more

How To Attract Your Soul Mate by John Cali

One of the most common issues people bring to us in personal readings is romantic relationships—an appropriate subject for today, Valentine’s Day.

People usually ask us how to find a romantic relationship, and then how to handle it after they’ve got “the tiger by the tail.”

Here are some thoughts from Spirit:

If you wish to attract your perfect lover, you must first become your own perfect lover. The law of attraction says like attracts like. You have many ways of expressing that—the rich get richer, the better it gets the better it gets, birds of a feather flock together, etc.Read more