Life, Death, and Beyond

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Most humans believe that you come into these bodies and you live for a little while, and you get it right or you don’t, and then you leave—when what is really happening is you are eternal. You never really leave. ~ Abraham with Esther Hicks


Most humans fear death. That’s a “fact of life,” as you say.

We say there is never any reason to fear death—if you remember who you are.

And who are you?

Most humans would answer that question with their name, or nationality, or some other limited way of identifying themselves.Read more

The Power of Words

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 6

If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. ~ Betty Eadie

How often do we speak without first thinking? Probably often. We don’t consider the power of our words, or how deeply they can hurt, how deeply they can heal.


We sometimes observe in humans what you call “idle chatter”—words without real meaning or effects.

But there is no such thing as idle chatter. Words are powerful tools you all have available to you.Read more


posted in: Blog, channeling, spirituality | 2

What is time? I haven’t found many definitions that make much sense to me. One of the best (and funniest) definitions, in my opinion, is from Charles M. Schulz, creator of the comic strip Peanuts:
“Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia”


(Many years ago, Spirit gave us this interesting perspective on the subject of time.)

Time weighs heavily upon many of you on the earth plane. And your language carries many cliches regarding time.Read more