Aging by John Cali

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Are you afraid of growing old? Or maybe you’re already at that age where our society considers you old. How do you feel about aging?
John Cali

As I’ve gotten older the thing I’ve noticed most is how many folks my age (and younger) are brainwashed into believing aging is a curse. They believe their bodies must inevitably deteriorate as they move through the years. In the end they know they must die of “something.” Meaning illness or disease, usually painful.

There are many examples to show those beliefs just ain’t true. Deterioration and painful death are not inevitable. Unless, of course, you believe they are.

Many of you know Louise Hay, the legendary founder of Hay House. You probably also know she’s a vibrant 84. And still very healthy and active.

Two members of my family recently died. One was just under 100 and the other 101. They were relatively healthy, alert, and energetic till the day they died.

In a recent article in her newsletter, Christiane Northrup, M.D. talked about her 84-year-old mother, Edna. A few months ago Edna climbed almost 18,000 feet up Mount Everest! I’d love to do that when I’m 84!

Edna lives in western New York State near where I grew up. Dr. Northrup’s uncle, Robert Northrup, also a medical doctor, was my family’s physician for many years when I was growing up. He presided over the births and deaths of quite a few of my relatives, including my father. He also lived a long life.

Those are just a few of the many examples of people who refuse to accept our society’s brainwashing that we must fall apart as we age.

A dear lifelong friend recently reminded me that many of our generation were already dead or dying. He said “We’ve got to work hard to hang in there!”

I don’t want to work hard at anything anymore. I want life to be easy and fun. How about you?

Here’s Spirit.

Getting older scares so many humans. It even scares some to death, literally.

As John said, it does not have to be that way. Your physical bodies do not have to fall apart as you grow older. You do not have to fall “victim” to the experiences many of you consider inevitable: declining mental abilities, over-relying on medicine and doctors, defining yourselves as “old,” losing your zest for life, and so on.

Friends, that is all nonsense! You’ve been brainwashed by your society, by the mass consciousness. Of course, once you accept this sad, distorted view of yourselves, you do indeed deteriorate and lose all the abilities and freedoms you feared you would.

It’s all simply a self-fulfilling prophecy.

As John also said, there are many exceptions among you — folks who can actually grow younger and healthier as they move through the years. Instead of aging, they’re “youthening.”

You can all do this. Nowhere is it etched in concrete that you must live your final years in pain and misery, dependent on the medical “powers that be” for your continued life.

You can age gracefully, willingly. If you allow it to be okay that you certainly will change as your bodies move through the years, aging can become a pain-free, happy, joyous experience.

It is entirely within your power to live in a state of perfect health and balance for as long as 130 years or more. It is entirely within your power to live a long happy life and, then when you decide you’ve had enough, die in a state of perfect health.

All that may sound like fantasy to some of you. But there have been enough of you who’ve done exactly that. If even only one can do it, all can do it.

Believe it and it will become your experience. Your final years can be the best years of your lives.


What are some of the ways you’ve bought into the myth your body must deteriorate as you move through the years?
We want to hear from you!


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