John Cali
A long time ago, in the dim and distant recesses of my memory, I remember one of the darkest times of my life. My young son, then about seven years old, his mother, and I were sitting together talking about a deeply troubling and painful situation in our lives.
We were working, struggling our way through this devilishly difficult conversation. Our son, wise little one that he was (and still is, though not so little any more), thought love was the answer to the seeming dilemma. His mother responded, “Love is not enough.” And, to be honest, I agreed with her.
Our son, in that innocent wisdom of young souls not that far removed from their memories of life’s other side, exclaimed, “Love IS enough! It’s all there is!”
Out of the mouths of babes. . . .
Here’s Spirit.
The word “love” is much bandied about, if you will, in your modern society. And yet many who use the word never pause to consider its true meaning.
For if everyone who ever uttered the word “love” knew (remembered, really) its true meaning, then all the problems humans are facing today on your planet would simply vanish.
And you would truly have Heaven on Earth.
We would define love as the deliberate, conscious choice to see the divine nature in all beings.
If you do your best to see the divinity in all beings, you will never have any desire to own, control, manipulate, misuse, or abuse any of the Great Spirit’s creatures or creations.
If you see other beings, particularly your human sisters and brothers, in this light, it would not be possible for you to commit murder, wage war, ravish your environment. It is simply impossible if you acknowledge the divinity in all beings.
A caveat here–it’s particularly important for you to remember and acknowledge the divinity within yourself first. And then you will easily and effortlessly see and acknowledge it in all others.
Is love enough? No, not in the ways many humans define it. But is real love enough? Absolutely!
For when you remember what love truly is, you will simply be incapable of doing harm either to yourselves or to another.
Love is enough. It’s the only way.
Is love always enough? Please comment below.
“For if everyone who ever uttered the word “love” knew (remembered, really) its true meaning, then all the problems humans are facing today on your planet would simply vanish.”
Absolute divine truth. Love is enough. Love is always enough.
Knowing its true meaning is key. After that, everything is gloriously easier and more wonderful.
Can’t recommend it enough!
Endless hugs and loves
John Cali
Thank you very much, Shirl! Wise words, indeed!
Hi John,
This is a beautiful short film about the difference a dollar could make.
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year – loved Yes Virginia!.
Thanks for the Spirit Speaks Newsletter too – I enjoy it tremendously.
Lozzie x
John Cali
Thank you so much, Lozzie, for posting this beautiful video! I hope everyone who sees this will take a few minutes to watch the video. It’s powerfully uplifting, and it embodies the true spirit of Christmas.
Thanks again. You have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2012!
Hi John,
This is my first time to share a thought in your amazing blog:
I would say Divine Love is enough, don´t you think?
John Cali
Hi Marco,
Thanks very much for your comments, and welcome!
Yes, I agree — Divine Love is enough. I think the problem with using the word “Love” is that so many of us have distorted definitions of what love is. So “Divine Love,” in my opinion, is a better way to talk about the subject.
Thanks again,