What Everybody Ought To Know About Sexuality by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, relationships | 17

Whether you’re gay or lesbian or straight, if you love someone and want to marry them, marry them….live and let live. ~ US Senator Alan Simpson, Wyoming


800px-Homosexuality_symbols.svgHomosexuality symbols, by Martin Strachoň / Wikimedia Commons

Over the years I’ve had several folks among my family and friends who were homosexual. They did not often talk about it with me, even though they knew I accepted them as they were.

But back in those days no one talked about homosexuality. Hell, we didn’t even talk about heterosexuality except in hushed tones, lest we be embarrassed if someone overheard us.Read more

The Lord Jesus Christ Is Very Real and So Is Satan by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, spirituality | 73

I do not fear Satan half so much as I fear those who fear him. ~ Saint Teresa of Avila (1515 – 1582)

WLA_ima_Satan_FeuchereSatan sculpture by Jean-Jacques Feuchère, 1807-1852
Original photograph by Forever Wiser

Lest you think I’ve lost my mind, let me say this right here:

Our title today is the first line of a recent message I received from someone who shall remain nameless.

I’ve gotten plenty of messages like this over the years, including some from my own family.

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11 Easy Ways You Can Learn To Love Your Body by John Cali and Spirit

Self-love is not opposed to the love of other people. You cannot really love yourself and do yourself a favor without doing people a favor, and vise versa. ~ Dr. Karl A. Menninger



Do you love your body, just as it is right here, right now? Many do not. So how can we change that?

I asked Spirit that question, and here’s what they told me.


  1. Would you talk or think about someone you love the way you talk and think about your body?

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Tuning In Now: Coming Soon by David Thomas

index A hornet is buzzing about inside your car, smacking up against the windshield, desperate to reach the vast vistas just beyond the glass, but getting more and more frustrated. He grows frantic, buzzing louder, knowing true freedom is so tantalizingly close… but not quite able to get there.

Sometimes I feel like that hornet. Maybe you do too. The cosmic benchmark 2012 came and went with seemingly no true change. We are told of great onslaughts of new energy, changing DNA and becoming crystalline beings.
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Quiet Waters: The Ultimate Release by Hans Brockhuis

As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death. ~ Leonardo da Vinci

SoulCarriedtoHeavenSoul Carried To Heaven
William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825–1905)

One of the few certainties in life is that for all of us the day will come that we are going to leave earth. That very day we will have lived our life. Perhaps as a series of events that have gone by. But maybe you have tried to denote every major incident, to do something with it, and then went on with the feeling you have really learned something.Read more

11 Simple Spiritual Truths That Will Bring More Peace Into Your Life by John Cali and Spirit

There is no way to peace. Peace is the way. ~ A.J. Muste, pacifist, peace advocate, civil rights leader


The other day my spirit guides sat me down and gave me this list of spiritual truths.

They are nothing you and I did not know. But, if you’re like me, you need reminders now and then.

  • You were born to have fun. You knew this as a little child. But you forgot. Call up the little child within.
  • You are never alone.

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How Do You Respond To Constant Complainers? by John Cali and Spirit

Do not listen to those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. ~ Og Mandino

SadFaceImage Copyright © 2013 Karen Mulholland

Most of us know at least one someone who is constantly complaining. Maybe that someone is you. I was like that when I was younger. And I still catch myself at it now and then. But the difference now is I almost immediately see what I’m doing—and stop it.

This past week I’ve been thinking a lot about this subject.Read more

The Atheist Pulpit by Nick Bradbury

Mennonitengemeinde_Kochendorf_KanzelCopyright © 2011 Sokkok

Note: Nick Bradbury is a software developer and technology expert. And he’s also a talented writer, as you’ll see from his thought-provoking post below.

After my wife and I moved to a new town a few years ago, we talked about joining a church in order to meet people. This wasn’t easy for us since I’m a devout atheist, and I refused to take my kids anywhere that even mentioned the idea of hell.

At some point we tried out a nearby Unitarian Universalist church, and much to my surprise we both enjoyed the experience.Read more

Dare To Be True To Yourself by John Cali and Spirit

Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself. Being true to anyone else or anything else is not only impossible, but the mark of a fake messiah.” ~ Richard Bach


This above all: to thine own self be true….” ~ William Shakespeare

A couple weeks ago one of my closest childhood friends died. We hadn’t been in touch in recent years, but were in constant touch when we were school kids.

I’ve always thought of myself as a maverick.Read more

We Are One: Sequel by John Cali and Spirit

We call them dumb animals, and so they are, for they cannot tell us how they feel, but they do not suffer less because they have no words. ~ Anna Sewell


Black_Jaguar_(4375024092)Image Copyright © 2010 by Tony Hisgett

A couple weeks ago we published a post, We Are One, where we talked about global oneness, the unity of the human race. But we humans are not the only ones living on this planet. That’s an obvious fact. But when we talk about oneness we don’t always include all the other life or all that is.Read more

Dogs Are Our Link To Paradise by John Cali and Spirit

Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring—it was peace. ~ Milan Kundera

Dog's_LoveImage Copyright © 2006 by Noël Zia Lee

Our good friend of many years, Dan Beck, sent us the following letter a few days ago. He’s given me permission to publish it here.

Hi John,

Just had a sudden death of one of our pets.Read more

There Is No Such Thing As An Incurable Illness by John Cali and Spirit

Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. ~ Hippocrates

Image Copyright © 2008 by

We recently received a letter from a good friend who’s been dealing with chronic pain and illness for years. I know there are people reading this who’ve had the same challenge.

So I offered to publish my friend’s letter in our blog with the hope those of you in similar situations will share with her your experiences, and how you’ve coped with it all.Read more

Tuning In Now

Many of you will remember the movie, “Tuning In,” from 2008. Filmmaker David Thomas directed the movie, and it became quite popular. It remains popular today.



Here’s David:

A much-anticipated sequel to the groundbreaking metaphysical film “Tuning In.” We are gathering all the channelers from that film and including others too.

Short Summary

Six years ago, we produced the first “Tuning In” movie and had no idea what to expect. David Thomas, the director and driving force behind the project, simply knew that the channeled messages he’d been exposed to had deep resonance and benefited his own life.Read more

We Are One by John Cali and Spirit

We are one, after all, you and I. Together we suffer, together exist, and forever will recreate each other. ~ Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Oneness_organisationImage Copyright © 2012 by Kundhan Karunakar

Although it’s almost a cliché, the phrase “We are all one,” is more true today than ever before.

In April 1986 CBS newsman Andy Rooney covered the triumphant homecoming concert of legendary pianist Vladimir Horowitz. Horowitz left his native Russia 60 years earlier, and this was his first time back.Read more

Life Beyond the Veils by Hans Brockhuis


Stairway To Heaven
© 2006 Till Krech

Eight years ago I had a choice to make: “Are you coming home or do you want to finish your turn?” The temptation to let go was great. The love spoken from these words was so intense that I was truly prepared to leave my earthly body, with all its faults and illnesses, and to reunite with the four women who passed away earlier and who I know will be there to welcome me: my grandmother, my mom, my daughter and my spirit guide.Read more

Soul and Salvation by Hans Brockhuis

page1-389px-Love's_mystery.djvuImage credits: D. R. Niver Publishing Company

An old Dutch saying wants us to believe that if you would sell your soul and salvation, you absolutely would want to sacrifice all of who and what you are. Perhaps to live quietly as a hermit, meditating about what once was, what is and what will be. But that’s not what I want to say with these words.

I want to speak with soul and salvation about Love. Because is it not true that love forms a roof for your soul and salvation?… Read more

Channelling, Imagination, and Trust by John Cali and Spirit

Everything you can imagine is real.” ~ Pablo Picasso

Angel_Candle_LightImage Copyright © 2011 by Gowri Sanka

In my work people often ask my spirit guides or me how they can learn to channel. While we don’t teach channelling, I am always glad to share with folks my experiences in learning to channel, and in now actually doing it as my only work.

So I’d like to share with you today how it all started for me. If you’re interested in channelling I hope my experiences will give you the incentive to just go ahead and do it.Read more

The Healing Power of Animals: Sequel by John Cali and Spirit

“The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.” ~ Johnny Depp

02_Molly_Caught_that_Kong!Image Copyright © 2009 by Greg Holland

In our last post, “The Healing Power of Animals,” we talked about animals helping humans to heal.

An article I came across yesterday ago talks about the way a boxer named Romeo helped people heal while he was in the final stages of a fatal illness. His mistress, Riina Cooke, did her best to make his final days as easy and as much fun as possible.Read more

The Healing Power of Animals by John Cali and Spirit

Cat_and_dogImage Copyright © 2002 by Arantz

My good friend, Ann Miller publishes The Star Beacon, a popular bimonthly newsletter about UFOs and other related information. In her April issue Ann published an article, “The Deeper Spiritual Purpose of Pets” by Robert Schwartz. Robert is the author of the popular books, Your Soul’s Plan and Your Soul’s Gift.

In his article Robert talks about the healing power of animals. Most of us who’ve lived with a dog or cat, or any pet, have probably had some experience with this.Read more

How Long Do You Want To Live and How Do You Want To Die? by John Cali and Spirit

Life_of_George_Washington,_DeathbedDeathbed of George Washington
Image by Junius Brutus Stearns

I recently read an article about the death of a 21-month-old baby girl in Texas. She’d fallen into her family’s swimming pool, was revived and rushed to the hospital.

The doctors, after many weeks of various medical procedures, decided she could not survive. She’d gone without oxygen too long, and her organs had shut down. Yet she was still alive.

Her parents begged the “authorities” to end her suffering. They refused. The family decided to remove her feeding tube because, in Texas, that was their only legal alternative.… Read more

Are You Addicted To Technology? by John Cali and Spirit

Exhausted_smartphone_userExhausted smartphone user
© 2012 by Per Palmkvist Knudsen

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “addiction” this way:

Compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly :  persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful.

That definition does not include technology. But many of us are literally addicted to our digital devices.

In the image above is a woman who’s fallen asleep while using her smartphone.Read more

If You Knew You Were Going To Die Today, How Would You Spend Your Final Hours? by John Cali and Spirit

The_Laughing_&_Lucky_Buddha!_A_stroke_of_Luck!_(413428647)The Laughing Buddha by William Cho

How would you answer the question our title asks?

When I asked myself that question, I had to stop to think about it. What would I do? How would I spend the hours I knew would be my last in this lifetime?

Here’s Spirit.


Many humans often ask themselves “Why am I here?”

We can answer that question with one word: “Joy.”

Perhaps even more difficult to answer would be John’s question:
How would I spend the hours I knew would be my last in this lifetime?
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When You Look In the Mirror Do You Like What You See? by John Cali and Spirit

Bernardo_Strozzi_-_Old_Woman_at_the_Mirror_-_WGA21912Old Woman at the Mirror by Bernardo Strozzi

There’s a worldwide epidemic devastating our planet today—self-hatred. Over the years in my work and personal life, I’ve seen the effects of this epidemic—it ain’t pretty.

Most of us, including me, have at one time or another been unable to look in the mirror and like what we see, let alone love it. That’s pretty sad.

Here’s Spirit.


We do not tell you anything you do not already know, in some part of your awareness.Read more

Beyond the River by Hans Brockhuis

Rainbow_over_the_Flooded_River_Adur_-_geograph.org.uk_-_1600175Image copyright ©2009 by Simon Carey

You are walking through a forest. Sometimes it is hot; sometimes it’s cold. Your feet are bare and the ground is occasionally uneven. Stones lie on your path and now and again the trail seems to vanish. Yet there are also moments along the path that everything seems fine and well; then the trail is mossy with flowers here and there, and you can hear the birds singing their wonderful songs.

You carry a backpack.Read more

How Much Protection Do You Really Need? by John Cali and Spirit

Angel_protectorAngel Protector Copyright © 2012 by Astrid Torres

I remember many years ago, when I first started on this spiritual path, some teachers advised to always protect ourselves when we talked to Spirit. The idea was that “evil” entities could attack us, even taking over our bodies and minds.

The Roman Catholic Church, who obviously believe in evil spirits, even have a procedure for removing them—it’s called exorcism.

I was never comfortable with the idea of needing protection. In fact, I never used any when I was channelling—I still don’t today.Read more