How Do You Get Through Your Day?

The pan flute player in this picture was born without hands and parts of his arms. His parents and siblings all played instruments. But, obviously, he could not. His father kept thinking about a way for his son to also play music. One day the father came home with a pan flute for his son. The son then locked himself in his room with the flute.

After many hours, he came out of his room and said to his parents: “I am going to become the best pan flute player in the world.”… Read more


It’s only recently that Berna and I came across the word “doomscrolling.” We hadn’t heard it before, and had to look it up to see what it meant.

The Mayo Clinic defines doomscrolling as “The obsessive and unproductive consumption of negative information on social media.”

I guess I’m a bit out of touch with today’s world, or at least with social media.

Actually, though, “doomscrolling” is just a new word for what, in our opinion, is one of humanity’s worst habits–always expecting the worst.Read more

The Singing Angel

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 0


Recently I was in Ireland for a week’s retreat. The retreat’s focus was on the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer as taught by Jeshua (Jesus) to Jayem ( Aramaic was Jeshua’s original language.

At one point we were all chanting the first word of this prayer, “Ah bwoon,” for ten minutes. Each of us chanted at our own breathing rhythm. Sometimes I stopped to feel and listen, because the energies were so incredibly powerful and special.

One of us was a female singer with an angelic voice.… Read more

Too Good To Be True

posted in: Blog | 6


The other day, my friend Joe was at my house helping me with some minor household repairs. Since he owns eight rental houses, he’s good at that sort of thing. I’m not.

After we finished, Joe told me of a conversation he’d recently had with his brother Pete. Pete asked Joe how everything was going at his rental properties. “Fine,” Joe replied. “Couldn’t be better. We have good people renting from us, and, lately, no maintenance problems at all. Seems too good to be true.”Read more

People Are Evil

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

If you spend much time with the mainstream news media, you may think you’re losing your mind. Maybe you think people are evil, and the whole world is headed for hell in a handbasket.


Among humans, as we have discovered from observing you for many centuries, there is a “bias,” if you will, toward expecting the worst in life. And, there’s an even worse bias toward expecting the worst in yourself and in your fellow humans.

You don’t need us to remind you of where that inevitably leads you.Read more

Instant Healing

posted in: channeling, healing | 5


One day I came home in the afternoon and it turned out that Johnny had lost his voice due to the heavy pollen in the air. He could barely talk.

I said “Let’s have a glass of champagne together. That will soothe your throat.”

So, we did. Johnny was telling me all kinds of things. I said: have you noticed you have been talking like normal and you only have taken two sips of the champagne?”

We both joked and laughed about it.… Read more

Do We Really Create Our Own Reality?

posted in: Blog, spiritual power | 4


Many people who are on the spiritual path for a long time, know and can see that we create our own reality…UNTIL…something negative happens to them. That can be in any aspect of life, like a job, money, relationship or health. “I did not create this accident,” one of my friends recently said to me. She was convinced that she was more a victim of something than the creator of her unfortunate situation.

Can we be honest with ourselves and recognize when we live from our ego mind or from the heart?… Read more


posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

We’ve talked about karma before. Recently Berna was telling me she’d read a surprising comment about karma in a Facebook group.

Someone was talking about a recent unpleasant event in her life.  She said it  probably was caused by something she had done in a previous life—-as if she had to repay a debt or was being punished.

Berna’s opinion (which I share) is karma is often a weapon people use to instill fear in others. Or to control them.… Read more

Are You Allowing Life To Touch You?


If you’re paying much attention to the mainstream news media today, you’re aware, perhaps painfully so, of all the turmoil and chaos in our world today. If you’re paying too much attention, scientists call that “doomscrolling.”

Personally, Berna and I pay little attention to the mainstream news—only enough so we know a bit about current events.

A recent article we read reported researchers had concluded exposure to negative news is a “source of vicarious trauma.” In other words, people are dangerously affected despite not experiencing trauma first-hand.… Read more


posted in: Blog, channeling, healing | 1

Since many people are labeled with autism these days, we think readers might be curious about Spirit’s perspective on this subject.


Autistic people are drawn inside. They close themselves off in a way. They want as little stimulation from the outside as possible.

All these busy energies, the confusion everywhere, the insincerity of people—they pick these up and they make their minds wild, so to speak.

They are so sensitive to these outside influences, because they are spirits with a higher vibration than the average person.… Read more

Bringing Joy to the World

posted in: Blog, channeling | 4


About Andre Rieu and the joy he brings to millions of people.

Berna and I are great fans of Andre Rieu, the legendary Dutch violinist and conductor. We’ve been to his live concerts in his hometown of Maastricht in the Netherlands. I have listened to his music for many years.

Andre’s purpose in life is simple: to bring joy to people with his music. There is no greater purpose in life for any of us than to bring joy, and love, into the lives of all our sisters and brothers.Read more

The Spirit Cat Follow-up

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 0

In our last post we talked about our encounter with a so-called “spirit cat.”

This week, we’re discussing another peculiar situation with this cat.

After we left the cat, we drove 5 kilometers north. There we came upon an attractive small, white 13th century church and, behind it, a graveyard. A beautiful white light was shining down from the sky on the back of the church.

While Berna walked to the graveyard, I walked around to the other side of the church.Read more

The Spirit Cat

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 10

Berna and I took a few days off this past weekend in the northeastern part of The Netherlands. It’s a beautiful rural area, known for its prehistoric tombs, called “hunebeds,” dating back to 4000-3000BC.

The hunebeds are the oldest monuments in the Netherlands. They are prehistoric tombstones built by the Funnelbeaker people using boulders Mother Nature transported to Drenthe during the Ice Age. Drenthe has no fewer than 52 hunebeds in a 30-kilometre radius.

We went to one of them last weekend.Read more

Re-framing the Resurrection

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 14

Either all things die, or else they live and cannot die. No compromise is possible.

                                                                                                                  A Course in Miracles

As most of you know, Christian churches celebrated Easter last Sunday. This was always a big celebration in my Italian immigrant family. But you don’t have to be Christian to celebrate the resurrection, the miracle of Easter. For me, the lesson and miracle of Easter is we never die—life is eternal.


Some of your spiritual traditions celebrate Easter as a time of resurrection, rebirth.Read more

Is Your Life YOUR Life?

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

Today we all live in challenging and often-tragic times. Just look at the mainstream news media headlines. But don’t do it too often. It will break you. There’s a better way.


Many of you are struggling and suffering with all the challenges and changes your modern world is flooding you with.

It’s not an easy time for you to be on Planet Earth. But it is a good time—the perfect time—for you to be here.

Every one of you is facing your own unique challenges today.Read more

The End of Life

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 2

Over the years Spirit has talked about death many times.

Unfortunately, it’s a subject most humans prefer to avoid. It instills dread and fear in the hearts of many.

Having grown up in the United States and now living in the Netherlands, it’s struck me how vast a difference there is between the Dutch and American views of death.

A couple of weeks ago, Dries van Agt, a Roman Catholic and former Dutch prime minister, and his wife Eugenie, died hand-in-hand by euthanasia.Read more

The Secret to Living Your Life with Effortless Ease

posted in: Articles, Blog | 9

Many people are struggling with their lives, often daily. Are you one of them?

My spirit guides have often said our highest and best authority is our own inner guidance, our intuition. It will never lead us astray. We can trust it completely.

Most of us know that. Yet, when faced with challenges and choices, we are often lost and struggling, not knowing which way to turn.

That’s because there are so few influences in our modern world encouraging self-reliance, self-trust and, most importantly, self-love.Read more


posted in: Blog, body mind spirit | 4

As you perhaps know, we sometimes have question-and-answer sessions with Spirit.

We decided to use the following question for today’s post.


Can you tell us more about the concept of intention?

Answer by Spirit

It is a powerful concept, a powerful tool in your spiritual toolbox. Your intention is everything, because with your intention you can literally change the path of your life.

So, nothing can be achieved without intention, a clear and powerful intention. Anytime you form an intention, for example, if you want to heal something, first you form the intention that it will be healed.… Read more

Communication with Spirit

Since more and more people are awakening, more people are consciously connecting with non-physical sources. Therefore, we thought we’d make a post about this.


It is critical, in these wild times on your planet to stay connected to Spirit. Of course, you are always connected. You cannot be disconnected, for you ARE Spirit.

We know it’s tempting at times to question or doubt the information you bring through when you are speaking with Spirit. It does not matter by which name you call Spirit.… Read more

Kindness Is The Cure

In today’s world, it often seems kindness is in short supply. But there are as many random acts of kindness as there are acts of cruelty. Or, perhaps, more.

We only need to open our eyes to all the kindness around us. There is more of it than you would ever imagine. Although you might not think so if you follow the mainstream news.

Kindness is the cure to a world gone crazy.


We have often talked about the power of kindness each of you humans possess.Read more

How Much Would You Pay To Live Forever?

posted in: Blog, inspiration | 0

You may have heard about the American billionaires searching for eternal life. Not the eternal life religion teaches, but eternal life in a physical body. They’re sinking many millions of dollars into what may be the biggest waste of money ever dreamed up by humans.


We’ve talked about this subject before. You humans seem to be insanely driven by this (in our opinion, wasteful) search for eternal life.

Here are just a few (out of many) of our thoughts about living forever:

  • Achieving eternal life is an impossible dream.

Read more

All Is Well Revisited

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

One of Spirit’s favorite phrases is All is well. In today’s world, we need more reminders that all truly is well, despite appearances.


A Course in Miracles tells you in Lesson 292, A happy outcome to all things is sure. We realize that’s a tough one for many of you to wrap your minds around.

Perhaps one quick glance at your daily news convinces you your world is really going to hell. How then, you might ask, can there be a happy outcome to all things?Read more

Judge Not, For You Never Know

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 0

How often have we (ALL of us) judged another without knowing the pain they were feeling?


You have a saying that goes something like this: Never judge another till you have walked a mile in their shoes.

You have all walked many miles, in this lifetime and others. In some of those lifetimes you’ve walked alone. In others, you’ve walked together.

But we would ask you, as you walk through this lifetime, to imagine what it’s like for others, especially those who walk beside you.Read more

Good People

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 4

In today’s cruel and crazy world, it’s tempting to believe humanity is lost. If you spend much time following the mainstream news media, you probably wonder if there’s any hope at all for world peace. Many say they want it, but few do much to promote it.

Are there any good people left in this old world of ours? Yes, there are, more than we know. Here’s a powerfully uplifting story of one such person.

This is a true story. It happened November 25, 1854 on the shores of Lake Erie, one of the five Great Lakes on the US-Canadian border.Read more

Experimenting With Human Lives

posted in: Blog, inspiration | 0

According to Amnesty International, the United States is among the 8 countries who inflict the most death penalties. The most recent, and widely publicized, execution was of James Barber, a convicted killer in the US state of Alabama. That was last week.

Alabama had botched its last 3 attempted executions. Those likely caused unimaginable suffering and horrible pain to the condemned men. Yet the US Supreme Court refused to delay Barber’s execution. One of the dissenting judges said the court was allowing Alabama to experiment again with a human life.Read more