March 2016 Prayers for Peace

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Mahatma Gandhi’s Prayer for Peace

During 2016, we will occasionally feature the peace prayers of the 12 classical world religions, and several other prominent peace prayers. Today’s post is the third of this series.


In 2016 I believe we will see peace on earth, or at least more meaningful movement toward it. But when we look at our world, especially as reflected in the mainstream news media, peace on earth might seem like an impossible dream.

I’ve chased impossible dreams all my life. Most of them have come true. I believe the dream we all have for world peace will also come true. And James’ vigil was certainly a huge step in that direction.

Today’s post features Mother Teresa’s Prayer for Peace and Prayer for Peace by Reverend Jim Hug, a Roman Catholic Jesuit priest. But first we’re repeating a few of Spirit’s words from an earlier month’s Prayers for Peace.

For those of you who work with numerology, 2016 is a most significant year. The four digits add up to 9, which signifies completion.

To follow up on John’s words, we see this calendar year as the completion of a centuries-long cycle.

While we do not make predictions, we see this calendar year heralding the most meaningful progress toward peace on earth that has ever been made in human history.

That is why your prayers for peace are so critical—to continue the energy and power that has been building for centuries.

Each of you, standing alone in your own light and love, is a powerful force—far beyond what most of you can imagine. All of you, standing together in unity and love, are an invincible force.

The so-called battle between good and evil, between light and dark, is over. Dark is defeated Evil never existed. Light and love prevail.

However, like evil, dark also never really existed. Dark is only the absence of light. As you all move closer to your true selves, your perception of dark just dissolves. That’s all dark has ever been—your perception, not reality.

Only light and love are real. Only God is real. You are all part of that oneness, that divine energy, you might call God.

This is as close as we have ever come to making a prediction: You will see peace on earth in 2016.


Mother Teresa’s Prayer for Peace

Lead me from Death to Life,
from Falsehood to Truth.
Lead me from Despair to Hope,
from Fear to Trust.
Lead me from Hate to Love,
from War to Peace.
Let Peace fill our Heart, our World, our Universe.
Peace Peace Peace

Prayer for Peace by Reverend Jim Hug, S.J.

O God, our maker, God of Abraham and Sarah, from
whom three great religions stemmed. We pray for peace.
We pray for peaceful existence between Israelis and
Palestinians, Sunnis and Shiites, Muslims, Jews and
Christians, Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism,
Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism,
Taoism, and Zoroastrianism.
We pray for negotiations which can reach the roots
of historical conflicts.
We pray for a commitment to human rights by all sides
and the protection of all lives.
We pray for effective international intervention to ensure
justice for all sides.
We pray for humanitarian aid and rebuilding where
destruction has occurred.
We pray for peace and for justice in our homes and
city streets.

Wrap all and each of these your people in your love.
Let them hear: “Come to me you who suffer
and are burdened and I will give you rest.”

We pray for an end to violence, war and senseless death.

Grant us this, peaceful God. Grant us a peaceful world.

Copyright © 2014 by Reverend Jim Hug, S.J.


Please share your thoughts with us below.


Copyright © 2016 by John Cali

If you know someone who could benefit from this post, please forward it to them with a personal note.


Here is a powerful time-lapse video of earth, taken from the International Space Station. How could we want anything BUT peace on earth when we see the stunningly beautiful planet we are blessed to call home?


Related posts:

January 2016 Prayers for Peace

February 2016 Prayers for Peace


What other subjects would you like us to talk about in these posts? Please email me.


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8 Responses

  1. Pat

    Thank you, John. I know how important this is. I shared on my social media.

  2. Karen Lee Samson

    I love the book A course in miracles…
    I am full of joy which I equate with Peace from my heart.

  3. George Ball

    Thanks John for the beautiful thoughts and video.

  4. Karen

    Beautiful film on earth view…with leading by example, joy in our heart regardless of situations encountered, and communication with accountability by government agencies…and inner knowing ….peace is evolving like a blink of eternity….a whisper of the soul….Peace is a frequency that is being molded as people climb the ladder of spiritual awareness paired with leading by example…in action, communication, and support for All people, nature, and life here and beyond.

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Karen, for your thoughtful comments. A Course in Miracles urges us to repeat (as a mantra), “I am peace.”

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