The Truth about Enlightenment Is You Do Not Need It

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

Peace has never come from dropping bombs. Real peace comes from enlightenment and educating people to behave more in a divine manner. ~ Carlos Santana



For most of the years I’ve been on a conscious spiritual path, I’ve been seeking enlightenment—just like almost everyone else I know.

But lately I’ve discovered the truth about enlightenment—we do not need it.


We realize our title is a strange statement, perhaps startling even, for some. A logical question you might have is, “How can I NOT need enlightenment, especially given the seemingly chaotic conditions on our planet today?”

This takes us back to something we’ve been saying for years—you are here to remember who you are.

And so, who are you?

You are God in temporary human form. You’ve heard us say that a lot too.

Now, if you are God, you do not need enlightenment because you already are enlightened. You just forgot.

Now it’s time to remember.

The way to remember is to simply BE. Simply desire only the peace of God. That peace lies deep within you. It has never left you. It’s part of your very being—not your body, but your real identity.

Johnny is a great fan of A Course in Miracles. One of his favorite quotes from the course is Jeshua’s reminder to tell yourself often, “I am not a body. I am free, for I am still as God created me.”

Therefore, your job, your only job, is to seek to see everything and everyone, to love everything and everyone, as God does.

Just BE where and who you are right now. You are already enlightened.

And so it is.


In this video, the great spiritual teacher, Mooji, explains what enlightenment really is. It’s not something you must seek. It’s what you are.


Copyright © 2017 by John Cali

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2 Responses

  1. Dan

    Nice article, John – having experienced what I considered to be “enlightment” experiences where I truly understood the safety of the universe and my intimate connection – I have spent much of my life trying to integrate those particular short periods. This article resonates with me because although I truly value those experiences; on a day to day level they mean absolutely nothing.

    Being present, being oneself, allowing good thoughts and letting bad ones go – being without thought, and reminding myself that it is all God, all me, all that is and therefore I am always safe and all is well – despite the constant barrage of information to the contrary… Being in a body in the material world does not feel like an illusion – and the experience is quite real – it is also normal to continually forget that which we know to be true. I love having the regular reminders from Spirit – they are a reinforcement of what I know to be true but can easily forget any day of the week. While it becomes easier to be joyful, feel safe, and love myself and others the more I do it; it requires constant practice and seems very contradictory to what we are mostly taught is the human experience.

    Thank you, John for your diligence and to Spirit for communicating with all of us who read the articles here! While I know I always feel like you are preaching to the choir when I read the messages – I’m guessing that is also part of the normal human condition. It has become more and more obvious how different each of our realities is, how much choir preaching we all partake in and just how normal it is that no one is able to see, hear, or understand something they are not ready for… including me.

    • John Cali

      You’re most welcome, Dan. And thank you for sharing your thoughts and comments.

      I agree with you — whether or not we believe physical reality is an illusion, it certainly does seem very “real.” Like you, I need regular reminders and, more importantly, regular practice. Daily meditation has certainly been a powerful tool for me in achieving all that.

      Thanks again, Dan.

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