Wayne Dyer 1940–2015 by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 34

To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure. ~ J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone


As I’m sure most of you know, Dr. Wayne Dyer made his transition Saturday, two days ago. I did not use the word “died,” because none of us ever die. We just change form.

I don’t have a hard time with people dying, even those close to me. And I have little or no fear of my own death. But, for some reason, the news of Wayne’s passing shook me. I was startled by my emotional reaction.

So I went for a long walk, and Spirit helped me figure it out.

Actually, it was quite simple. They reminded me of something we wrote in our Spirit Oracle Cards:

Your physical death, no matter how you have lived your physical life, is a re-birth into light and love. Always. Death is no more to be feared than life. They are not so different from each other. Both are new beginnings, new steps on your journey of eternal growth.

Life is not dangerous. Life—and death—are perfectly safe. You live in a safe universe. The only “danger” is you do not think you’re safe. The true meaning of death, at one point in your human evolution, got so scrambled, you literally lost it. It became something you never intended. You began to see death as “the end” of you. Your churches taught you death was even a punishment for “sin.” And yet they held out the hope you would go to something better after you died.

No matter what the process or manner of physical death—painful or peaceful—the result is always the same. You re-emerge into what some would call “heaven.” A more accurate description would be “eternal life.” All life is eternal. Death is simply the doorway to eternal life. Death is your friend.

Godspeed, Wayne!


How do you deal with the death of a loved one? Or with the certainty of your own eventual death? Please share with us below.

Copyright © 2015 by John Cali

If you know someone who could benefit from this post, please forward it to them with a personal note.


Here are Esther Hicks and Abraham talking about putting “death” into the proper perspective.


Related posts:
We wrote an article about two years ago on the passing of another of my favorite spiritual teachers, Stuart Wilde. Read it here.


What other subjects would you like us to talk about in these posts? Please email me.


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About John Cali

Writer and publisher John Cali, author of 10 books, talks to ghosts and dead people. He writes about these adventures at his blog and website, and in his upcoming book, Conversations with Spirit: Real Answers To Life’s Pesky Questions, Book 1.

Subscribe to his newsletter and receive a free copy of The Book of Joy: How To Live Every Day of Your Life Happily Ever After.

Website: http://www.GreatWesternPublishing.org

34 Responses

  1. Pat

    I agree, John, and along with the shock I feel sad, too. Mostly because I’ll miss his stories. I enjoyed them all the way back in the late ’90’s. They seemed to resonate with me maybe because they reflected a little touch of the scurvy elephant in him.

    Just recently, I viewed his video tour a few years back to Assisi and read one of his latest books, “I Can See Clearly Now” (a type of memoir). I noticed a genuineness and vulnerability I had never seen before.

    In the video, when we was lecturing in the church of St. Francis, near the end of it he was overtaken with such a strong presence of St. Francis that he wept and couldn’t move. He talks about what was happening to him in his book.

    Yes, I will truly miss him. Thank you for sharing and giving us this opportunity to share, too, our thoughts on Wayne Dyer.

    • John Cali

      Thanks, Pat. I’ll miss his stories too. He was such a great storyteller!

      I know St. Francis of Assisi was one of Wayne’s favorite historical figures. He was one of mine too, way back when I was in a Jesuit college many years ago. I love The Prayer of St. Francis.

      I don’t think it’s any “coincidence” Wayne became so fascinated with St. Francis as he was coming up on the end of his time with us.

      Thanks again, Pat, for sharing your warm memories of Wayne. We will all miss him!

  2. L

    Hi John
    No, actually I didn’t know until your email. Thank you for that!
    Like many have written, I was shocked, and also sad I must say. I agree, if anyone was ready for the transition, it was him. But we will miss his physical presence. He made a wonderful contribution here on Earth. Like you
    I was not interested in his early work, but later became a real fan. I just loved to listen to him talk. He was gifted with words and very amusing.
    After reading your email I looked at wiki and it says he died of a heart attack (someone here posted they would like to know), but who knows if that’s true.
    Anyway, thank you for the lovely post.
    Lots of love and hugs

    • John Cali

      Hi Leigh,

      You’re most welcome!

      I agree with you — as surprised and sad as some of us were, he was certainly well prepared for the transition we all will make. He was an amazing teacher and human being. Like you, I was not interested in his early work. But later I came to love everything he did and wrote.

      Several people here have wondered what the “cause” of his death was. In fact, I’m going to write a follow-up blog post about that.

      Thank you, Leigh, for your always-kind comments, and for just being here.

      Lots of love and hugs to you too, my dear!

  3. Blessed B

    I thought I would share this with you….

    Wayne posted this on Facebook this past Thursday, just a few days before he passed away. He knew….

    “I have a suit in the closet with the pocket cut out. It’s a reminder to me that I won’t be taking anything with me. The last I wear won’t need any pockets.”

    Dr. Wayne Dyer, passed away peacefully in his sleep on Saturday night at his home in Maui.

    I believe he would want us all to continue to learn, to realize, to embody the fact that, quoting Wayne, “We are not our bodies, our possessions, or our careers, who we are is DIVINE LOVE and that is INFINITE”.

    Nick Ortner ( EFT Tapping) says…”I’m striving to further embody in my life, my actions and my thinking his beautiful messages. Today, I’m listening to one of my favorites audios, “The Wayne Dyer Audio Collection”. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0001V5008/ref=as_li_

  4. Jenelle

    Dear John~

    Thank your for your heartfelt and beautiful tribute to Wayne Dyer!

    I heard the news this morning, and felt the shock and sadness at the core of my being. We all have been gifted by Wayne’s truth, wisdom, and essence, and I think we feel this so deeply because he walked into our hearts and resided there like a family member or a very good friend. Wayne opened his heart and himself to all, and in that gesture and way of life, we were gifted and enriched beyond measure.

    Wayne has accomplished so much in this life, and left a vibrant and eternal legacy with us on this planet. We can only imagine the amazing work he will do from his new vantage point…how blessed are we to have had him with us in this particular lifetime and beyond!

    Thank you, Wayne, for your extraordinary example of a life well-lived. You are TRUTH, LIGHT, and LOVE. We are eternally grateful for the gift of you.

    We love you!!!

    • John Cali

      You’re most welcome, Jenelle!

      And thank YOU for sharing your thoughts and feelings.

      As you said, Wayne walked into our hearts like a beloved family member. And he left a beautiful legacy of love for all of us. We are blessed to have had him here for 75 years. Although now that seems like the blink of an eye.

      those who loved him in return.

  5. Pat

    Thank you, John, for this tribute to Wayne Dyer and the message from Abraham-Hicks. I have followed him for many years and, like you, I was shocked to hear of his passing. I’m not sure why I was so struck, as if anyone could be prepared for their transition, I believe he was.

    He holds a special place in my heart and loved him and his work. I can see him continuing on the other side like you mentioned. I will truly miss him.

    Rest in Peace and God Bless you, Wayne Dyer, and may you enjoy your new adventures soaring the universe.

    • John Cali

      You’re most welcome, Pat!

      I too had followed Wayne for many years. I had exactly the same thoughts as you did. If anyone was prepared for the transition, he certainly was!

      That’s why I was so struck — maybe even “shocked,” is the word — when I heard he’d died. It caused me to reexamine my own beliefs, and review again the wise words of my spirit guides.

      I also will truly miss him. But it’s comforting, as you said, to know his work will continue from the other side.

  6. beachdrifter

    I hadn’t heard of it John, thanks for letting us know!

    I don’t know what the cause of his death was, and it’s irrelevant. I also don’t want to suggest in any way that something went wrong here, of course not, Wayne lived a rich and fulfilling life, and none of us will focus through our current bodies forever.

    However, I vividly remember an interview with Wayne from earlier this year, where he talked about how he beat cancer (leukemia, to be more precise, the same disease that Jerry Hicks used as his excuse to transition). In this interview, I heard him say something along the lines of “I feel very healthy, I haven’t checked my blood count levels anymore, but I know I’m healthy.”

    It felt completely off to me when he said it – not because I thought he should go check them, but because I felt there was a big gap between what he was saying, and what he was actually thinking (and thus believing, and thus feeling, which, if you’re sensitive to energy, you can read).

    That made me think of what Abraham said many times: “The Universe doesn’t hear what you say, the Universe hears what you mean!”

    Now, regardless of whatever the backstory to Wayne Dyer is, or whether I read his energy accurately at the time or not (all of that is irrelevant), I’d like to take this opportunity to remind myself (and those of you who get what I’m talking about here):

    Own up to your emotions! Don’t pay lip serve, don’t use positive sounding words to cover up how you really feel. Because it’s only then that you can truly address and change the way you feel, and it’s only then that true healing (on all levels) can occur.

    It’s such an important lesson especially for the uplifters, teachers and healers among us. We all want to be of service, want to teach by example, and often forget that it’s ok that we aren’t perfect. That we have bad days, too. Making peace with that, and then truly addressing the way we feel whenever we’re off balance, is the key to maintaining our long-term stability.

    • John Cali

      You’re most welcome, beachdrifter!

      As you say, the “cause” of death doesn’t really matter. If we accept what my spirit guides say, we all commit suicide — in the sense we always choose the manner and timing of our deaths. It doesn’t matter if we die because of an accident, illness, the hand of another, or our own hand, etc. etc,

      As you also said, Wayne lived a rich and fulfilling life, and was (and still is) a great role model for us all.

      I clearly remember that interview you mention with Wayne. I had thoughts similar to yours. Abraham has that absolutely right!
      But I also believed, and still do, there is no such thing as an incurable disease. Of course, if we don’t accept that, then it’s not true for us.

      Thank you so much, beachdrifter, for those last 2 paragraphs. You’ve given us some powerful words of wisdom there – words we would all do well to heed and live every day of our lives.

      Thanks again, my friend!

  7. Val

    Nothing real can be threatened Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God. ~ A Course in Miracles.

    I really liked the Abraham link. It helped clear up some distortions. I think for me it was my mother’s passing way too young that set me on my path.

    Recently we’ve had many near and dear to our family cross over. No time between to even process. Think I was ok with most of them, but surprised myself that one in particular set me back. I was ok at the time, knew it was time. Knew in advance something wonderful was coming for my friend, though I didn’t try to interpret that knowing. Just knew he’d be ok. Better than ok. Good. Now he is, but I know he didn’t want to ‘die’ as the ego thinks of it.

    I expect what gets to me is now life is different without them here. So I will make new traditions and invite them to ‘help’ celebrate from their new perspective.

    I’ve had dreams lately that I think were on this theme…that even as we leave the physical plane, there are still ties of the heart that hold us close. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could become more aware of that more of the time?

    Love is eternal. So are we.


    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Val, for sharing.

      I understand how it feels when so many folks close to you pass over in quick succession. My family had a time like that some years back. As prepared as we may be for those events, it’s still an emotional adjustment.

      As you say, and as my spirit guides say, we never lose those we love.

      Yes, indeed — love is eternal. So are we!

      Love, John

    • Blessed B


      I also have had dreams of those who recently pass in the family….it validates to me that they are not truly gone from my life. They came to say so-long..until we meet again, and to know that all is right with them in their new realm of existence.

      The one that really shook me was a cousin who hadn’t passed away yet from Lupus, but was in the hospital. I had a prophetic dream of some member of the family passing away but didn’t know who exactly. In my dream I had an owl land on my forearm….and read that as to being someone not far from my family….an arm’s length away. Owls BTW, in my family are portents of death. I received a phone call only a few hours afterwards informing me of my cousin’s passing away.

      I take comfort in knowing that at anytime I can still meet with my loved ones who have transitioned and have a nice chat and visit with them. Love never dies. 🙂

      • Val

        Thanks for sharing that, Blessed B,
        I’ve had owls as portent too. And other signs or visitation even before they passed, in dream time. A cousin woke me up a few weeks before her death. I recognized her energy and her question – told her it was up to her, the timing and manner of her passing over. Today though, a white dove came to visit. Never in my whole life has one of those showed up on my property. So, seems one meaning is a message from beyond, or at least a thinning of the veil. I’ll take that. Especially considering this conversation.


        • Blessed B

          I think your white dove visit is a sure sign of something wonderful happening for you that you have been praying for and needing…. 🙂

          This is one of my favorite songs…. http://youtu.be/3usXFCh56iA 🙂

          • John Cali

            Thank you, Blessed B. I’ve loved that song since I was a teenager.

  8. christellsit

    His death shocked me, too, John. Wish they would tell us the cause. I think it’s important for his followers to know. It changes nothing in that he chose this time totransition. But letting people know how he chose to leave will make others feel more at ease should they have unknowingly chosen to transition in the same way.

    • John Cali

      I too wondered what the “cause” of his “death” was. My spirit guides have said we all choose the timing and manner of our “deaths.”

      I appreciate you sharing your feelings and thoughts.

  9. Karen Lee Samson

    Your words and message about Dr. Wayne Dyer is a brilliant spark of wisdom !
    How beautifully shared, and to help us all remember the truth spoken in your article?
    People are the true treasures in life on both sides of the veil.
    Shining lights of inspiration.

    • John Cali

      Thank you so much, Karen!

      It’s strange, but when he first became popular, I wasn’t particularly interested in what he had to say. But as the years went on, I realized the depth of his wisdom and power.

      Love, John

  10. Pat

    I hadn’t heard of Mr. Dyer’s passing. While the news is “sad” (is there such a thing?) I very much appreciate being informed. Thank you. Like too many others I suppose, one of the first things I do is to calculate their age. Silliness! One thing is certain regardless: Mr. Dyer put a lot of life into those years. Thank you, Mr. Dyer and thank you, Mr. Cali.

    • John Cali

      You’re most welcome, Pat!

      I know what you mean — we humans are obsessed with age and the passing of time. As you said, Wayne put a lot of life into his 75 years. And I expect he’ll be continuing his wonderful work from “the other side.”

  11. Hans

    Hi John,
    Thanks for giving us the opportunity to share thoughts.
    I just don’t know about how I’d be in the case of a loved one woould make his transition. I’m 58, I only lost my great grand mother at the age of 7 and my grand father at 9. At this time I just believed they will go for a time and come back.
    But I remeber the joke (it wasn’t one for me) of a neighbor who changed his vooce and phoned me, annoucing the death of my son. I thought heaven felt me on the head. I first was totally chocked, but soon asked for details he couldn’t give me. I was finally reassured and so happy as soon as I heard the voice of my son.
    So it seems I’m not so cool with this idea of death, even if it really isn’t a matter for my own. Tomorrow or in 30 years.
    My mother is 84 and not in a very good health stage. One day she will go. But I’m in peace with this. And I hope I’ll give her some confidence with that.
    I told her this eve how much I’m grateful for the life she gave me. She was so hapy about this words. And then we told peacefully about the good life we had togheter.
    One day I hope I can do the same with my father. I’m fortunate to have still both of them.
    Many blessings your way along dear John.

    • John Cali

      Thank you, Hans, for sharing your thoughts with us.

      That sounds like a pretty cruel “joke” your neighbor played on you!

      You certainly are blessed to still have your mother and father with you. But then, as my spirit guides often say, we never lose those we love, in life or “death.”

      Many blessings to you too, dear Hans!


  12. jean

    I really liked Dr. Wayne Dyer, I have some of his books. He was and still is a remarkable individual. He is on a new journey of enlightenment and adventure. God Speed Wayne! Your light shall forever shine, guiding the way!

    Thanks John for your words and Spirit’s words.

    love and hugs

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Jeannie. He is indeed a remarkable man whose light still shines brightly.

      Love and hugs,

  13. Angela

    I was also surprised that I cried when I heard about it! He holds a special place for so many people with all the wonderful work he has done! Thank you John!

    • John Cali

      You’re most welcome, Angela! He certainly holds a special place in the hearts and lives of so many. I know we’ll all miss him.

  14. Blessed B

    Thank you John for letting us know. I just started watching his video series with Hay House….so I also was shocked and rocked to hear this news.

    Wayne will be missed physically but his work will also live on as also with his spirit…

    • John Cali

      You’re quite welcome, Blessed B. He certainly will be missed by so many. But it’s comforting to know, as you said, his work and his spirit live on forever.

  15. Patricia Nolan Stein

    Thanks for this wonderful article!

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