About ten days ago I was at Frank’s Barber Shop for my regular haircut. As usual, I had a fun-filled time.
We’ve written about Frank’s in two past newsletter articles, “Down at Frank’s Barber Shop” and “Frank’s Barber Shop Revisited.”
John Cali
I was Frank’s only customer that morning. Usually he has a shop full of people. So it was great just the two of us could chat. As usual, Frank was full of his funny stories and good humor. We talked about some serious stuff too. But even that Frank managed to put a funny or humorous twist on.
Then, as I was leaving, I realized how really good I felt. I’m generally upbeat and positive. But this feeling was beyond that, it was euphoric. The feeling lasted most of that day.
As I thought about it later, I realized what a rare treasure Frank is to all of us blessed to know him. He has the gift of joy.
Here’s Spirit.
The gift of joy is the greatest gift you can give another, whether it be your lover, your child, your parent, your friend — anyone in your life.
Frank is the master of joy. He has perfected it in a way few other humans have.
The vibration of joy, appreciation, love is the most powerful vibration in the Universe. It is the essence of who you are. It is the foundation of all that is. It is, as you say, what “makes the world go ‘round.”
As with any gift you share with others, the more you give, the more you get. Frank is a perfect example and role model for this. He radiates joy in his every word, every action. He is joy. His life, his relationships, his work — everything about him — are defined by his deep joy, his love of life, his love of other people.
As with John at his recent visit, nearly everyone who visits Frank comes away from the experience feeling euphoric. It’s a “high” like no other.
But Frank’s real gift is not the joy he feels. His real gift is the way he gets people in touch with who they really are, with the deep joy dwelling within every one of you.
Frank has a power like no other power in the Universe — because he reminds you, whether you’re consciously aware of it or not, of the deep well of joy and power within you.
The gift of joy Frank has is a gift not because of what he gives you, but because of what he allows you to give yourselves once again. You knew how to give yourselves that gift when you were little children. Then you forgot.
Frank is simply the catalyst to bring you home again to the gift of joy within you.
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