Happiness by John Cali

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A few weeks ago on the internet I came across an article about how hard it is to be happy in today’s world. Intrigued by the topic, I printed it out and read it later that day.

John Cali

The author, clearly an articulate, accomplished, and spiritually aware writer, proceeded to lay out the reasons he thought happiness was an elusive goal for humans.

He argued that just because we think we deserve to be happy, it doesn’t mean we will be happy. He questioned our right to expect happiness in this lifetime. And even if we achieved it, he said, it would only be after a long and mighty struggle. Even then, he said, we would not find peace of mind.

In a newsletter we wrote about five years ago, Spirit and I were responding to one of our readers who was essentially saying the same thing as the article writer above. Here’s part of what I said in my part of our response:

“The reality is life is as hard or as easy, as sad or as joyful as we want to make it. Abe Lincoln once said ‘A man is about as happy as he makes up his mind to be.’ We cannot control others or the world at large, but we are in total control of our thoughts — and, therefore, of the reality we create with those thoughts.”

Which point of view do you prefer?

Here’s Spirit’s point of view.


Happiness is such a seemingly elusive goal for many humans. Certainly most of you have experienced unhappiness in your lives at one time or another. But that does not mean unhappiness is your natural state of being. Quite the opposite. Happiness is your natural state of being.

When you remember who you truly are, what we just said will make perfect sense.

You are God. Period! Yes, you occupy human male and female bodies at the moment. But you are God nonetheless, God in human form. You are, in this state of being God, fully aligned with your higher selves. Your higher selves are also God.

It really is that simple. Don’t make it complicated or difficult.

Your world today needs a lot more humans who are fully aware of who they are. But that’s another subject for another day.

Our point here today is simply this: You are God. Every aspect of you, human and spirit, is God.

You, as your higher selves, chose this current incarnation. Even if you chose challenging circumstances into which to be born, you chose it all because you intended to find joy here, to find happiness in exercising your divine creative powers.

Your higher self, that wiser broader part of you, lives eternally in a state of perfect happiness. You — the human part of you — when you are fully aligned with your higher selves, are also happy. And it won’t matter, as John said earlier, what is happening in the world around you. It won’t matter what other people are choosing to do with their lives.

All that matters, all that ever has or ever will matter, are the thoughts you think, the choices you make as a result of those thoughts.

Happiness is a choice you can freely make. Unhappiness is a choice you can freely make. No one, nothing can compel you to be either happy or unhappy. It’s as President Lincoln said — you are as happy as you decide to be.

When you fully acknowledge and accept you are God, you cannot be anything other than happy. When you know you, as God in human form, deserve to be happy, you will be.

When you deliberately choose happiness, you will find happiness everywhere you look. When you deliberately choose joyful thoughts most of the time, you will be happy. You will be at peace with yourselves and the world.

Feeling good, feeling happy, feeling joyful — these are the “secret” to living the life of your dreams.

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