John Cali
Last week I was visiting my good friend Mikala St. Germain, whom many of you know. Micki, as I call her, lives out on the prairie in northern Montana just a few miles from the Canadian border.
Micki had some work to do late one afternoon while I was there. So I decided to just relax and take a welcome break from my normally busy schedule. I went into the backyard which looks out over miles and miles of open prairie. It was just before dusk and the sun was bathing the prairie in an bright, otherworldly golden-amber glow.
As I sat there immersed in the peaceful energy of the place, I was struck by the stillness, The wind had grown calm. Several deer were dancing across the prairie horizon. The stillness was broken only by a coyote howling in the distance. And then it was still again.
Basking in the glow of the sunset, I marveled at the stillness engulfing me. I felt a deep peace and sense of oneness with All That Is. I can’t describe it with just these words. But it was so powerful, and I could feel the stillness of the prairie settling into my being.
It felt so good, so very good. And then I realized how much power there is in the stillness. And how seldom most of us experience that power.
Here’s Spirit.
There is such power within you–power most of you have never, in your wildest imaginings, dreamt of. It is the power of All That Is. In your busy, hectic, harried world, you seldom have time to plumb the depths, if you will, of that power. Often because you simply refuse to take the time from your busy lives to get in touch with that power within.
You can do that best by being in the stillness. Now we realize many of you do not have the opportunity our dear John did to simply bask in the stillness of a place far removed from the distractions and distresses of your modern culture.
But you all–ALL of you–have the opportunity to find that stillness on the prairie within your own being. Spend a few minutes–it doesn’t have to be a long time–each day simply being, and BE-ing, in the stillness.
You can do this by simply doing whatever takes you away from the “busyness” of your lives and puts you into the stillness. Whatever works for you is fine.
One exercise we highly recommend is to get yourself into a quiet place where you will not be disturbed or distracted. Be in a comfortable physical position. And then simply focus on your breathing. Focus on your breath in and your breath out–breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out.
Practice that for a few days, and you will be amazed at the results. You will find power in the stillness. You will find YOUR power in the stillness. In the stillness you will rediscover your connection to your soul. In the stillness you will find the divine within–the goddesses, the gods you all truly are.
In the stillness you will be reborn into the glory and grandeur of YOU–the glory and grandeur you have long forgotten.
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