April 2016 Prayers for Peace

posted in: Blog, channeling, peace on earth | 8


Mahatma Gandhi’s Prayer for Peace

During 2016, we will occasionally feature the peace prayers of the 12 classical world religions, and several other prominent peace prayers. Today’s post is the fourth of this series.


In 2016 I believe we will see peace on earth, or at least more meaningful movement toward it. But when we look at our world, especially as reflected in the mainstream news media, peace on earth might seem like an impossible dream.

I’ve chased impossible dreams all my life. Most of them have come true. I believe the dream we all have for world peace will also come true.

Today’s post features three short peace prayers. First is the Native American Prayer for Peace, second is the Hindu Prayer for Peace, and third is the Nigerian traditional prayer, Earth Prayer.

But first we’re repeating a few of Spirit’s words from an earlier month’s Prayers for Peace.

For those of you who work with numerology, 2016 is a most significant year. The four digits add up to 9, which signifies completion.

To follow up on John’s words, we see this calendar year as the completion of a centuries-long cycle.

While we do not make predictions, we see this calendar year heralding the most meaningful progress toward peace on earth that has ever been made in human history.

That is why your prayers for peace are so critical—to continue the energy and power that has been building for centuries.

Each of you, standing alone in your own light and love, is a powerful force—far beyond what most of you can imagine. All of you, standing together in unity and love, are an invincible force.

The so-called battle between good and evil, between light and dark, is over. Dark is defeated Evil never existed. Light and love prevail.

However, like evil, dark also never really existed. Dark is only the absence of light. As you all move closer to your true selves, your perception of dark just dissolves. That’s all dark has ever been—your perception, not reality.

Only light and love are real. Only God is real. You are all part of that oneness, that divine energy, you might call God.

This is as close as we have ever come to making a prediction: You will see peace on earth in 2016.


Native American Prayer for Peace

O Great Spirit of our Ancestors, I raise my pipe to you.
To your messengers the four winds,
and to Mother Earth who provides for your children.
Give us the wisdom to teach our children to love,
to respect, and to be kind to each other so that they
may grow with peace in mind. Let us learn to share
all the good things you provide for us on this Earth.

Hindu Prayer for Peace

Oh God, lead us from the unreal to the Real.
Oh God, lead us from darkness to light.
Oh God, lead us from death to immortality.
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti unto all.
Oh Lord God almighty, may there be peace
in celestial regions.
May there be peace on earth.
May the waters be appeasing.
May herbs be wholesome, and may trees and
plants bring peace to all.
May all beneficent beings bring peace to us.
May the Vedic Law propagate peace all
through the world.
May all things be a source of peace to us.
And may thy peace itself bestow peace on
all and may that peace come to me also.

Earth Prayer, Nigerian Traditional Prayer

May togetherness of this earth continue to guide
us and may the divine bring peace and understanding
to protect the world.


Please share your thoughts with us below.


Copyright © 2016 by John Cali

If you know someone who could benefit from this post, please forward it to them with a personal note.


This video, Peace on Earth, is a powerful, often emotional collection of photos depicting scenes of war and its aftermath. It has graphic images. So if you’re particularly sensitive you may not want to watch it. However, I can think of no better reason to work for world peace than to avoid these heart-wrenching scenes from ever being reenacted on this planet again.


Related posts:

January 2016 Prayers for Peace
February 2016 Prayers for Peace
March 2016 Prayers for Peace


What other subjects would you like us to talk about in these posts? Please email me.


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8 Responses

  1. Mary Foyes

    Hi John,

    I love seeing these other prayers. Praying is not something I do easily since it was forced upon me growing up. I have started a journal of prayers that have meaning to me and will be including these Prayers for Peace. Thanks for always inspiring me to be a better me.



    • John Cali

      Hi Mary,

      Great to hear from you again! I know what you mean about prayer — I grew up with it the same way you did. It took me years to get used to it in a way I was comfortable with.

      I’m delighted you’re enjoying the Prayers for Peace. They’re pretty powerful.

      I hope all is well with you.


  2. Nicole Pelchat

    It’s great and supportive to see How WE are all connected from All around the world
    Toward the same goal!
    May the Light and Love shines forever, everywhere and in everyone heart….and living créations! Thank you John and Spirit!
    Love and Blessings

    • John Cali

      Thank you very much, Nicole, for your comments.

      Love and blessings to you too,

  3. jean

    Beautiful prayers, thank you for posting them here for us. Here is something from my heart to yours and all here.

    love and hugs

    My Prayer
    by: Jean S. Horn

    may the peace of the heavens
    abide here within this mortal heart
    may the love of our creator
    remind us we are all loved
    may the joy of each breath
    and the tear of each sorrow
    remind us we are but human
    yet we are more than we remember
    we are more than this life
    we are the outer form of forever
    and the inner heart of our Soul
    whatever we need
    whatever we want
    whatever peace we have
    it all starts right now

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Jeannie, for your comments — and for your beautiful prayer.

      Love and hugs,

  4. Elaine

    Dear John,

    I love this post, the words of spirit, the prayers for peace. Thank you so much.


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