In response to our newsletter article of February 27, “Letting Go,” we received some searching, heartbroken questions from one of our readers.
John Cali
This is a longer letter than we normally publish. But I think our reader has asked some important questions, questions I know are on the minds of many people today. This letter, in my opinion, is one of the best and most intense “distillations” of those eternal questions echoing down through the ages.
Spirit’s response is far longer than typical. For that reason I hesitated to publish this newsletter. But my gut feeling is there are folks out there who really need to hear the message. If that wasn’t so, I don’t believe Spirit would have given it to me.
So here goes, starting with the letter from our reader.
“I have created some of the most difficult and traumatic experiences in my life and find life quite difficult and even unbearable at times. I don’t understand WHY I have created this ‘mess from hell’ that is my life and I realize there is a reason (but I don’t know it).
“I find myself in a self-imposed solitary confinement. Life has hurt me so much and has beaten me up so much, it’s just easier to remove myself. But that lets in a whole new set of issues. I WANT to let go. I WANT a good and joyful life.
“So, how does one let go of the past hurts, the tapes that keep playing in my head that are filled with negativity. How do I get the Laws of Attraction to work for me? How do I get myself out of the way?
“I am sure I am not the only entity in the universe that asks these questions. You’ve read all the books, your brain has absorbed the material intellectually, you’ve listened to all the guided visualization tapes, you’ve done all the affirmations and meditations and more! You’ve tried numerous ways to break through this very stuck place.
“You can feel that you have been here for several lifetimes trying to find this out. We’ve even tried not trying. You understand how it all works.
“Yet, you have difficulty, that almost immobilizes you, (in) taking that next step and get it all out of your mind (the unnecessary stuff) and clear the space for Divine Spirit and actually manifest and live it in your mind, body, spirit — in all parts of this lifetime, you have somehow, for some reason created for yourself.
“How do you make it really real instead of just a great idea and intellectual concept? How do we find out why we are here, our purpose while we are here? What we are supposed to be doing while we are here? And if we are creating continuous terrible things, WHY?
“I’m sure you and Spirit will be able to be very helpful with your responses, as you always are, to very many people. We know in our hearts and minds that life should be joyful. But how do we get there? How do we really get our minds and hearts to believe it and have faith; step aside and let Divine Spirit show up, speak up and tell us the answers, that we already know somewhere deep inside of us, but somehow cannot remember? Why would we not want to truly help (ourselves)?”
Here’s Spirit.
One of those eternal questions so many of you ask is “Why?”
Why am I here? Why would I choose this pain and suffering? Why would I want to torture myself endlessly? And so on.
Well, friends, our only response to that is you do not have to know why. You don’t have to know why your life is such a mess. You don’t have to know why your life is not the joyful vision you once held. You do not have to know why your lover is such a challenge. You do not have to know why your body seems to be falling apart. You do not have to know why you never have enough money.
And the litany goes on.
Also, you do not have to know how you got into the messy lifetime you’re living today.
Above all, you do not have to blame yourself for whatever pain and sorrow and confusion you’re feeling right now in your life. You do not have to chastise yourselves for the “mess from hell,” to use our reader’s words, you find yourselves in.
What all this comes down to is you’re trying too hard.
Trying doesn’t do it. The very word “trying” carries with it a lack of faith in your ability to create the life you want.
Friends, you do not try. You do. And if do-ing results in something you don’t want, you do it again, a different way this time.
Do you see, feel the difference in the energy of the word “try” and the word “do”?
Our reader asked this question in her letter:
“What we are supposed to be doing while we are here? And if we are creating continuous terrible things, WHY?”
Life is supposed to be joyful, as you’ve heard us say many times over the years, probably ad nauseam.
Nonetheless, it’s true — your higher selves intended you to live joyous, abundant, peaceful, fulfilling lives.
Another poignant question our reader asked at the end of her letter:
“We know in our hearts and minds that life should be joyful. But how do we get there? How do we really get our minds and hearts to believe it and have faith; step aside and let Divine Spirit show up, speak up and tell us the answers, that we already know somewhere deep inside of us, but somehow cannot remember? Why would we not want to truly help (ourselves)?”
The answer is so simple!
You do it by intending it to happen, and then by simply allowing it to happen.
Intending is not your problem. You’re always intending to have what you want. Allowing it to happen is the problem.
You cannot ever allow what you want into your lives by immersing yourselves in the pain and trauma of the past.
The past has no power over you. All your power is in this present moment. All of it!
If you keep thinking about your past, especially your painful past, you’ll simply create more of that.
If you want to think of the past, think of the times when you felt joyful, passionate, powerful. Then you’ll create more joy, passion, and power in your present moments.
Friends, this is the “bottom line”: Your higher selves see you — the human extension of themselves — with the greatest love, compassion, and understanding for where you are. They love you unconditionally. They live in a state of constant joy and bliss. They want the same for you.
The way for you to find your way back to that place of joy and bliss you came from — to find it while you are still here in your physical bodies — is to simply do whatever it takes to feel good.
Because when you are feeling good, you are then aligned with your higher selves. When you are aligned with your higher selves, you see your lives through their “eyes,” from their perspective.
When you do that, you are fully aligned with all you want to experience for the rest of your physical lifetimes. All of it.
It doesn’t matter why or how you got to where you are now. All that matters is where you want to go from where you are now. But you cannot get there from a place of being unhappy with where you are now.
Look for things to feel happy about now. You will thereby allow the Law of Attraction to bring you exactly what you want.
It’s all a matter of vibration. If you are constantly looking at the parts of your lives you don’t like, you’re creating more of that vibration — and Law of Attraction delivers to you more of what you don’t like.
If you look for the good in all your experiences, past or present (there is good in all those experiences), you will create more of that good in the days and years before you.
But no matter how you live out your lives, joyfully or painfully, you cannot get it wrong. Your “mistakes,” your pain, your sadness are all steps on your journey to success.
You do not have to wait for that success in your “next life.” You can have it all now. You have all the power you need at your fingertips to create the life of your dreams, here and now.
Spirit and I recently did two articles for the alternative spirituality magazine, Cosmic Lighthouse, on the hotly controversial topic of prostitution. This was before the outbreak of the prostitution scandal with Governor Eliot Spitzer of New York, my home state. A pure “coincidence.”
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