Channelling by John Cali

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Over the years many folks have asked Spirit and me how they can learn to channel. While we don’ t teach channelling, we’re always happy to share our perspective on the process.

John Cali

One of my first recommendations to anyone wanting to channel is the book Opening to Channel by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer. The book was first published many years ago, but it’s still timely and relevant.

Opening to Channel is the book that launched me on my path of channelling. Sanaya and Duane, with their spirit guides, Orin and DaBen, lead you step-by-step through the process, from the very start where you know virtually nothing through the end where you become a practiced and confident channel.

There are some expert channelling teachers out there, though I don’t personally know any of them. If you’d prefer a teacher rather than doing it yourself, you can hunt around on the internet. I’m sure you’ll be able to find one who suits you.

Here are Spirit’s thoughts on channelling.


Anyone can learn to channel. It’s not, as you say, rocket science. Of course, you must have the desire first. Not everyone has the desire. But you all have the ability. You were born with it. You can choose to develop it or not.

As John said, we do not teach channelling, but we’re happy to give you our perspective on it.

If you sincerely want to bring in a spirit guide, or more than one, they are available to you. It’s only a matter of clear intent.

Spirit guides come to you through the “filter,” if you will, of your higher self. You are always connected to your higher self whether you’re consciously aware of it or not. You cannot not be connected. It “comes with the territory” of being human.

One of the first steps we recommend for those wanting to channel is to get into a closer and conscious alignment with their higher selves. One of the best ways to do that is through a regular practice of meditation.

Meditation doesn’t have to be elaborate or difficult. It can be as simple as taking some quiet time each day to consciously focus on your breathing. And, of course, to form the clear intent to consciously align with your higher self and to connect with a spirit guide.

There’s more to it than that. It’s not our purpose today to teach a channelling class. But, again, it doesn’t have to be a difficult task. It should be easy and fun.

Once you’ve connected with a spirit guide you’ll find the relationship as warm and intimate as you’d have with another human. An additional advantage is the guide is always available to you since he/she is not limited by space or time.

Your life will change, perhaps radically, but always for the better. You can choose whether to channel for others, or to simply do it for yourself. It’s likely, however, that once you start you will enjoy it so much you’ll want to do it for others. In fact, they will seek you out.

Just go with the flow of it all. And have fun.


Do you want to channel, or are you already doing it?
We want to hear from you!


John Cali communicates with several non-physical entities.
These messages are a blend of information from Spirit and John.  

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