Life and Death Reflection Questions by John Cali
Are you afraid of dying?
Are you afraid of the thought of your loved ones dying?
Is your fear of death keeping you from living fully?… Read more
Use this category for your reflection questions
Are you afraid of dying?
Are you afraid of the thought of your loved ones dying?
Is your fear of death keeping you from living fully?… Read more
Overall, is your life joyful, or lacking in joy?
What can you do to bring more joy into your life?
What can you do to bring more joy into the lives of others?… Read more
Are you going with the flow of life most of time?
If not, what can you do to change it?
Do you believe, as Spirit said, you can live a life of effortless ease?… Read more
Do you believe you can live to 100 or beyond?
What do you think you should change to live a longer, healthier life?
Do you believe, as Spirit said, you can die in a state of perfect health?… Read more
Can you think of any lemming-like behavior you’ve bought into because someone said you should?
If so, why? Perhaps simply to please someone else or to avoid their disapproval?
What can you do to give your inner guidance higher priority than other people’s opinions?… Read more
Do you have a “Magic Mountain Ranch” you can go to when you need a break?
If not, how could you create such a place?
Would that make a positive difference in your life?… Read more
Do you generally think much about the power of your thoughts, words, actions?
If not, is this something you could benefit from?
How would that make a difference in your life?… Read more
What are the ways you think Spirit is speaking to you?
Is there anything you can do to be more watchful, as Spirit advises, for messages from Spirit?
Do you trust yourself to know when Spirit is speaking to you?… Read more
Who do you see as one of the greatest teachers in your life?
Can you see ways that person is also a great student?
Do you feel more comfortable in the role of teacher or student — or perhaps both?… Read more
Is there anyone in your life, alive or dead, with whom you need to heal your relationship?
Do you keep putting it off? Why?
What can you do to heal the relationship now?… Read more
Are you uncomfortable when someone spontaneously offers you a gift?
Do you know why?
If you feel unworthy or undeserving, why? And what can you do about it?… Read more
Are you holding any anger inside you?
What can you do to release it?
If that anger is directed at another person, living or dead, what can you do to heal that relationship?… Read more
Do you believe “natural disasters” such as earthquakes are random events? Or do they serve a useful purpose?
What can you do in your own personal life to promote oneness and love among all humans?
Are you optimistic about the “fate” of our world. Or do you think this is the end of our world as we know it?… Read more
Are you happy most of the time?
If not, why not?
What can you do to bring more happiness into your own life and the lives those you love?… Read more