Lessons I Learned From A Bar of Soap

Well, here we go again with another of our weird titles.

Many years ago, my fourth grade teacher had us do a brief experiment for her science class.

Two students stood facing each other. One closed her eyes. The other held a strong-smelling bar of soap under the nose of the student with the closed eyes.

The teacher instructed the student with the closed eyes to let the class know when the other student had removed the bar of soap.

After a minute or so, she said it had been removed.Read more

Respect For Others’ Opinions

We’re living in a contentious era of disrespect and disregard for others’ opinions, especially if they do not agree with ours. Do you have a hard time talking with someone who does not agree with you?


Although this is rapidly changing, many of you still struggle with speaking with those whose ideas, lifestyles, and opinions are different from yours.

Today we’re asking you to ask yourselves why this is. And what you can do about it. We’ll give you a few of our ideas here.Read more

The Loch Ness Monster

In one of Berna’s recent question-and-answer sessions with Spirit, she asked about the famous Loch Ness monster of Scotland. That probably doesn’t seem like a very “spiritual” subject. But let’s wait and see.


Johnny is fascinated by the stories of the monster of Loch Ness in Scotland. What’s going on there? Are these just stories?


No, they are not just stories. There is a lot going on there. The Scottish people have struggled with “Nessie” (their nickname for the creature) well over 100 years.Read more