John Cali
Okay, folks, as promised, here’s the second and final part of The Power of Joy. En-Joy!
John Cali
Okay, folks, as promised, here’s the second and final part of The Power of Joy. En-Joy!
Finding Joy in your modern world can seem a daunting task, can it not? But it needn’t be daunting nor difficult.
First of all, realize the modern world you see reflected in your mainstream news media is simply a reflection of someone’s thoughts–or rather, of many “someones’” thoughts. If a large part of humanity is focusing on problems of all sorts–war, famine, poverty, murder, rape, disease, you name it–then that is what they will be creating in their own experience.
And when you have most of the planet’s population doing that, guess what happens? That becomes the mass consciousness. And the mass consciousness is what is mostly reported in your mainstream news media.
There are several important points we wish to make here.
First, simply because a certain experience, say the condition you call cancer, is prevalent in the lives of so many does not mean it has to prevail in your life. It need not be a part of your experience. In fact, it can become a part of your experience only if it is your primary focus.
In other words, if you give more of your time, energy, and thought to cancer than to health, you’re increasing the probability of experiencing what you don’t want–in this case, cancer.
So the first step, we would say, in creating the experiences you want in your life, is to abstain from the steady diet of “bad” news your media feed you. We are not saying to totally ignore what’s happening in your world today. We are saying, however, to not pay it so much attention.
It would be well for you to focus on the “good” news out there. There’s plenty of it. But you just don’t read about it in your newspapers or see it on your television screens. And on the rare occasion when you do, it’s often drowned in the flood of bad news accompanying it.
What’s the last piece of good news you remember from your mainstream media? You may have to think about that one. But you probably don’t have to think long or hard to recall the last piece of bad news.
The second step is to start looking for the Joy waiting for you to discover it. Seek the Joy in every experience! It IS there, in every experience. But you will not find it if you do not look for it. Or if you do not expect it.
There are many, many places and ways for you to seek and find Joy. Even in your world today which seems hell-bent in its focus on war and other global catastrophes.
Learn to appreciate even the little things you may take for granted. For example, a beautiful sunset, a stranger’s smile, a baby’s laughter, a lover’s kiss–you get the idea. Look for things in your life to appreciate, always. Even in the most challenging circumstances you can always find something to appreciate. And when you do that, the Universe will bring you more and more of what you appreciate.
Then before you know it, you’ll be inundated with things to appreciate. You’ll be wallowing in Joy. The rest of the world may be immersed in its own self-created hell. But that will not be your experience.
You truly do create your own realities. And there’s no reason you cannot create Joy-filled realities. It’s all a matter of focus. What you do not focus on cannot touch you. It literally cannot touch you, it cannot be your experience.
It’s also all a matter of vibration. If your vibration is high and Joy-filled, that will be your experience. It cannot be otherwise. That is the true power of Joy. When you are so focused on doing only what feels good to you, only good can come to you–and all you can give to others is good.
Seek Joy, always. And in all ways.
Finding Joy in your modern world can seem a daunting task, can it not? But it needn’t be daunting nor difficult.
First of all, realize the modern world you see reflected in your mainstream news media is simply a reflection of someone’s thoughts–or rather, of many “someones’” thoughts. If a large part of humanity is focusing on problems of all sorts–war, famine, poverty, murder, rape, disease, you name it–then that is what they will be creating in their own experience.
And when you have most of the planet’s population doing that, guess what happens? That becomes the mass consciousness. And the mass consciousness is what is mostly reported in your mainstream news media.
There are several important points we wish to make here.
First, simply because a certain experience, say the condition you call cancer, is prevalent in the lives of so many does not mean it has to prevail in your life. It need not be a part of your experience. In fact, it can become a part of your experience only if it is your primary focus.
In other words, if you give more of your time, energy, and thought to cancer than to health, you’re increasing the probability of experiencing what you don’t want–in this case, cancer.
So the first step, we would say, in creating the experiences you want in your life, is to abstain from the steady diet of “bad” news your media feed you. We are not saying to totally ignore what’s happening in your world today. We are saying, however, to not pay it so much attention.
It would be well for you to focus on the “good” news out there. There’s plenty of it. But you just don’t read about it in your newspapers or see it on your television screens. And on the rare occasion when you do, it’s often drowned in the flood of bad news accompanying it.
What’s the last piece of good news you remember from your mainstream media? You may have to think about that one. But you probably don’t have to think long or hard to recall the last piece of bad news.
The second step is to start looking for the Joy waiting for you to discover it. Seek the Joy in every experience! It IS there, in every experience. But you will not find it if you do not look for it. Or if you do not expect it.
There are many, many places and ways for you to seek and find Joy. Even in your world today which seems hell-bent in its focus on war and other global catastrophes.
Learn to appreciate even the little things you may take for granted. For example, a beautiful sunset, a stranger’s smile, a baby’s laughter, a lover’s kiss–you get the idea. Look for things in your life to appreciate, always. Even in the most challenging circumstances you can always find something to appreciate. And when you do that, the Universe will bring you more and more of what you appreciate.
Then before you know it, you’ll be inundated with things to appreciate. You’ll be wallowing in Joy. The rest of the world may be immersed in its own self-created hell. But that will not be your experience.
You truly do create your own realities. And there’s no reason you cannot create Joy-filled realities. It’s all a matter of focus. What you do not focus on cannot touch you. It literally cannot touch you, it cannot be your experience.
It’s also all a matter of vibration. If your vibration is high and Joy-filled, that will be your experience. It cannot be otherwise. That is the true power of Joy. When you are so focused on doing only what feels good to you, only good can come to you–and all you can give to others is good.
Seek Joy, always. And in all ways.
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