The Spirit of Kindness

posted in: Blog, channeling, relationships | 14

The everyday kindness of the back roads more than makes up for the acts of greed in the headlines. ~ Charles Kuralt 1934-1997, American Journalist


Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama

Since I’m away from home this holiday weekend of Thanksgiving in the United States, we’re keeping this post shorter than usual.

In today’s topsy-turvy world, it’s easy to grow cynical about the human race. Is there any hope for us? Well, Charles Kuralt, in his words above, certainly seems to think so. I agree with him.

One of my favorite people is the current Dalai Lama. He’s legendary for his spirit of kindness, a beautiful role model for all of us.

Another favorite of mine is the late journalist, Charles Kuralt. Charles was famous for his “On the Road” shows, part of the The CBS Evening News with the legendary newsman, Walter Cronkite, and later as the anchor for CBS News Sunday Morning. Both men always impressed me as being very kind.

So what about the rest of us in the human race? Being an eternal optimist (which some folks close to me describe as a fatal flaw), I believe there is a powerful undercurrent of kindness in all people. Many of us are experts at hiding it. But it’s past time for us to let it all out, don’t you think?

Copyright © 2017 by John Cali


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This 4-minute video should boost or restore our faith in the kindness that lies deep within all of us.


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14 Responses

  1. George Ball

    In kindness, I chose love. I am calm, patient, and relaxed.

    Spirit, please guide me to improving my mental and physical health.

    Happy holidays, dear John

    Love, George

  2. George Ball

    Is my comment really awaiting “moderation”?

  3. George Ball

    Dear friend John, Your great blog says it all. I wish you all the best including a great holiday weekend away! Love, George

  4. Jackie Haverty

    Although I’ve seen this before, I never get tired of watching it with kleenex in hand! We can never give up on the Gods that we are. Thanks for the reminder: )
    Love and Blessings to you and yours every moment of every day on this amazing planet.

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Jackie! Love and many blessings to you and your loved ones during this beautiful holiday season.

  5. Karen Lee Samson

    Kindness resides in people from all over the Earth, the video showing people from,Russia,Bonzia,UK,USA,Romania,and a million other places showing compassion,kindness,care,and love in saving animals. We are All more alike than some may think. We all have the ability to be kind, respectful,helpful and caring. The many people emulating compassion and kindness in saving stranded animals was a beautiful example of the light residing in each soul. Hope you and yours had a Happy Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the time to be grateful for what we have, the time to reflect and be in full gratitude for the simple things in life,a place to sleep &reside,food to eat,clothing,health,sunsets,sunrises,nature,to extend kindness,love,appreciation,for what we experience.Even hard times make us stronger, and further appreciate what we have in the moment.
    As a Lakota child said to me “ Wopila Kaniyeyapi” Happy Thanksgiving!

      • Karen Lee Samson

        Merry Christmas! Whatever you celebrate may Joy,Peace,and Love be with you and yours!
        Merry Christmas ,Happy Holidays ⭐️, Seasons Greetings ⛄️….

        • John Cali

          Thanks very much, Karen. I’m one of those non-Christians who celebrates Christmas. 🙂 So Merry Christmas to you too.


  6. Mikala

    I believe it is easy to be compassionate, kind, thoughtful of others with no judgement, and loving to all of God’s creations, human included. First you have to recognize your true self and love yourself, be compassionate to yourself and aware of your own challenges as well as your gifts, often the same thing. Open your heart and feel the pain of others, as this video shows.
    We know how to end the pain. Simply open your heart to the love of Creator, who is waiting for us to do so.
    Happy Thanksgiving, John. So much to be grateful for this year. Blessings,

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Mikala. As you say, there is much to be grateful for this year. Happy holidays to you!

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