The other day I read a short article by Dr. Andy Weil titled What’s Wrong with Antidepressants?
His answer: Plenty.
John Cali
As I read the article, it reminded me of something we’d written a couple years ago about depression. The stimulus for our article was also something Dr. Weil had written on the subject.
I know many folks among my family and friends suffering from depression. Some of it only occasional, some of it chronic and severe, all of it disturbing or worse. So we decided to talk about the subject again this week.
As Dr. Weil’s recent article on antidepressants says, they simply don’t work for many people. Instead, he suggests, meditation and aerobic exercise are far more powerful cures for depression.
In our article two years ago Spirit talked about his ideas for handling depression. So we thought it appropriate and timely to resurrect that article, also titled Depression.
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