Expectations Great and Small

We’ve talked before about how powerful our expectations are. To put it simply, we get what we expect.


Most humans vastly underestimate the power of their minds. Your lives could be so much more peaceful, joyful, and loving if you honored who you all truly are.

So just who are you?

Well, you’ve heard it said you were made in the image and likeness of God/Goddess. That is literally true. That, of course, means you have all the creative powers of divinity.Read more

Sickness and Healing

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 14

A Course in Miracles, in The Manual for Teachers, says this:

“The acceptance of sickness as a decision of the mind, for a purpose for which it would use the body, is the basis of healing….Who is the physician? Only the mind of the patient….What is the single requisite for this shift in perception?….the recognition that sickness is of the mind, and has nothing to do with the body.”

Those are pretty radical statements, don’t you think? But in them is the key to all healing, no matter the disease or disorder.Read more

Dementia: Curse or Blessing?

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 6

Berna and I have been discussing dementia lately. We have folks among our family and friends with dementia.

It’s so common today, and I’m sure many of you know someone affected by it.


As Johnny said, dementia is a common condition in your current world. It was not always that way.

The reasons it is common today are varied. But one of the main reasons is so many humans expect it to be. And many also expect it to happen to them, and not always in that period of life you call “old age.”Read more

I Do Not Know

Sometimes the wisest way you can answer a question is simply, “I do not know.”


We agree with Johnny. Admitting you do not have all the answers is wise. After all, what do you really know?

That is the greatest answer you can give to all the questions life throws at you every day. I do not know.

If you are on a conscious and deliberate spiritual path, you are daily confronted with opportunities to grow and expand your awareness.Read more


How often have you wished someone you helped had said “Thanks,” but they never did? Or how often have you neglected to thank someone who did you a huge favor — and you didn’t even know about the favor till years later?

Over the years, we’ve often talked about the power of gratitude. And also about how often we deeply touch the lives of people we’ve known only briefly, or not at all.

Today, with our world in its current state, many folks are wondering how they can be grateful when everything seems to be going to hell.Read more