Pay Attention To What You’re Paying Attention To by John Cali

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John Cali

Spirit is forever telling me, and others also, to pay attention to what we’re paying attention to. Or, in the case of this particular issue of the newsletter, what we’re not paying attention to.

Since we all create our own realities, if we don’t pay attention to what we’re paying attention to, we’re probably going to create something we don’t really want in our lives.

I had a great personal reminder of that fact of life recently. A most painful reminder.

I was preparing my dinner one evening. I had put a pan with some oil in it on the stove, on a medium setting. Then I went to my computer to do a little work while the oil was heating.

Not more than several minutes later, I smelled burning oil. I said to myself, “Nah, it couldn’t be that. I just now put it on, and only at a medium setting. Couldn’t be that.”

I was wrong. Just a few seconds later, the burning smell was so strong I couldn’t ignore it.

I rushed into the kitchen. The oil was a blazing inferno.

I don’t clearly remember the next few minutes. All I know is I somehow got that blazing inferno extinguished.

Almost my whole kitchen was scorched and covered with oily black smoke. Hell, the whole house could easily have burned down! And me with it.

Somehow, miraculously it seemed in hindsight, I escaped with only a tiny burn on my right thumb. I don’t know how that happened either.

But this I do know:

Spirit is absolutely right. If we don’t pay attention to what’s going on in our lives, we’re probably going to create experiences we’d rather skip.


You are all powerful creators–gods and goddesses in human form. And create you must, consciously or unconsciously. You cannot not create. You create every aspect of your reality, every moment of your earthly experience.

The problem for many humans is not that they can’t create–we’ve already established that youdo create.

The real problem is they are not paying attention to what they’re creating.

Since John opened this discussion, we’ll use his recent experience as an example. (We’re not picking on him. But he did make himself “fair game” for this discussion.)

As we said, you create absolutely everything in your lives–your relationships, your careers, your financial situations, your bodily health, etc.

We’re not beating up on John, or any of the rest of you. But before you can have total freedom in your lives, you must accept total responsibility for those lives. To do any less is to make yourselves victims.

We know many of you have a hard time with us when we tell you what we’ve just told you. But that doesn’t make it any less true.

Where we’re going with this right now–and we’ll keep it fairly brief–is it’s critically important for you to be consciously aware of where you’re putting your attention, your focus.

Because, by that attention, by that focus, you create every present moment of your earthly experience.

In John’s case, he immersed himself in his work for a bit longer than he “should” have. And in the process he forgot what he really needed to be paying attention to–the pot of oil that was about to incinerate him and his house.

This is often how you goddesses and gods in human form create–or miscreate. By default instead of by deliberate focus.

We’ll bring this discussion to a close here soon, though we could go on at great length. And perhaps will another time.

The whole point we wish to make here is this:

Pay attention to what you’re paying attention to. Be aware of where your focus is.

If you are, for example, immersing yourselves in the human trauma and tragedy in the headlines of your newspapers every day, you set up a negative vibration in your own personal lives–a vibration that attracts to you exactly what you do not want.

And as you vibrate, so you create.

If you’re not focusing on what you want to create, you can easily create what you don’t want.

You do this in one of two ways.

First, you give your attention to what you don’t want in your personal lives. For example, the daily horror stories in your newspapers.

Second, you fail to give your attention to what you do want.

In John’s case, what he wanted was a nice dinner. Not a blazing inferno. But he wasn’t paying attention.

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