In today’s world, it’s often tempting to believe humanity has gone to hell in a big way. But there is much kindness and caring out there that never makes it into the mainstream news media.
Your world is so obsessed with the illusion of separation. And it’s making you feel more separate than you could ever be.
In face, you’re not separate at all, except in your minds. And your minds have been brainwashed into seeing what is not there. What you see with your physical eyes is mostly illusions. Illusions have become your reality. Albeit a false reality. But it seems real to so many humans today.
So what is the answer to this dilemma?
Kindness and caring are the answer.
We’re talking about kindness and caring for all God’s creatures, not just humans.
But we need to start with humans, and with one human in particular—yourself.
You will never create a kind and caring world until you can each create that world within yourselves. Then when you’ve moved your desire to be kind from yourself to all your sisters and brothers, to all life forms, you will have taken a giant step to the kind and caring world you wish to create.
Then, and only then, will you create the peace on earth you say you want. Then you will have arrived at that grand vision of a kind and caring world.
It all begins with each of you individually.
Copyright © 2022 by John Cali and Berna Copray
Edited by Berna Copray
This short video, created by the Vancouver Police Department, clearly demonstrates the basic kindness and caring of people around the world.
Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
This is so important and exactly what we all need to hear today. Thank you kindly John and Spirt!
John Cali
Thank you, Cinthia, for your kind reply.
Dr John Muciaccia
There is a good side to everyone!
John Cali
How true! Thank you, John.