Everything Always Works Out For Me by John Cali and Spirit

Chaparral_Supercell_2Approaching Storm
Image by Greg Lundeen, National Weather Service

Our title this week is the affirmation I have taped above my desk. It’s also the affirmation I say to myself every morning when I wake up.

The daily results of using this affirmation almost always amaze me. Many days I feel I’m living in a dream world, but a real dream world.

That rosy perspective was severely challenged this week when I found a storm looming on my horizon. Let me explain.

My son is a world traveler because it’s part of his work. He loves what he does, and has been doing it many years. But the work can take him (and sometimes his wife and two children) into some pretty dangerous places. Like right now.

Many of you know, if you follow the mainstream news media, about the recent violence in Kiev in the Ukraine—and also in other Ukrainian cities. Right now, as I write this, my son is in the US embassy in Kiev—we just found that out this morning. One of the last reports I heard was the embassy was surrounded by protesters against the Ukrainian government.

The protests, which began in November last year, have remained relatively peaceful till this past week. Now they’ve turned deadly, with several deaths and many injuries on both sides.

I don’t pay much attention to the mainstream news, but I certainly have this past week. I’ve kept my family abreast of news from my son. One of them said to me this morning, “I can only imagine how worried you are!”

I had to stop and think about those words. Then I realized I was not worried. Deeply concerned, yes—but not worried. In fact, I feel peaceful. I know all is well, even though I have no way of knowing how all this will work out.

My spirit guides say worry is creating something we do not want. Worry is projecting the worst possible scenario out into the ethers. In fact, they have said worry and guilt are two of the most useless and counterproductive feelings humans can hold.

So why am I not worried? Because I truly believe that title of our article today—everything always works out. Most of my life I did not believe that. It’s been only in recent years I’ve come to see the wisdom of that affirmation.

Everything really does work out for all of us—if we let it. And how do we let it? By trusting that the universe, God, the spirits and angels have our best interests at heart. And they will always help us if we do not get in their way. They are with us always, and in all ways.

It’s that simple, at least for me.


This video has an obvious traditional religious perspective. But it also carries a powerful message, even if you disregard the religious aspects of it. Truth lives everywhere!


Related links:
Things Always Work Out
When Bad Thing Happen To Good People
Why Do Disasters Like Hurricane Sandy Happen?
When It’s Bad It’s Good


Do you find yourself worrying about things you have no control over? Or is it easy for you to trust you and your loved ones—all humans, in fact—are always in good hands? Please share your thoughts and comments with us.


What other subjects would you like us to talk about in these posts? Please email me.

About John Cali

John Cali is a writer, blogger, and channel for a group of spirit guides. His next book is Conversations With Spirit: Real Answers to Life’s Pesky Questions, Book 1. John lives in northwestern Wyoming. Sign up for his newsletter here.

22 Responses

  1. Karen Lee Samson

    What a beautiful story about your Son and the fear of Worry. Worry is a waste of time, Let go and Let God handle it all, we are not always in the control seat….Trust, as spirit says everything works out as it will be. Life in action and not always under our guidelines we thought we were following in life. Much Love to you and yours!
    Love, Karen Lee Samson

    • John Cali

      Thank you very much, Karen, for your kind words. We all deeply appreciate it.

      Learning we are not always in control was a tough lesson for me when I was younger. It took me years to accept it. But when I realized we are in control of our reactions, that made a huge difference.

      Thanks again.


  2. Robin

    Adding love. light and prayers for a perfect outcome for your Son, his family and for all involved.

  3. Susan

    May light and love totally surround you and your loved ones at this time. You reminded me of the events of 9/11 — one of my children worked a couple of blocks north of the WTC and was very much present to the events of the day from her perspective. I can only say that I knew nothing of what was going on until a friend called me — from there it followed it’s own miraculous course. I found out that she was okay, a friend of her’s showed up to lead her out of there, she was given a place to spend the night (because all the ways out of the city were shut down), made her way home on the following day and then proceeded on Friday of that week to leave for a vacation in Florida by train because, for some reason, it had come to her when she booked the trip to take a train instead of a plane. Something much bigger than what we understand is always at work! And, yes, everything always works out… thank you for all the opportunities that you open for that to be realized.

    Love and blessings to you and all…

    • John Cali

      Thanks so much, Susan, for all the light and love. We’re all grateful to you.

      What a marvelous story about your daughter! Thank you for sharing it. As you said, ” Something much bigger than what we understand is always at work!” How true! If we just trust and let the universe take care of us, all will be well.

      Love, John

  4. Sarah

    Thank you so much for sharing and my thoughts and prayers are also with your family 🙂 This is another very timely article for me as my husband and I have started trying for our second baby and we’re planning a home birth. Even though I’m not even pregnant yet, my husband and I are having to work through our fears that something might go wrong at the birth, even though I am a great believer in the Goodness of life and the birth of our first child went so smoothly. I just keep wondering what the difference is between a family experiencingproblems during homebirth and a homebirth where everything goes beautifully, when both mothers believe wholeheartedly that they can trust the process and are fully prepared?

    • John Cali

      Thank you very much, Sarah, for your kind thoughts and prayers. We’re all grateful to you.

      As “coincidence” would have it, my son and his wife had their first child at home. It went smoothly and perfectly. I’ll send you, your husband, and the baby-to-be lots of good energy and love — and put you on our prayer list.

      • Sarah

        Wow! That beautiful ‘co-incidence’ has actually really helped both my husband and I 🙂 Thank you. And thank you for your prayers. Love to you and your family.

  5. Pat

    Thank you for sharing your personal story about your son. We’re all faced with trials and challenges, as we go through our lives, and it’s inspiring and comforting to me how you’re working through your own.

  6. Maureen

    Greetings John,

    I love your connection to Spirit and I love how Spirit channels through you……….I love your affirmation………..it offers an effervescent focus on Spirit being human…………It’s taken me a huge chunk of this lifetime to enjoy trusting that everything works out for me……the Process continues and I look forward to trusting how everything works out for those nearest and dearest………..I look forward to simply trusting everything………….Light is sent with Love…………..

    Thank you…………Maureen

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Maureen. Trust certainly is a huge part of living our lives in joy and peace.

  7. Sandra Cronin

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, your son, and his family. It is always amazing to be witness to someone’s strength and faith during a trying time or situation. In this case you are the fine example for all to see. As a reader of your blog, I say thank you for sharing a very personal part of your life. We all look forward to the updates of this situation and will celebrate the safety of your loved ones.
    Blessings to you,
    Sandra Cronin

    • John Cali

      Thank you very much, Sandra. We all are grateful for your kind thoughts and prayers. I appreciate your support. I’ll keep everyone posted on how all this goes.

      Many Blessings,

  8. Toni

    John, prayers for your son and his family, and for you, too.


  9. Sarah D

    John, my thoughts and prayers are with your son and his precious family. It is so good that you have your wonderful affirmation and positive belief.

    One thing I always have to remember is that we cannot control the soul path of another. We can help by not projecting our worries and black thoughts as you say in your article but ultimately their soul knows its own path and what may seem ‘best’ from our perspective may not be part of that soul’s path. When my husband was in his last year of his Earthly life, he suffered terribly and almost passed away 4 times. I was desperate for him to live, but it was his time to pass into spirit. I couldn’t understand at the time but I do now. At a soul level he was ready to go into spirit once again yet physically he was fighting the inevitability.
    So as spirit says, All is well, all is good. Even if things don’t work out as we expect, from a soul level, everything is working out perfectly.
    I also believe that everything works out if we don’t get in the way. Again, even when things seem at their lowest ebb, if we just believe in the benevolence of the universe then things will work out for our ultimate good, whether at the human level or the soul level. I had my own experiences last year but still have to tell myself!!!
    I think one of the important things is to drop all resistance, remain positive and don’t fight the natural flow of the universe.

    Again, John, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    Blessings to you all.

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Sarah, for your thoughts and prayers –we all deeply appreciate them.

      And thank you for sharing your very touching story of your husband. That certainly cannot have been an easy time for you, but you obviously moved through it with grace and love. I’m sure those reading your story will be uplifted and inspired by it, as I am.

      Many blessings to you, my dear.

    • Robin

      I wanted to thank you so much for sharing your story & insights.. I was blown away by your simple statement “I think one of the important things is to drop all resistance, remain positive and don’t fight the natural flow of the universe.”

      I am constantly “preaching” to those around me to stay positive, concentrate only on what they “want” and not on the “don’t wants” because what you obsess over i.e. worry about is what the Universe believes you want.. even though I know how “things” work… I still must remind myself that worry is a waste of creativity… and when I read the quoted line above it was like the skies cleared and I saw a light shine through. I just need to get out of the way. 🙂

      • Sarah D

        Hi Robin 🙂
        Thanks for your kind comments about my reply to John’s thought-provoking post. I am a natural worrier!!! But as you say, worry is wasted creativity and energy. My biggest challenge is not to worry about creating negative experiences through worrying and to stay positive and trust in the benevolence of the universe! Do you ever feel a knotted feeling in your solar plexus? For me that usually indicates resistance or that what I am thinking is out of alignment with my higher self, that I am fighting the flow of the universe.
        Blessings to you, Robin.

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