The Feeling of Peace

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 14

In 2016 all the major causes of human misery will end. The New Golden Age for humanity has arrived and the first signs, like the first green shoots signaling the arrival of spring after a harsh winter, are about to appear. ~ Jeshua, channelled by John Smallman


the first green shoots of springThe First Green Shoots of Spring

In a recent post my spirit guides said, “This is as close as we have ever come to making a prediction: You will see peace on earth in 2016.”

Do you believe, as Jeshua said, all the major causes of human misery will end in 2016? Or that we will see peace on earth this year?

Spirit Talks About Peace

Peace is the highest vibration many of you will experience in this lifetime.

Peace is all about your focus. What do you focus on in your daily life? Take a moment to think about that. Where is most of your focus? What do you spend most of your time doing? How much time do you spend watching television? Reading news media? Watching movies? Etc., etc.

Often the focus of these various media is on all the “bad” news out there—on all the things going “wrong.” We realize these things are part of your world. We are not asking you to pretend they do not exist. We are not asking you to do nothing to help alleviate suffering—your own and that of others. We are asking you to see all this for what it is—a temporary, passing perception, and not “reality.”

If you can focus, even for just a few moments each day, on peace, you bring the vibration of peace into your center, into that place where you are directly connected to your soul, to God.

Often this can best be achieved through meditation. Also useful are prayer, music, spending time with your loved ones, walking in nature. And so on.

You have many resources, inner and outer, to help you feel peaceful, to be peaceful, to be peace. It doesn’t matter what’s happening in the world around you. The more peaceful you feel, the closer you are to all that is, to all creation.

Every moment you consciously carry that feeling of peace is a moment you powerfully contribute to creating more healing on your planet and in all creation.

You become a force to be reckoned with. You have BECOME peace—you ARE peace. That is the only way to end suffering, to create peace on earth. You can do it in this year of 2016.

Adapted from John Cali and Spirit Special Reports

What can you personally do to end human suffering and ensure we will see peace on earth this year?

Please share your thoughts with us below.


Copyright © 2016 by John Cali

If you know someone who could benefit from this post, please forward it to them with a personal note.


Here is a fascinating discussion between Gregg Braden and Robyn Walker on the power of prayer. Pay particular attention to the part of the video beginning at 4 minutes, 50 seconds.


Related posts:

The Heart of Mother Earth
February 2016 Prayers for Peace
January 2016 Prayers for Peace


What other subjects would you like us to talk about in these posts? Please email me.


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14 Responses

  1. Pat

    Thank you for sharing, John. I’ve been feeling the shifts and changes of energy and can see us realizing real peace in 2016. I especially liked the video with Gregg Braden and Robyn Walker and shared it.

    It speaks to what I’ve been learning and experiencing the past couple of years with the “Presence Process” by Michael Brown ( You can take a peek inside. It’s helped me understand a lot of these things.

    • John Cali

      You’re most welcome, Pat. I too feel the energies growing and bringing us closer to real peace.

      Thank your for Michael Brown’s link. I will certainly take a look at it.

      Blessings, John

      • Pat

        You’re welcome, John. I know Peace is always with us but it’s not evident to us because of distractions and many various reasons. I’m looking forward to the evidence — Peace — this year, 2016!

        Thank you and hope you find the link interesting and helpful.

        • John Cali

          You’re most welcome, Pat! I too am looking forward to the evidence.

          I did look at the link — sounds like a fascinating book.

          • Pat

            Happy to hear you checked out the link. It is a fascinating book — for me, it’s one I’ve finally found that resonates with me and has been very useful in how to address and resolve old issues I’ve carried around for most of my life. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share it.

          • John Cali

            You’re most welcome, Pat. I hope at least some of our readers see it.

          • Pat

            Me, too, John. I know those that are attracted to it they’re hearts are ready and it will benefit them in amazing ways. For others, there will be something else. Thanks, John.

          • John Cali

            Thanks again, Pat. We all travel at our own speed, and in whatever ways are right for us.

  2. Karen

    Dear John,
    Beautiful piece on Peace…I also feel as you do, PEACE comes from within our essence at a soul level, when paired with honesty….any situation or emotion can be equalized to a state of further Peace….
    Each of us control our inner peace….and as we all come to raise vibrations, disclose negative vibrations and sweep them out from under the rug…we have increased peace of mind, heart, and soul. Honesty, kindness, openness, balance are keys to peacefully maintaining balance and increasing vibrations all around us.
    Loved hearing Greg Braden, John Smallman , and spirit…
    Love your articles!

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Karen!

      I think more and more people are coming to realize that real world peace begins with each of us individually. So I’m very optimistic about the prospects for peace, even though we’re still seeing strife and turmoil the world over. I believe the strife and turmoil are simply the “death throes,” if you will, of darkness. The more of us who shine our light on the darkness, the sooner we will all move back into the light from which we all came.

      Thanks again, Karen, for your kindness.


  3. Martha

    So Thank you, John.
    What a lovely way to start the weekend. I love Gregg Braden.

  4. Martha

    I love entertaining that this could be true.

    I love how it gave my heart breathing room just to read this.

    I’m a BELIEVER!

    If the Kingdom of God is within me, then so is the world.

    If there is Peace in this heart, then ~ ~ ~ so goes the world !

    My answer is YES!
    Most affirmatively YES!




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