Are You A Good Listener?

One of the major challenges of today’s world is listening. How good a listener are you?


If you are on a conscious path of spiritual growth, you know how important it is to ask God for help when you need it. This is desirable and good. For you all depend on God (or upon whatever you perceive God to be) for everything, including your physical survival and well-being. And God is always listening.

But it also works the other way around.Read more

Listen: How To Help Others Heal by John Cali

Image by Alpha

A few days ago I was chatting with an old friend. We have a good relationship, but she’s very talkative, and not always a good listener. That sometimes creates tension between us.

This particular day I decided to just listen to her, and keep my words to a minimum. She’s been having some daunting challenges in her work and personal life. She talked a long time, and I mostly listened.

After she was done, and we were about to say goodbye, she paused and looked me directly in the eye.Read more