Churches At War

posted in: Blog, channeling, Global oneness | 2

We realize that might be a crazy-sounding title. Churches don’t go to war. Or do they?


When Berna and Johnny were growing up in the Roman Catholic Church, the church defined what it called a “just war.” In other words, war (and all its brutality) was justified under conditions the Church defined.

Many years ago, our friend Seth said “There is never any justification for violence, for hatred, for murder.”

What’s the answer? Is there any single answer?

We will side with Seth.Read more

Aging and Agelessness

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 2

In the book series, Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Baird Spalding talks about meeting a beautiful young woman in his travels through the Himalayan Mountains. He said she appeared to be about 19 or 20 years old. As it turned out, she was well over 100 years old!

How could that be?

Baird goes on to explain the lady’s people were known for their long lives, some as many as 800 or 900 years, as we count time today.Read more


posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 4

The Mirriam-Webster Dictionary defines “guilt” as “feelings of deserving blame, especially for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy.” (Emphasis added)

Over the years, Spirit has spoken rarely about guilt. Berna thought it might be a good subject for today’s discussion. I agreed. After all, guilt is the proverbial “albatross” around the necks of many humans.


Guilt is the most useless, unnatural experience you can have as a human being. While it is not harmful to your ultimate spiritual growth and remembering, it can certainly significantly slow down your progress.Read more

Compassion and Life’s Other Side

posted in: Blog, channeling, compassion | 0

In a recent post we talked about a neighbor who died by euthanasia.

Berna and I ran into her widower the other day. He was, understandably, sad and sorely missing his wife. They’d been together 63 years. And their son had died many years ago when he was just 7 years old.

Berna, a deeply compassionate woman, spoke with him for a few minutes. He did not speak English. So he and Berna spoke in Dutch. I didn’t understand their conversation, but she told me about it later.Read more

Find Freedom Through Forgiveness

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 3

Over the years, Spirit has talked a lot about forgiveness. In today’s chaotic, often callous, world the subject of forgiveness has never been more timely. Here are a few of Spirit’s thoughts.


  • There is no dis-ease today that is not caused by you. Most times, the true cause is your unwillingness to forgive.
  • If you are suffering from any disease, discomfort, or dread in your lives, it is for one reason only: UNFORGIVENESS.
  • When you discover the hidden power of forgiveness, you will find the key to total healing—physical, emotional, spiritual.

Read more

The True Meaning of Easter

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 4

Easter is, obviously, a major religious celebration. It marks Jesus’s resurrection from death. But the true meaning of Easter goes beyond the obvious. Here are a few random thoughts about Easter:

  • Easter is very important to me. It’s a second chance. ~ Reba McEntire
    Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless. ~ Charles M.Crowe
  • The very first Easter taught us this: Life never ends and love never dies. ~ Kate McGahan
  • Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there.

Read more

Death and Life

One of the most discussed (and most dreaded) topics, especially in today’s world, is death. Berna and I actually enjoy talking about it. If we understand what death really is, there’s nothing to fear.


As Johnny and Berna said, death is nothing to fear. Most humans do not see that. The conventional view is, first, there is life. And then second, inevitably, there is death.

We’ve said this many times over many years. But we’ll say it again: There is no death.Read more

Religion And Fear

posted in: Blog, channeling, spirituality | 2

Berna and I grew up in the Roman Catholic Church. It’s changed some since those long-ago days. But for better or worse?

In hindsight, it’s obvious the church in the old days ruled largely by fear. The standard fear they promoted ran something like this: If you don’t do what we say, you’ll burn in hell forever.

And we believed that!

(In fairness to the modern Roman church under Pope Francis, we note they acknowledge they have work to do.)Read more

Beyond Death

On one of the popular social discussion websites, a user asked what comes next after death. The answers varied all over the place. Here are a few of the more interesting ones:

  • Our energy moves on.
  • No need to fear.
  • Isn’t this reincarnation?
  • Nothing.
  • The great nothing.
  • You become fertilizer.

So what really does happen to us after we die physically?


Many of your religious and spiritual traditions tell you death is nothing to fear. And yet humans, nearly without exception, fear death.Read more

The Hidden Power of Forgiveness

In today’s partisan, chaotic world, we rush to judgment and are slow to forgive.

In Tina Spalding’s book, Jesus: My Autobiography, Jesus says “Judgment is the biggest crime that can be committed against yourself and against others.”

How often do we even notice when we are judging? In our opinion, not often.


One of the human traits we in spirit find fascinating is your reluctance to forgive.

When you perceive, in your limited vision, another has harmed you, you often focus on the “harm” and not on your part in creating that harm.Read more

You Are Not Your Physical Body

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 4

Lesson 212 of A Course in Miracles tells us “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.”

But do we really believe that? After all, so much of the Western world, defines (and limits) everything as if we were only a physical body. Obviously, we all have a physical body. But we are not that body. Nevertheless, we have a duty to care for our bodies as we would a beloved family member.Read more

Kindness and Caring

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration, kindness | 4

In today’s world, it’s often tempting to believe humanity has gone to hell in a big way. But there is much kindness and caring out there that never makes it into the mainstream news media.


Your world is so obsessed with the illusion of separation. And it’s making you feel more separate than you could ever be.

In face, you’re not separate at all, except in your minds. And your minds have been brainwashed into seeing what is not there.Read more

Reality and Illusion

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

A few weeks ago, Berna and Spirit had a discussion about the question of what is real, and what is illusion.

Berna and Spirit

On the subject of reality and illusion, I thought I really had it clear with all the reading I have done. But recently I’m confused about it again. So what is really real in the material world we see? I know our perception forms the illusion—the idea we are separate is an illusion.

But the material world itself, like the trees and the mountains and the chairs we make, and the bicycles, the material stuff—is that all real or is it also an illusion?Read more

Your Best Advisor

Back in the late 1800s in the American state of Vermont, a minor family squabble blew up into a major confrontation. One hot-headed family member called the police. The matter ended up in court.

The local neighbors thought that was a huge overreaction to a minor difference of opinion. The end result was the hot-headed one was driven out of his hometown, never able to return.

A bit before all that happened, the legendary writer Rudyard Kipling penned his famous poem, “If.”Read more

Hard Work

I recently read an interview with a millennial worker. (The millennial generation were born in the last two decades of the 20th century.)

The worker talked about how she put all she had, all she was, into her work. In her words, “I am so obsessed  with reaching…success…that I’ve forgotten how to actually enjoy life.” (Emphasis added)

Her work had become her God.


In your modern world, particularly in Western society, you have replaced the real God with a false god.Read more

Darkness And Light

Some folks I know get depressed as our days grow darker in December with the approaching winter solstice. (In the northern hemisphere.) Ironically, this time of year is actually my favorite, which leads some to think there’s something wrong with me. 🙂

So many feel a sense of fear and dread as darkness descends. But the darkest days also herald the end of the darkness. Each day grows lighter as the darkness fades.

So why do so many suffer through this annual misery?Read more

Soul Contracts

posted in: Blog, channeling, spiritual power | 2

If you’ve been on the spiritual path very long, you’ve probably heard of “soul contracts.” But what are they?


There is no being in your life by accident—whether it be a human, animal, plant, other sentient being. There are no accidents, only soul contracts.

We realize this may be, as you say, a “hard pill to swallow.” But literally every aspect of your lives, from the most minute to the most monumental, is there because you have put it there.Read more

Thoughts and Synchronicity

posted in: Blog, channeling, spiritual power | 2

The Miriam Webster dictionary defines “synchronicity” as the coincidental occurrence of events and especially psychic events (such as similar thoughts in widely separated persons or a mental image of an unexpected event before it happens) that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality used especially in the psychology of Carl Gustav Jung

We generally associate synchronicity with happy events. But synchronicity also works in creating unhappy events.

Years ago, two members of my family lost their sons in untimely, tragic deaths.Read more

Your Shadow Self

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 2

While we are not religious, we do find much wisdom in the Bible, and in the world’s other sacred texts.

This is a powerful, insightful statement from the Bible:
“Why do you observe the splinter in your brother’s eye and never notice the plank in your own?” Gospel of Matthew 7:4

The legendary Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung popularized the term, “shadow self.”


Years ago, when Johnny first heard the term “shadow self,” it made him uncomfortable. He could not accept the idea all humans have a dark side.Read more

The New Year

posted in: Blog, channeling | 4

In 1977, Mother Teresa visited the four founders of the Foundation for Inner Peace. (As you may know, the foundation is the publisher of A Course in Miracles.)

In their conversation, the group talked about all the sadness and suffering in our modern world. Mother Teresa said, “…it is actually a disease….” The others asked her if there was any cure. She replied, “Yes. The cure is called love, and thank God it is contagious.”

What a great reply!Read more