How Is Your Spiritual Health?

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 22

My hope for my children must be that they respond to the still, small voice of God in their own hearts. ~ Andrew Youngspiritual-health-body-mind-spirit

We’re doing something different for this post. We hope you enjoy it.

How is your spiritual health? Please take this little quiz—and perhaps it will help you gain some insight into the state of your spiritual health.

  • Do you consider yourself spiritually awake?
  • What can you do to help others wake up?
  • Do you believe you are here in this lifetime to help others on their paths?
  • Can you feel the presence of your spirit guides and angels?
  • Do you meditate? If not, why not?
  • Do you feel positive or not about the current state of our planet?
  • Do you trust that still, small voice of God within (that is, your intuition)?

In the comments below, please share your answers to as many or as few of the questions as you feel comfortable with.

If you’d prefer not to answer the questions in a public forum like this, please email me your responses. I’ll compile all the answers I receive. Then, without identifying you, I’ll create another post with all your responses.

Thank you for your participation. My spirit guides and I are deeply grateful.


Our video today is not directly related to the topic of this post, but I found it fascinating. It’s a short talk by David Hoffmeister, teacher of A Course in Miracles. David discusses the power of love to accomplish all things in our overly busy lives.

For those of you not familiar with A Course in Miracles, it is not connected to any traditional religious dogma or creed. It does use some of the same words as you find in traditional religion. But that’s where the similarity ends.


Copyright © 2017 by John Cali

Please share your thoughts with us below.

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What other subjects would you like us to talk about in these posts? Please email me.

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22 Responses

  1. Marlene Randall

    I consider myself to be spiritually awake.

    I help others to wake up spiritually by being myself, in the moment, gently speaking my truth when I feel prompted.

    I believe we are all here to progress together. In a “no one gets left behind” way, we can’t help but help others on their paths when we are walking ours.

    I often feel spiritual presence though I don’t make an effort to discern whether that presence was “guides”, “angels”, or my “higher self”. I believe that I am always accompanied and always guided, but that I am not always fully in tune and aware. When my awareness is stronger I like to make a point of acknowledging and giving thanks for the winks and nudges I feel.

    I don’t formally meditate since the attempt makes me fall asleep. I do believe I achieve a state of meditation on long daily walks and in quiet repetitive activities.

    I feel neither positive nor negative about our planet. I trust all is as it should be.

    I absolutely trust my intuition.

  2. George

    I believe I am spiritually awake. I let others give me an opening to help them when they are ready. I believe all of us have a role to play in helping each other. I listen to my angel friend every day. I meditate when it seems needed. I think the current state of our planet provides for a lot of learning. I do listen for messages and I don’t always feel the need to identify the source. I love learning from the work of my friend, John. Love to all.

  3. barbara sharpe

    My awareness which ebbs and flows determines my level of awakefulness in the moment. I am in constant contact with my spirit guides and angels thru meditation or simply trying to not think to much. As the Course in Miracles says I am only here to be truely helpful and I try to be the presence of peace to be helpful. I am divinely guided. I have no attachment to the current situation in the world as it will always change. All is well.

  4. Maggie Bullock

    I feel I am awakening.
    When communicating to others I like to speak soul to soul as much as possible, to feel our connection. I like to think this helps in the awakening process.
    Expressing love to others is the only way to go.
    My spirit guides/angels are finding fun ways to speak to me and sometimes seem to go out of their way to get my attention!
    My meditating practice varies from simply being still, enjoying something beautiful (usually a landscape), listening to music etc.
    I don’t feel afraid of the state of our planet (love the possessive ‘our’)
    Deffo trusting more intuitive thoughts and feelings.

  5. Thriving

    Do you consider yourself spiritually awake? Yes, getting there. What can you do to help others wake up? Be an example.
    Do you believe you are here in this lifetime to help others on their paths? We are all here for our own reasons, some are intertwined, and so we help each other. If I can help, and I might not know I am helping, I help. Our everyday instead reactions are with others who are on their path, and knowingly or not, I play my part in their journey when I interact with them, be that in a good way or in a moment of frustration.
    Can you feel the presence of your spirit guides and angels? Sometimes. I am getting better at this, I’m sure I have missed many more moments of presence than I have perceived.
    Do you meditate? If not, why not? Not as much as I did. Simply too many other things to do. I intend to get back on track though.
    Do you feel positive or not about the current state of our planet?
    Do you trust that still, small voice of God within (that is, your intuition)?

      • Thriving

        I see I missed the last 2 questions, the joy of working on an iPad.
        I feel neither positive or negative about it – it just is, and I deal with it if it affects me knowing that all is well regardless of my judgemental nature.
        When I notice my intuition and I follow it, things turn out well, when I miss the clues and rush on, I usually notice what I missed and pay more attention next time around.
        And I see something was changed by autocorrect as well. Ho hum, sorry John. Hope you made sense of it all.

        • John Cali

          That’s fine. I don’t have an iPad, but am familiar with how they work — it’s easy to miss things. 🙂 Thanks very much for the extra time and effort you made to answer all the questions. I appreciate it.

  6. Lucia

    I’m not wide awake, but also not in deep sleep. I’m somewhere ‘in the early morning’ where bit by bit my consciousness wakes op.
    I’m here not for others, but for me.., to develop and grow on my own path. And if in the meantime other people grow through my example, than that’s wonderful, but it’s not my responsability. I don’t believe the world is broken, it’s just learning, just as I am. I believe in the law of attraction: what we put out with our thoughts and feelings, we get back. So let us all believe in a world that’s learning and spiritually growing, than that’s what we get back. And all will be fine!

  7. Anita

    Do you consider yourself spiritually awake? Sometimes 😉
    What can you do to help others wake up? I can only be an example, so I have to stay awake.
    Do you believe you are here in this lifetime to help others on their paths? No.
    Can you feel the presence of your spirit guides and angels? Yes.
    Do you meditate? If not, why not? Yes, although meditation for me is more living fully now, I also ‘meditate’.
    Do you feel positive or not about the current state of our planet? Positive.
    Do you trust that still, small voice of God within (that is, your intuition)? Yes. 🙂


  8. Ilona

    I believe I am in the process of waking up spiritually. I can help others wake up by showing them through my words and actions that the universe is always guiding them, always has their best interests at its core. Yes I meditate for a half hour in the morning. I am working on adding another half hour at night. I feel positive about God’s plan for the planet and that we all have jobs to do while we are here. Number one, get to know and love yourself! If we can learn to avoid ahimsa, or self-harm, we will have taken the first step in healing our planet. Yes, I trust my intuition 100%. This isn’t always easy, but I am receiving guidance continually through this voice.

  9. Blessed B

    Do you consider yourself spiritually awake?….Yes, but more work to do!

    •What can you do to help others wake up?…. share the knowledge I already have.

    •Do you believe you are here in this lifetime to help others on their paths?…I believe I am here to help heal.

    Can you feel the presence of your spirit guides and angels?….not as much as I would like. 🙂

    Do you meditate? If not, why not?….again not as much as I would like!

    Do you feel positive or not about the current state of our planet?….Sometimes yes and sometimes no but I realize that it’s always darkest before dawn.

    Do you trust that still, small voice of God within (that is, your intuition)?….Yes!

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